
4: I Got Charmed

Ethan finally drove into a small compound after what seemed like forever. A moderately sized bungalow was situated at the edge of the plot, with the rest of the small compound occupied by trees. The abode seemed deserted and had trees of different sizes dancing vigorously at the command of the wind. I thought he had kidnapped me at some point in the journey. I dozed off a couple of times, then reminded myself how much I needed to know where he was taking me to each time I woke up.

 As we got down from the car, my feet wobbled from exhaustion. It took some time before I could get my balance. That had been the longest forty-eight hours of my life and my head throbbed with a persistent headache

 "We'll stay here until the day after tomorrow. I brought you here because I wouldn't want the pack to misunderstand things," he said, his voice so calm but distant. It was as if he was being forced to speak, and it was obvious he wasn't feeling butterflies with me.

 "Alright, that's fine by me." I replied, Of course, that was the best I could say. I realized I needed to gain back my strength before I could plan my escape.

 We walked into the apartment and it was uninteresting, just like the outside, if not even more. I saw a black sofa backing a wall, a round center table and a stool beside it. They were all plastered with grains of dust. My gaze had fallen on the Mona Lisa painting on the wall, which caught my attention.

 "That's a beautiful painting," I said, as I treaded carefully, but he said nothing. 

 He ushered me into one of the rooms. He quickly rolled up the sleeves of his Tom Ford and began to clean the coffee brown sofa placed in the room. He pulled out a new roll of bedspread, a pillowcase and a duvet from the wardrobe and dressed the bed as I watched in awe. I had gotten lost in lust for the second time, just staring at him, and I wished I could push him into the beautiful patterns of the bedspread and make love to him.

 "Make yourself comfortable". His voice jammed into my ears, bringing me back to reality. 

"The tap in the bathroom works" he continued, "I'll make dinner right away" he said and left the room almost immediately.

 I let out a heavy sneeze that had been building up since I walked into the apartment. I have always been sensitive to dust, and it could make me feel hazy. I sneezed again, and again, and it became frequent the more I stayed in the room. I knew there was no way I could sleep there. The dust wasn't much, but was a lot disturbing for someone like me. It seemed he cleaned the rooms, or maybe someone cleaned them and left the living room.

 Ethan rushed into the room on hearing the sounds of my sneezing and, for the first time, I felt some emotions ooze from him. He got a napkin from his back pocket and handed it to me, then proceeded to pat my back while I sneezed.

 The heartwarming caresses from such masculine hands made my heart flip yet again. 

The beautiful cologne emanating from him smelled like heaven, something you'd wish to inhale the whole day. Everything about him seemed perfect. He was the kind of man ladies would kill for and, of course, I extended my rosy moments by faking some sneeze. He reached for my hands, signaling I followed him.

 "You'll have to sleep in my room, it's less dusty than here." He said, this time sounding like a caring husband and a brother at the same time. The warmth of his palm against mine was heartwarming, something that can keep me awake all night.

 As he led me into his room, I couldn't help but play erotic scenes in my head. I wished I could pull down his pants and give myself the best strokes of my life. The thought of him being a werewolf wouldn't dare get in the way, as he was the hottest thing I had set my eyes on.

 He led me into a room, and for the first time, I walked in and for the first time since I walked into this house, I was fascinated by the sight before me. At the center lay a king sized bed and a stool by the side. It was almost empty, just like the rest of the house, but one could tell that efforts were made by the interior designer, as the evidence was littered everywhere. Mona Lisa's painting hung on the wall that faced the entrance and, just like always, was a beautiful sight to behold.

I wondered what his main apartment would be like, if it would be a display of her portrait, or if there were some sort of connections he derived from his paintings. I was still mute and lost in lust. Nothing else made sense aside from the work of art before me, Ethan.

"You can stay here while I sleep over in the other room," he said, leaving almost immediately.

My gaze moved steadily with him, watching him walk beyond my sight.

The urge to drag him back and kiss the daylight out of his lips was hard to contend with, and I knew it was a matter of time before I gave in.

I flipped myself to the bed, not realizing the sheepish smile on my face. I gained some sort of self control after what seemed like ten minutes and decided to take a shower. I hadn't bathed for almost forty-eight hours, and the makeup on my face had turned into shades of unpleasant colors.

I walked into the bathroom and began to exfoliate my face. Then suddenly, the lights went off.

I stood still, as I didn't understand what was happening. Darkness, another thing I considered to be very terrifying.

"I'm so sorry Adira, I'm trying to fix it" Ethan's voice echoed in the deserted apartment, sending shivers to my spine. I hadn't expected his voice. Thoughts of him turning into a werewolf to devour me were beginning to crowd my thinking, and it sent bumps all over my skin. After what seemed like five minutes, I decided to go search for a light by myself.

I stormed out of the bathroom with my naked body and reached for the towel, only for my hands to be interrupted by a man's hard chest.

Ethan had come to pick the lamp in his room. His hands and his chest brushed through me and the only thing in between us was a white towel I quickly wrapped my slim body with .

His presence created an aura which left me gasping for his touch.

"I'm so sorry, I came to pick this lamp" He said, almost immediately.

"I think the fuse melted or something. I couldn't fix it myself," he continued, as I swallowed my saliva and was lost in gaze.

"Are you ok, Adira?", "yes I am… I'm perfectly fine", I gulped nervously. I couldn't explain what was happening to me, or why it was happening. Something was definitely so strong about Ethan. It was as if my heart had been waiting for him my whole life.

"Ok, how about you take the lamp and complete your bathe, the electrician is on his way," he said again, his charming gaze had been taken away from me all these while 

He took his eyes completely off of me. Maybe, he wanted to be a perfect gentleman, or he didn't like me, I thought, or maybe he wasn't feeling what I was feeling.

"Umm... yeah, I should get back to the bathroom," I replied. On getting to the door, the water that followed my legs flipped me, and I fell helplessly into his arms.