
When Dreams Unfold

Ava, a talented fashion designer, catches the eye of Dominic, a powerful and ruthless businessman. He offers her a lucrative deal to design a new fashion line for his company, and Ava accepts, hoping to boost her career. As they work together, Ava falls deeply in love with Dominic, but he's only using her for her talent and doesn't reciprocate her feelings. Despite this, Ava becomes more and more entrenched in his life, ignoring her friends' warnings about his questionable business practices. However, when Ava discovers the truth about Dominic's ruthless dealings, she tries to distance herself from him. In a fit of rage, Dominic kidnaps her, holds her captive, and forces her to continue designing for him. He also sleeps with her, making her feel trapped and helpless. Ava is terrified of Dominic, but she also feels a twisted sense of loyalty to him. She's trapped in a cycle of abuse, and she doesn't know how to escape. Ava, trapped in Dominic's captivity, is shocked when he reveals his true feelings: he's deeply in love with her and doesn't want her to leave. But Ava's feelings have turned to hatred and disgust, and she's determined to escape. However, Dominic's grip on her is too strong, and she's forced to continue living with him, pretending to be his willing partner. She's trapped in a gilded cage, with no way to reach out for help. Maddy and Vic are worried about Ava's disappearance, but they have no idea where she is or what's happening to her. Ava's too afraid to reach out, knowing that Dominic will stop at nothing to keep her silent. As time passes, Ava becomes a shadow of her former self, living in fear of Dominic's wrath. She's forced to design fashion lines for him, attend public events by his side, and play the role of his loving partner. But inside, she's dying, her spirit crushed by the weight of her captivity. She knows she must find a way to escape, but the fear of what Dominic might do to her if she tries keeps her trapped. who will save her ?

Monalisa_Felicia_4228 · 都市
15 Chs

Talking About Rachel Laurent

When Dreams Unfold 

Episode 4: Talking About Rachel Laurent

Sophia continued, "I can't believe it! Rachel Laurent is a true icon in the fashion industry. She's dressed A-list celebrities for the Oscars, Grammys, and Met Gala. Her designs are always stunning and pushing the boundaries of fashion. And her label, Laurent Couture, is one of the most sought-after brands in the world!"

Maddy added, "And didn't she just launch a new sustainable fashion line, 'EcoChic'? I heard it's been getting rave reviews!"

Victoria nodded, "Yes, Rachel is a true pioneer in the industry. She's not only talented but also committed to making a positive impact on the environment. Her dedication to sustainability is inspiring."

Ava listened in awe, feeling even more intimidated but also motivated by the opportunity to meet such a legend in the fashion world. "Wow, I had no idea...I'm even more nervous now, but also more determined to make a good impression!"

Tessa, another friend, chimed in, teasing Ava, "Oh, Ava, you're from small-town nowhere, how are you even going to recognize Rachel Laurent, let alone impress her? I mean, you're used to cow pastures and tractor shows, not high-end fashion!"

Ava playfully rolled her eyes, "Hey, watch it, Tessa! Just because I'm from a small town doesn't mean I don't know my fashion. And I've done my research on Rachel Laurent, I'm not going in blind!"

Tessa chuckled, "Okay, okay, I'm just messing with you. But seriously, Ava, you're going to need to bring your A-game if you want to impress Rachel. She's not just a fashion icon, she's a force to be reckoned with."

Sophia jumped in, defending Ava, "Hey, don't be too hard on her, Tessa. Ava's got talent and passion, and that's what matters. Rachel Laurent will see that, I'm sure of it!"

Tessa replied, "I know, Sophia, but I've heard Rachel Laurent is not only perfectionistic but also notoriously tough on newcomers. She doesn't suffer fools gladly and can be pretty brutal with her criticism. Ava, you're going to need to have thick skin and be prepared for a grilling if you want to impress her."

Ava's expression turned serious, "I've heard that too, Tessa. But I'm willing to take the risk. I know I have talent and a unique perspective to offer. And even if Rachel is tough, I'll learn from the experience and use it to grow as a designer."

Maddy added, "That's the right attitude, Ava! And we'll be here to support you, no matter what happens."

Ava smiled gratefully at Maddy, feeling thankful for her friend's unwavering support. "Thanks, Maddy. You're always there to boost my confidence. I don't know what I'd do without you!"

Maddy smiled back, "Anytime, Ava! That's what friends are for. Now, let's get back to preparing you for that meeting with Rachel Laurent. We have a lot of work to do to make sure you're ready for the big leagues!"

Tyler, one of the guys in the group, chimed in, "Hey, hey, let's not forget why we're here. Are we talking business or clubbing? I thought we were discussing Ava's fashion line and her meeting with Rachel Laurent, not getting stuck in a rabbit hole of fashion gossip."

The group laughed, and Ava smiled, "Thanks for keeping us on track, Tyler. Yeah, let's focus on the business side of things. I need all the advice and support I can get before meeting with Rachel."

Tyler nodded, "Alright, so let's get down to brass tacks. Ava, what's your pitch going to be? How are you going to convince Rachel to take a chance on your designs?"

Ava replied, "Well, Tyler, I've been thinking a lot about that. I want to highlight the unique blend of small-town charm and big-city flair in my designs. I'll show Rachel how my creations can appeal to a wide range of customers, from everyday people to high-end fashionistas. I'll also emphasize my commitment to sustainability and ethical practices in the fashion industry."

Tyler nodded, "That's a great start, Ava. You need to show Rachel that you're not just a talented designer, but also a smart businesswoman. What makes your brand unique, and how do you plan to scale it?"

Ava thought for a moment before responding, "My brand is unique because it combines traditional craftsmanship with modern style and a personal touch. I plan to scale by partnering with local suppliers, investing in online marketing, and building a strong social media presence. I'll also focus on building relationships with customers and creating a community around my brand."

Maddy exclaimed, "That's great, Ava! You've got a clear vision and a solid plan. Rachel Laurent will be impressed by your passion and professionalism. You're going to nail this meeting, I can feel it!"

The group chimed in with words of encouragement, and Ava smiled, feeling a boost of confidence. Tyler added, "Yeah, and don't forget to mention your social media following and any notable press coverage you've received. That'll show Rachel you've got a strong online presence and people are already taking notice of your brand."

Ava nodded, taking mental notes. "Got it, thanks, Tyler! I'll make sure to highlight all my strengths and show Rachel that I'm a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world!"

As the night wore on, the group continued to chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company. But as the clock struck midnight, they realized it was getting late.

Maddy yawned, "Wow, I can't believe how fast the time flew by! I'm exhausted, guys. I think it's time for us to call it a night."

The others nodded in agreement, and Ava added, "Yeah, I have an early day tomorrow too. I need to get some rest before my meeting with Rachel Laurent."

Tyler stood up, stretching his arms, "Alright, let's get this party wrapped up! Who's ready to head home?"

The group began to say their goodbyes, hugging each other and making plans to meet up again soon. As they filed out of the club, the cool night air hit them, and they shivered, laughing and joking as they made their way to their respective rides.