
When Faith Kills

In a world where strength and power often define conquest, it's the captivating allure of a woman that truly conquers a man's heart

Abdullah_Adil_5331 · 現実
10 Chs

Chapter 7: A Blind Step

Mr. Faiz looked in disbelief at the two siblings who were ready to do anything for the sake of Laila. The kitchen door of their house opened into the back street which was often used by the maid. Daniyal immediately got up and went to his room. In the morning White Corolla, who was in pursuit of him, had missed two bullets from Daniyal's pistol. He reloaded his gun and headed toward the small door of the kitchen. He opened the door and was in a dark alley

He had gone out without being noticed by the person in charge. Now the second step was to go to the house in front of him. He was at a considerable distance and then turned around and went to the back street of the houses in front of his house in the front row

This house was taken by Mr. Faiz in a society built under a famous housing scheme where all the houses were of the same area and design and their external structure was almost the same.

Now Daniyal turned around and was at the back door of the desired house. Daniyal lit the flashlight in his mobile and held it in his mouth. He brought a thin wire from the house. And tentatively turned it left and right, jerked the lock, but nothing happened.

Daniel then took out the wire and twisted it a little and tried again by putting it in the lock. This time the lock opened with a slight click. Daniyal thanked God for his success and went home with his feet. I entered it was also the kitchen of this house, he quietly came out of the kitchen into the living room. This room looked like a sitting room or a TV lounge. All the furniture was covered with a white cloth to protect it from dust.

Daniyal walked silently up the stairs towards the rooms at the top of the building, while climbing the stairs he was trying to guess in his heart which room would be the one that showed the view of the main gate of his house. He was lost in thought that he heard the sound of the door opening slightly from somewhere and then the sound of water falling from the tap. The person on the surveillance probably went to the washroom adjacent to the room. Now it was easy to guess the room. He put his ear to the door and tried to hear that a slight sound of a mobile bell came from one of the rooms. Daniyal turned around and put his ear to it. There was a voice of someone speaking from inside, but he could not understand the words. Daniyal opened the door. By applying slight pressure on the handle, it opened silently

Daniyal thanked God, maybe nature was willing to help him, "Yes, sir, as soon as I see any unusual movement, I will definitely call you. Right now, there is complete silence in the house," Daniyal watched the inside. He was probably reporting to his boss and was completely unaware of the danger that lay two steps away.

Daniel took out his Bretta pistol in his hand and suddenly opened the door and entered. Before the guard could understand the situation, Daniel rolled up and grabbed him by the neck and the pistol was on his shoulder. Placed and signaled to remain silent, the person on surveillance got scared. He might have started a fight and was not a person to control such situations. Drops of sweat appeared on his forehead

"Sit down and tell Aram whatever I ask, otherwise this bullet will go through your brain and come out the other way," Daniyal said with a snort.

"Ask me, what do you want to ask me? I will tell you the truth," said the guard

Please don't kill me. I saw an empty house and entered the house with the intention of stealing. Forgive me. I won't do it again." Wally had overheard the conversation so he couldn't believe any of her lies

Daniyal grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face again and again. Aggressiveness of the person Daniyal 

could not stand in front of him and fell down and grabbed his feet, "Don't kill me, for God's sake, leave it alone." Daniyal again grabbed him by the collar and sat him on the chair and asked, "Now tell me who sent you here and why?"

The man could not lie to him and said, "I don't know much, I was just ordered to monitor the house in front of here, and was told to keep a close eye on whoever is leaving here and report on the phone."

Daniyal hit him on the head with a heavy pistol, this time the injury was more severe, the man could not bear it and fainted. This is what Daniyal wanted.

Daniyal took out his cell phone from his pocket and called Mr. Faiz and asked him to open the main gate

Mr. Faiz, who had been walking restlessly in the house since Daniyal's departure, immediately rushed towards the main gate after Daniyal's call, and then Daniyal appeared from the front house with the watchman on his shoulder. Had taken the main gate route to make excuses.

As soon as Daniyal entered his house carrying this person on his shoulder, Mr. Faiz quickly closed the gate. He saw that Daniyal was taking water from the jug and pouring it on the unconscious person's face. Mr. Faiz asked, "Who brought it?"

"Dad, this person was monitoring us but he says he doesn't know anything, he gets all the orders over the phone," said Daniyal.

Then this can be of any use to us" said Mr. Faiz with a frown.

Daniyal looked at him and smiled mysteriously and took his hand and took him to another room. Mr. Faiz was surprised to see a new Daniyal standing in front of him. Looking at him, Daniyal said, "Dead Up has worked in the police department for a while."

"Yes, that is correct," said Mr. Faiz

So do you know someone who can help us personally and that person is skilled in IT i.e. Artificial Intelligence" Daniyal asked Mr. Faiz.

After thinking about Mr. Faiz, he said, "Not in the police department, but there was a boy who worked in my circus. He was uneducated himself, but he wanted to educate his younger brother. I not only educated his brother but also his younger brother." I paid all the expenses but also bought him a laptop and mobile etc. Some time ago the boy came to my house with his younger brother to thank me.

His brother had a master's degree in artificial intelligence and not only had a good job in a multinational company but also worked for private companies. If he can do something, he will be lucky."

Mr. Faiz explained the details and said

"Do you have the cellular numbers of these two brothers safe?" asked Daniyal

"Yes, I have them safe," replied Mr. Faiz in a firm tone.

"Then the day has come to fulfill their loyalty, call this employee of yours now" said Daniyal.

"At this hour of the night?" Mr. Faiz asked questioningly

"Dad, we don't have time, we have to do it now, and I don't want to get the police involved," Daniyal said.

Hearing this, Mr. Faiz quickly dialed Miki's number from his cell phone.

"Try again" Daniyal said looking carefully at Mr. Faiz, he must be sleeping at that time

Mr. Faiz dialed the number again, this time after a few hours a sleepy voice was heard, "Hello."

Hearing the voice of hello, Mr. Faiz quickly said, "Wicky son, I am speaking Faiz."

"Yes sir" after hearing the voice of Mr. Faiz, Vicky immediately became active while earlier the voice of Hello was full of sleep, "You called at such a late night, everything is fine" Vicky asked anxiously.

"Yes, son, I have a task for you. I hope you will not refuse me," said Mr. Faiz.

"Your order sir, John is also present for you," Vicky replied immediately

Now Daniyal took the phone from Mr. Faiz and said, "Look Vicky, we don't have much time, I am speaking Daniyal, now I will call you from a number, you will forward this number to your IT expert brother, to me from this number. The exact location of the other party to the call is required

"Will your brother do it?" Daniyal asked

Yes, Daniyal brother, send your number. I will ask my brother and tell you now

Daniyal gave a missed call to Vicky's number from the supervisor's phone, thus the supervisor's cell number went to Vicky, now Daniyal was waiting for Vicky's response.

Daniyal didn't have to wait long, after some time Vicky called Mr. Faiz's number, this time Daniyal answered the call.

"Yes, brother, what do you say about this matter?" Daniyal asked Vicky

The work will be done, Daniyal . After a while, I will send a message to Mr. Faiz's number. After receiving my message, wherever you call from this number, my brother will tell you its exact location," Vicky said. Realizing the delicacy, he did not think it necessary to go into too much detail and quickly completed the work

Daniyal also wanted to finish all this work before morning, so he immediately went to the man in charge. He had regained consciousness.

"Leave me alone, I don't know anything," the watcher started repeating the same thing as he saw Daniyal's figure.

Daniyal asked the man without paying attention to him, when I came to your room from where you were monitoring, you were talking to someone on a phone, will you call this number again now, Daniyal. said to him

"What will I talk about?" the man asked Daniyal

I don't know what you will talk to them but the talk should be long and remember if you try to give any hint while you are talking I am sitting right in front of you and you are at my gun point and you are at my hands. You will not be spared" Dani said brutally

"I won't do anything like that. If I fulfill this demand of yours, you will let me go," the man asked Daniyal to guarantee his survival.

"Leave it, I will give it to you either way. I don't want the bloodshed . If you act against my will, I will beat you and throw you out into the street. But if you go back from here, then you will get release in both cases, but its nature will be different" Daniyal tried to explain him well again so that he would not make any mistake.

In the meantime, Mr. Faiz gave an OK report in Daniyal's ear, so Daniyal handed the man's mobile phone in his hand and took out his pistol and put it on his shoulder. A bullet from my pistol will make a hole in your head, now match the number" Daniyal said to the person standing on surveillance again, "I will not do anything like that, believe me" after saying this, the person on surveillance dialed the specific number and the calls would be received. He said, "Boss-up promised me that my shift will be changed at night after all-day surveillance and you will send another person, but no one has arrived to take my place, now what should I do?" After listening to what the man said, "Boss, maybe those people are already asleep. If you allow me, I can calm down for a while." Send it or I will leave this place" he said and hung up the phone

Hearing all this, Daniyal shouted angrily that all this was nonsense, you were talking about him on the duty of another servant, why didn't you tell me this earlier.

The man said, "I knew that the person who was supposed to perform the duties of supervision in my place could not come at night, that's why I did not tell you this and before I was sent for supervision, it was discussed that the night shift It will change because continuous monitoring is not enough for one person, now the boss has assured me that by nine in the morning, another person will take over the charge of monitoring from me.

Daniyal listened to her whole story calmly and then showed her a pistol and signaled her to get up. The man dropped the handle of his pistol and fell to the floor. Daniyal locked the door of the store saying, "Sorry friend, I couldn't risk freeing you right now. It was necessary for my safety."

After finishing this work, as soon as Daniyal returned to the room, he saw Mr. Faiz fully ready to walk. The bulge near Mr. Faiz's waist indicated the pistol in his jacket. Mr. Faiz said

"Done, Daniyal Wiki has sanded the location

"Very good" said Daniyal happily, now you pray that this is the place we want, I am going to take a blind step, may God take this step in the right direction.