

After school ended,I decided to go to work,the place I usually work is a restaurant not far away from school, when I got there, the place was filled up as usual,I immediately went to assist my co-workers in washing some plates and kitchen utensils,due to the fact that there were a lot of people in the restaurant ordering different types of food than usual, the work also doubled and we had to continue washing without resting.

Around ten in the evening,the restaurant closed for the day, I packed my things and started heading home,on my way home, while passing street after street,I saw a stranger and a cute little dog walking towards me,at first following my instinct I wanted to run but when I noticed that it was just an elderly looking man carrying a little dog in his arms was the one walking towards me I decided to move forward but didn't let my guard down, while moving forward, suddenly the elderly looking man stopped in front of me and motioned me to follow him but being a person who do not trust strangers,I fasten up my steps to leave there quickly,I noticed that the man just stood there looking at me till I disappeared from his view.while I was moving I was wondering why the man would motion me to follow him, while thinking I sighed,well a lot has happened today, first of all, feeling as if something was about to get out of me and secondly,my eye colour changing,they were just too much for a day.

When I got home,the scent of grilled pork meat greeted me,I dropped the bag I was carrying and headed straight to the kitchen, seeing that I was already drooling over the meat, my granny told me to go and freshen up before eating,with a pout,I went inside my room to freshen up. When I came out of the bathroom,I quickly put on my clothes, suddenly I just felt like looking through the window,to my surprise I saw a shadow staring at me,I immediately averted my eyes from the shadow and ran out of my room,on getting to the dinning table,I saw my granny waiting for me at the table, when I got there I sat down, served myself and was getting ready to eat when my granny told me to close my eyes for prayer, looking at the delicious food before me ,I was about to break down into tears but with all my strength I had to close my eyes, when I was about to close my eyes,I saw the food laughing at me, telling me that I was not strong enough to eat it, with anger I was about to eat it when my granny hit my hand with the back of her spoon while glaring at me,I immediately closed my eyes and started praying,after the prayer I started wolfing down the food without mercy.

After eating i Decided to watch some movie before going to bed, when the movie ended and I was satisfied,I decided to go to bed but when I reached the bedroom I could not sleep,I decided to go outside to take in some air, while sitting down outside I saw a cute puppy staring at me,I moved closer to it and was about to catch it when it suddenly started running,I immediately followed it hoping to catch up with it when the puppy suddenly entered a small looking hut,I followed it in and saw a man inside the hut.