
When Finding "Me" Turns into Finding "You"

Aoi, a male college student who is struggling to find his own identity after succumbing to the pressure of people's expectations, was rejected by his long term crush that broke his heart. But little did he know that after this rejection, things would stir up in his life even more as he met the wonderful and mysterious girl named Yukino.

Ritsuuu · 現実
75 Chs

Chapter 52: Interpretation

We continued to stroll around the place for a good amount of time. It wasn't crowded at all which surprised me. I honestly thought that people would go here around this time of the year where flowers would bloom the most. It's either people will visit around autumn or we're just here too early. Most likely the latter. 

"Should we go then Yukino?"

"Yeah, I've had my fair share of fun here hehe. On to the next one!" Said Yukino cheerfully. 

Our next destination would be Minoh park in the north part of Osaka. Traveling from here to there would be quick considering the distance. But then again, it depends on the traffic. It was around 11:30 AM when we left Ikoma Plateau so I hope that we can reach Osaka right in time for us to get lunch. 

I noticed how Yukino would sleep every time we're on our way to the next destination. I would also notice how she would catch her breath a bit heavily after long distance walks. Her condition becomes really evident nowadays which worries me from time to time. 

After an hour of driving, we reached Osaka. It's currently 12:37 PM so I guess we made it right in time for lunch hour. 

"Yukino, we're here." 

"Is lunch ready?" Said Yukino, still half asleep. 

"We just got here. Is this diner good enough for you?" 

Right beside us was an American diner. Yukino scratched her eyes then looked out the window. 

"This'll do. I'm actually craving for some burger and fries hehe. I'll be sure to eat lots today." 

"Just be careful to not have a stomach ache later. That'll be a problem." 

We parked and entered the diner. I opened the glass doors and one of the waiters guided us to an available seat on the far end corner of the diner by the huge glass window that would overlook the streets outside. 

"Here's the menu, please call for me when you're ready to order." Said the waiter cheerfully smiling. I guess he does love his work considering how passionate he is. A plausible attitude indeed. 

Yukino canvassed through the menu for a couple of minutes before calling the waiter back. 

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, I'll have one cheeseburger, one chicken burger, and medium fries. What about you Aoi?" 

I was surprised by how much she ordered, which made me wonder if she could finish those. 

"Oh yes, I'll have a cheeseburger and small fries." 

"Would that be all?" 


"I'll be serving the food after 5-10 minutes." 

The waiter then went back to the kitchen and placed our orders. To be completely honest, I like this guy. He already made my day just by talking to us politely with a genuine smile the whole time. If my observations are correct, he's probably in college. If that's the case, I respect him for having a part time job despite the busy college tasks and still have this much smile and energy around him.

"Will you be able to finish what you ordered?" Asked I.

"I hope so? Anyway, if I don't finish it. You can have it." 

"Oi. Don't make my stomach upset. I'll be the one driving you know?" 

"Then I'll try finishing everything." 

"Don't force yourself. We can ask the waiter to put it in a bag anyway." 

The orders arrived and to my surprise, they actually served a good amount of food considering how affordable the price is. Looking at how huge the portions are, I doubt that Yukino will be able to finish what she ordered. 

She started dissecting the burgers as if to look for what ingredients are in it before slicing them in half.

"Are there any foods that you aren't allowed to eat?" 

"Not really. At this point knowing that I'll be dying soon, I might as well eat anything that I want. Everything would be fine as long as I enjoy them." Said Yukino with a smile mixed with a bit of sadness in her eyes. 

"Then why are you dissecting them?" 

"Just so I could recreate them sometime?" 

"Fair enough. Just be sure to not give me the other half of those later." 

"Hehe I've been caught." 

We started eating and the huge portions of the food made me full. I still have a pack of fries left but I decided to just save it for later. Yukino, on the other hand, still has half of the cheeseburger, half of the chicken burger, and half of the medium fries. She's been glancing at me from time to time while forcing herself to eat. 

"Don't force it. If you can't finish it. Just save it for later." 

"Okay fine. I thought you'd be mad about it Aoi." 

"I won't. Just don't throw it away later." 

We called the waiter to have our leftover food packed up before leaving.

"We'll be going to Minoh Park right?" Asked Yukino with her sparkling eyes as if she's really excited about it.

"Yes. I guess you really like nature huh? Looking at how excited you are right now." 

"Yeah. It's just that I always wanted to visit that place ever since I was a kid. I never had the time to, so I'm really excited."

We arrived at Minoh park and walked through the path leading to the well renowned Minoh Falls. Along the way, we were surrounded by greenery which Yukino filmed. From time to time we would stop to take pictures together around the place. 

A few minutes later, we reached the 33 meter high Minoh falls which was really magnificent during this time of the year. The vivid green maple leaves around the falls were really beautiful. Yukino stood by the railings and asked me to take a picture of her. What a sight indeed. 

"Come here Aoi! This place really is beautiful! Can you add this to the features of heaven?"

"I'm not god you know? But I guess all of these beautiful sights will be there. It's up to your imagination after all." 

"Then I'll add this place hehe." 

I made my way to Yukino as we stood there looking at the falls. The flow of the water from up above to down below seemed calm which may contradict science. After all, how can water be calm when it's falling from such heights? But I'm saying this out of emotion and how it made me feel during that moment. I closed my eyes and just focused on hearing the birds chirping, the sound of the leaves being blown by the wind, and the sound of the water. Was it the water that made me relax? The leaves? The birds chirping ? Or was it because I am here standing beside Yukino? Either way, I'll describe it as calm and relaxing.