
When Doomsday, I was hoarding supplies

The end of the world has arrived, but Xiao Ran was killed by his wife and family to share his food. Before his death, he only found out that his son was not his own, he was just a poor receiver. However, he was reborn three months before the end of the world and possessed a huge alien space! At the beginning, she divorced her malicious wife, won a big prize in the lottery, entered the stock market, made billions, built a safe house, and accumulated a large amount of materials. In this life, he will fiercely retaliate against his ex-wife's family, and no longer be lowly licking the dog!

Daoist6R9BEd · ホラー
1 Chs

第1章 重生末日前

萧然突然从床上坐了起来,大口大口地喘着粗气,冷汗顺着额头滚落他有一个非常真实的梦在我的梦中,世界各地都下起了连续的冰雹.冰雹像乒乓球一样大,普通的玻璃很容易突破.汽车斜坡玻璃也不例外,雾气浓密,几乎没有人能出门,温度也下降了.虽然没有冷到把人冻成冰雕的程度,但它也下降到零下十摄氏度左右那是六月!到了第四天,电力系统崩溃了,很多人一夜之间冻死了.更糟糕的是,冰雹也是剧毒的!任何被冰雹融化的液体都会接触,导致植物枯萎,水源被污染.少量饮酒会引起呕吐和腹泻,引起难以忍受的疼痛.大量饮酒会导致立即死亡.每个人都被困住了,坐在空旷的土地上,当食物和干净的水用完时,最可怕的事情发生了.人们互相吃掉!但萧然万万不会想到,自己会遭到妻子家人的袭击,被活活肢解!不,这不是梦.萧然把头抱在怀里.15天的启示录经历太真实了,真实到他能记住每一分钟每一秒的细节,尤其是当他最终被肢解的时候.那种撕心裂肺的痛苦绝对是真实的."只有一种可能.""我...我重生了!现在是"他找到了手机,上面写着3月1日.世界末日是什么时候发生的?6月1日!他记得很清楚,因为那天他打算带儿子去游乐园,但刚走,冰雹就开始下,他被一个冰雹击中,让他怀疑自己的生命.也就是说,距离世界末日灾难还有整整三个月的时间.我要赚钱,收集足够我一辈子的食物和物资,将来建一个安全的房子,可以抵挡冰雹,挡住那些想强行夺取的人.如何赚钱?容易!因为萧然是一个重生的人,对未来三个月的股市走势有着精准的掌控.-他的爱好是分析市场趋势并关注股票.校长从哪里来?抽奖.他清楚地记得下一次抽奖的头奖号码——他买了2块钱玩,中了5个号码,所以他的印象很深.奖池已经达到25亿,他买100手就能拿到最高奖金.有了资本,大部分好股票的方向也一清二楚,赚钱不容易?但第一件事是...离婚"萧然的目光沉重.在他前世,不仅被妻子和家人瓜分,妻子在他死前还透露了一个大秘密.我的儿子不是他自己的!他从不平静地死去."婊子!"萧然用力攥紧拳头,眼中满是疯狂.他要报仇!他要报仇!我不会让你的家人轻易死去的"萧然是个孤儿,靠自己的努力考上了大学,甚至进了一家好公司.当时,他被介绍给妻子郑娟,一个相貌甜美的护士.他的父母刚刚退休,有退休金,但并不多.他还有一个弟弟,当时还在上大学.After talking for a while, their relationship quickly heated up. Under Zheng Juan's soft words, Xiao Ran agreed to marry and became the son-in-law of the Zheng family.Orphans, they don't place too much emphasis on passing on the family line, what they crave more is family warmth.After getting married, although his wife's attitude suddenly became indifferent, and his mother-in-law and brother-in-law treated him even more harshly, because his wife became pregnant soon, he immersed himself in the happiness of having his own children and selectively ignored this.After his son was born, he worked tirelessly, changing his diaper and preparing milk powder in the middle of the night, all by himself.In the Zheng family, he appears to be a son-in-law but is actually a servant.What's even more ridiculous?His salary has to be paid in full, with only a meager 200 yuan in pocket money per month, and what about the kid Zheng Gang?During his studies, he spent a lot of money, and after graduation, he had high ambitions but low abilities. He found several jobs but didn't last long. However, he often went to restaurants with his girlfriend. Now Xiao Ran knows whose money Zheng Gang is using,.hisWhat angered Xiao Ran the most was that his son, who had been raised for three years and devoted all his efforts, was not actually his ownHe's just a pitiful and ridiculous receiver!

Don't even touch a penny of the wealth I accumulate in the future! You can only look at the materials I hoard, I won't even give you a crumb!

"And I will kill you in the cruelest way possible!"Xiao Ran got up from the bed and was about to put on his shoes, but suddenly froze.He found that his thoughts were connected to a vast and boundless space."Is this... a different space?"Xiao Ran's mind moved and he suddenly disappeared holding his phone, but through his thinking, he could see clearly that the phone was in a different space.Then, with a second thought, the phone reappeared in his hand.Xiao Ran's mouth couldn't help but widen.Not only have I been reborn from the dead, but I have also acquired abilities!"How many supplies can I stockpile now?"Xiao Ran couldn't help but be extremely excited. This can solve an important problem of a safe house: there is no need to allocate a large area specifically for the warehouse, and the ingredients need to be kept fresh. Therefore, the temperature and humidity of the warehouse must be strictly controlled. How much can this reduce the difficulty of design and construction?The emergence of supernatural powers further proves that it was not a dream.Xiao Ran's expression was resolute.He tidied up, picked up what he needed, walked to the door, and suddenly opened it. "What time is it? Do you still know how to wake up?" Old father-in-law Zheng Youjun almost smashed the teacup in his hand and said fiercely, "Why don't you go wash the dishes and cook?" Xiao Ran "thought about it. This morning, he felt a headache and called the company to ask for leave. He also told Zheng Mei, but as soon as he walked out, he was treated like this by Zheng Youjun. It made Xiao Ran feel like he was going back to death. Zheng Youjun held a kitchen knife and dismembered himself one by one. He looked at Zheng Youjun with a fierce aura, wishing he could kill this old beast immediately.However, one cannot be impulsive.

Killing now requires paying for one's life, and it would be too cheap to kill an old beast with just one blow.

Being stared at by Xiao Ran, Zheng Youjun couldn't help but weaken his aura. He felt that his gaze was too terrifying, as if he would lift a knife and kill himself in the next moment. He immediately became angry and embarrassed, slamming the table with a thud. "The other way around, you little beast have become too bold to stare at me!" Xiao Ran walked over and slapped the old man in the face.This palm was full of his anger, causing the old man to lie directly on the table. Coincidentally, his mother-in-law Lin Meiying walked out holding her grandson, and when she saw this, she screamed and scared the child, crying loudly.Originally, Xiao Ran loved his son the most, but now when he sees it, he only feels angry and disgusted.Indeed, his son doesn't look like him, but he never doubted it. He thought his wife had strong genes, and his son followed her. As a result, he actually wore a green hat.Funny and sad!Honest people are angered, it can be very dangerous.Xiao Ran walked over, cut off a strand of the child's hair with scissors, gave a cold smile, and threw the door out.Just ten minutes later, the phone rang.Xiao Ran answered, and Zheng Juan's roar immediately came from the microphone: "Xiao Ran, are you crazy? How dare you hit my dad?"?

"Divorce." Xiao Ran ignored her and just coldly uttered two words.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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