
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · 東方
130 Chs

Senior, You Can Just Handle It Casually

The construction of this new sect is almost complete, but the official naming ceremony may take a few more months!

Yesterday, people from the Qianyu Empire arrived. They said there is an ancient treasure trove near their sect's location, and they have surrounded the area!

Chen Ping'an brought Murong Gong back to their room to sit down. This incident was troublesome, and he needed to listen carefully.

Murong Gong's expression was unsightly too. Upon closer inspection, his face seemed off, as if he had been slapped. 

The two sat in silence while Su Ling, knowing this was an adult matter, played by herself in the courtyard.

"Elder Gong, tell me what happened," said Chen Ping'an, his brow furrowed in bewilderment at this sudden turn of events. He knew this mission wouldn't be so simple.

"Senior, this occurred yesterday afternoon. You may not be aware of recent events on the continent, but a new power has risen insanely from a kingdom into an empire – the Qianyu Empire," Murong Gong explained.

"We thought this empire had nothing to do with our secluded place, but yesterday they sent people over – three whole airships worth, with the strongest cultivator at the Realm of Dao Demolition! The leader was even Princess Liu Yuxi of the empire."

"She claimed there was a treasure trove nearby and ordered us to cooperate with their exploration and excavation efforts. At first, we politely refused, but they said it wasn't up for discussion – they have forcibly commandeered my sect and the Illusion Moon Sect..."

Murong Gong poured out his grievances bitterly, hoping Chen Ping'an would intervene on their behalf, though without much expectation. He knew the senior was here to cultivate his mind and saw himself as an ordinary person, unlikely to act rashly. Moreover, high cultivators tended to look down on the weak.

To Murong Gong, the Qianyu Empire seemed overwhelmingly powerful, but to the senior, they might just be clowns or ants.

After venting, Murong Gong fell silent, waiting for Chen Ping'an's response.

Having heard the details, Chen Ping'an inwardly cursed the empire. Couldn't they have waited until after he completed his mission before causing trouble? This was forcing his hand!

But he was helpless. From the cultivation manual, he knew the basics of this realm – above kingdoms were empires, and above empires were the supreme realms.

Now that an empire had sent people, he, a mere mortal, was useless.

"Perhaps I could ask Old Man Teng from Mount Book to intervene and resolve this? But I have no way to contact him...and Su Ling's father will only return in half a month..."

Realizing this, Chen Ping'an felt defeated. All he could do was wait.

"I do have a way to resolve this, but not until half a month later. Until then, you'll have to obey them," Chen Ping'an smiled bitterly, giving Murong Gong an encouraging look as if to say, don't be discouraged, keep going.

Murong Gong's face twitched upon hearing this. If the senior could help, why wait half a month? He could just casually take them out now...

"Very well, perhaps the senior has other arrangements." Murong Gong didn't press further, having no choice.

He had to return soon anyway, lest his son and daughter face mortal danger. Moreover, he had been threatened – if he revealed anything about the treasure, his entire sect would be exterminated.

Chen Ping'an saw Murong Gong off, remarking with a bitter smile, "Actually, Elder Gong, if you can't resist, you might as well help them search. Maybe they'll find it in a few days and leave."

Murong Gong smiled wryly and took his leave.

Back in the courtyard, Chen Ping'an's expression remained troubled. Su Yi would return in half a month, and he could indeed ask him to request Zhen Zhanteng's assistance then.

But he wasn't sure if Zhen Zhanteng would help against an entire empire. If not, by the time his mission deadline approached, his life would hang by a thread...

"Besides this, I have no other options. Ah, if only I were as powerful as they claim," Chen Ping'an lamented miserably.

At that moment, he addressed the air, "System, can't you at least give me some power first?"

[No, you're just a weakling until you complete all the missions.]

Hearing these emotionless words, Chen Ping'an gritted his teeth in anger. Couldn't it phrase it more politely instead of calling him a weakling?

Chen Ping'an moped back to the courtyard, partly because the system constantly called him weak.

Now, he had to consider his next steps. If Zhen Zhanteng couldn't help, he would only have one month left. If Murong Gong and the others couldn't help establish the sect, he would have to find someone else.

"Ask Little Ling's father for help?"

Chen Ping'an didn't know Su Yi's capabilities. Based on his youthful appearance and lack of a master title, his strength was likely inferior to Murong Gong's.

But perhaps Su Yi could help found a small sect...provided Chen Ping'an could persuade him.

"There's also Elder Long. I haven't seen him in a while, but he seems stronger than Murong Gong."

Long Aotian appeared older than Murong Gong, with a cultivated air befitting a high cultivator. However, pinning his hopes on Long Aotian might be unrealistic, as Chen Ping'an didn't know if he would even return.

After all, to Long Aotian, he was just an ordinary mortal, as the system had so bluntly put it – a weakling.

That line had infuriated him deeply over the past five years, no matter how many times he pleaded with the system.

"Life and death is fated, let nature take its course," Chen Ping'an could only resign himself.

A few days passed peacefully until one quiet morning when a loud droning sound suddenly erupted from the direction of the Adjoin Mountain Sect – an ear-piercing buzz that set teeth on edge.

In the courtyard, Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up upon hearing it. "Could they have found the treasure trove already?"

If they explored it so quickly, there might be enough time left for Murong Gong to establish the sect!

However, the situation was different from what Chen Ping'an imagined.

Not far away, on a mountain peak, Long Aotian's brow furrowed. "This is the aura of a Great Vehicle demonic beast!"

Over the past few days, Long Aotian had learned about the Adjoin Mountain Sect's predicament and the Qianyu Empire's actions. He was indignant – forcing a sect to do something against their will reminded him of a past incident where his previous sect suffered a similar fate before being annihilated, leaving him as the sole survivor.

He abhorred such conduct, but refrained from acting since the Qianyu Empire had prospered with the blessings of his senior's Astronomic Luck Spirit Stone. 

Sensing the powerful demonic beast, and unwilling to let the innocent Adjoin Mountain cultivators come to harm, he clenched his jaw and vanished from the spot.

In the courtyard, the celestial artifact also sensed the disturbance. "Esteemed cultivators, should we go rescue those sect members?"

The cosmic knife looked at the artifact and chided, "Little trash, didn't you sense someone already went? Stop trying to show off."

The artifact sensed carefully and realized its oversight.

The cosmic knife continued, "In situations like this, if the master doesn't give the order, it's best not to meddle unnecessarily and risk karmic retribution."

The artifact retorted bluntly, "Karma? Grand Knife, didn't I take the fall for you last time? Did that not incur karma?"

Hearing "take the fall," the cosmic knife coughed and affected a profound tone. "Last time, you brought that on yourself. Let me explain karma to you – if you hadn't peeped on me bringing Little Ling back, I wouldn't have dragged you out to take the blame, nor would you have been trapped in that Immortal Execution Formation and tormented. Understand?"

The artifact pondered, then realized, "So what you mean is, me taking the blame was my own fault?"

The cosmic knife nodded, "Exactly, you're quite smart after all. So don't bring up that blame incident again, understand?"

The artifact fell silent...I don't believe you, you old scoundrel.