
Chapter 1

On a bright and sunny day , a man named Robert , decided to go to his farm , leaving behind his pregnant wife and son at home.

So happy and filled with joy , he headed out. He thought to himself ,with a big smile on his face , saying "I can't believe it's harvest time already" he paused and took a look at the cloth he was wearing, they were tattered and old and it looked like they may fall apart very soon.Then he said to himself, holding the seams of his shirt "it's about time I changed out of these rags" .

Just a few miles away from his farm ,he noticed a thick cloud of smoke that rose high into the sky, apparently the place that was on fire seemed to have been burning for quite a while.

He manages to trace the smoke, and he notices that it was coming from his farm. Without taking a second to think, the basket and the cutlass he was holding, all went flying in the air. He ran as fast as he could to his farm and on getting there what he looked around. And just what he thought, his farm was covered in flames. Literally everything had gotten burnt

With a mere thought that "just one man cannot put out the fire", he fell to the ground, he began shivering before he knew it he was covered in hot sweat .His life,flashed right before his eyes.

Robert couldn't believe his eyes. For about half an hour,he sat there, watching his month-worth of hard work, burn before his very eyes.

As he was at the verge of going crazy, he thought "there was only one person capable of commiting such evil act .
