

In a large mansion, a group of people sat down,as if they were conjuring, their eyes were closed and their legs were crossed together and they were holding each other hands while arranged in a circular way,at the middle of the circle one could see a slender woman also in the position they were and these people were non other than the shape shifters and their leader,the woman in the middle is the leader of the shape shifters,they were trying theirs best to connect to Richard the way richard connected with his granny,it was easy for Richard to do because he was the chosen one but for them to do it they needed the leader of the shifters to connect to Richard but she could not do it alone because she was not the chosen one and the reason why she could do it was because God just gave her the privilege so that she would be special than the other shifters but with that she still need the help of the other shifters for it to work,so what they were doing was to give little of their power and energy for her to connect with Richard,after hours of doing so,the leader of the shifters was able to feel his presence so using that opportunity she immediately connected to him,after connecting she used her mind to talked to Richard. " Hello Richard,this is the leader of the shifters talking,if you are hearing me please kindly reply,just say anything please".

Richard was just done with his exam when he heard someone's voice in his head,he was scared at first until he heard the person introducing herself, noticing that it was leader of the shifters talking to him,he immediately replied her by greeting her. The leader of the shifters hearing his response was so happy and immediately asked him if he was okay and if he could tell his location to her so they can bring him back home because his granny is missing him,hearing what she said,he told the leader of the shifters that he was at school writing exam and he would like it if he doesn't return home for now because he wanted to finish his exam,hearing this the leader of the shifters wanted to reply him when the connection got lost between them, noticing that the leader of the shifters the did not reply him,he kept on saying "hello" with his mind that he started using his mouth to say it,it was when people were staring at him that he stopped.

At the leader of the shifters place, everyone were on the floor looking tired while some had already fainted because of the amount of power and energy they used, although the leader of the shifters was also tired,she forced herself to stand up and sent someone to carry them into a room so they could rest and regain their strength and power,after making sure they were taken to the room,she went to Richard Granny's room despite being tired,after knocking the door for a while, Richard's granny opened the door telling her to enter, immediately she entered, without sitting down she started telling Richard's granny all the things that happened but before she could go further, Richard granny told her to sit down which she did,on sitting down she continued and told the granny that Richard told her that he would love to stay over there for a while because of his exam, although Richard's granny was sad,she still agreed with her grandson decision and she was also happy that he was safe but she was also confused about his exam but decided not to talk,she thanked the leader of the shifters,since the leader of the shifters was done with what she came to the Granny's room to do,she left there and went to her room to take a rest.

At Richard and Flourish school,since school was not over and some people were writing exam,those who were not having any paper decided to have fun with each other while some went to read,as usual flourish went to read,she should have read with Sheena but Sheena was a commercial student,so she was having a paper,she decided to go to one of the lab to read,on getting there she met so many external student there but decided to enter to read,after entering she chose a corner to sit since no one was there,while she was reading,she felt so many gaze on her and was starting to feel uncomfortable,she then looked at the back to see who were staring at her, looking at the back she saw some boys looking at her, immediately their eyes met, they averted their gaze, seeing this flourish decided to ignore them and continued reading her book,while she was reading some of her classmates entered the lab, seeing her classmates, she be felt calm,so she continued reading her book when one of the male in the class came to her side with a phone and started playing games with it,the game the guy was playing was distracting her and she could not complain,so she stopped reading and decided to hear what the external students were saying,she heard some of them talking about how the exam was had, hearing this she was surprised because the exam was as simple as reading abc,she even saw how some boys were using sweet mouth on some girls and the girls were falling,for it,while she was hearing all this, a girl in her class who she hardly talk to came to sit beside her and strike a conversation with her asking how the exam was, although she was surprised,she still answered the girl and they started talking with each other,when they were talking,two boys sat down opposite her and the girl. The girl seeing the two boys started striking a conversation with them as if she knew them.

Thank you all for reading my novel, please kindly comment and review on it so as to know your thoughts on it,love you all and please stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts