
When I Was A Kid 1

When I Was 7, I was always excited whenever my parent's weren't home, I got to use my parent's room anytime I wanted. I always pretend that their room was a hotel room and I was a business woman on a trip to London. I would always use my mother's makeup but back then the only thing I knew about makeup was lipstick.

When I was a kid I used to pretend I was spider-man and I would try to climb up on walls and believe that I would be a hero one day.

When I was a kid I used to search up on youtube "how to have superpowers" funny thing was. I was obsessed with having fire powers, I found a youtube video saying I have to stand under the sun a lot. But where I live everyday it is scorching hot. (Even right now when I am writing this. I have a fan close up to my face in my living room). So at school the next day I told my friend's that I had the ability to control fire.

No one believed me

I am to lazy to edit this and use englishy words. So this all are from my brain itself

ilalalaaa23creators' thoughts