
When Bad Boys Fall

"Open your mouth," he whispered, and I looked at him in confusion. "Open your mouth, Jackie." I swallowed and did as I was told. The heat between my legs heightened when he ran the wet candy over my bottom lip before stuffing it into my mouth. The sweetness expanded on my taste buds and my body heated up at the fact that the lollipop had been in his mouth. There was something erotic about it and it left me accepting the way my body reacted to it. I looked deeper into his eyes and sucked on the lollipop then moaned when he started to move it in and out of my mouth. I wasn't innocent and I knew just what he was doing. +++ Jackie Garner has always been away from the spotlight, not until bad boy, Lucas Hamilton walks into her life after meeting him half naked in the boys' locker room. Since then, Lucas Hamilton has not let her be and wants her at all costs. But when bad boys fall, expect heartbreaks, jealous ex-lovers and backstabbers.

IrenKaykay_ · 都市
40 Chs



It was almost time for my residential building to be locked up for the night and I was still out, finding jobs to get hired at. I had a few months left before the first year would end and I needed enough money to pay for a place to sleep before finding out a way to pay for my fees. 

"Sorry, we don't have any vacancies available," the cashier said and with a dejected sigh, I left the restaurant and started walking home.

Out of habit, I took out my phone from my fanny pack only to remember that the phone I held wasn't mine. I stared at the device with a pout and turned it on. After a minute, the phone powered on, and I stared at the locked screen when notifications started rushing in. Texts, emails, and group chat messages filled the screen and I felt guilty when I realized that some important things could be on the phone. 

I swiped over the screen, and it demanded a password, which I ignored and clicked the emergency section. I saw two very unfamiliar emergency numbers and felt tempted to call one of them. 

Going with the first choice, I called the number, and it rang for some seconds before it was answered. A masculine voice filled my ears and I felt tongue-tied, not feeling the need to speak.

"Uh, Lucas? I'm a little busy right now? What is it?" 

I gulped. "Hi, this isn't Lucas. I am calling to find out where he stays. Uh, Lucas lost his phone and I've been trying to reach him. You're on his emergency contact and I don't know if you know any other way to reach him and tell him that the person with his phone is at the spot he lost it."

"Okay... But who is this? I can't give you an address or call him at random."

I rubbed my face in annoyance. This person wasn't helping, and I was tempted to end the call already. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, the sound of a call coming in beeped in my ears. I took the phone away from my ear and saw an unknown number. Without saying anything to the other person at the end of the line, I answered the new call.

"You finally turned on my phone," Lucas said in a hoarse voice. He sounded as if he was just waking up.

"I don't have all night to talk to you. I need my phone," I said.

"It feels like Deja Vu," Lucas said with a low chuckle that did something to my body. 

Yes, it did feel like Deja Vu. But one that won't replay like before. 

"I need my phone, Lucas," I said, and he stayed silent for five seconds.

"Damn, I miss hearing you say my name," he said in a distant tone of voice.

I bit my lip when I felt a strange warmth all over my body but shook my head after.

"Be serious, boy," I angrily said. 

"Where are you now?" He asked and I looked around.

"I'm at Gina's Diner," I replied and checked the time on my wristwatch. I had only twenty minutes to do what I had to do before the residential building closed.

"Okay. I'll be there in ten minutes. Wait for me," he replied, and the call ended.

I sighed and walked back to the diner. I leaned against a wooden pole close to the small building and stared at every car that passed by, keeping an eye out for Lucas.

Not even up to ten minutes later, a black and tinted windowed Mercedes four-wheel drive was spotted. I straightened up as I suspected it was Lucas. The car stopped in front of me, and I waited for a few seconds before the passenger window went down, revealing a smirking Lucas.

"Wanna spend the night with me, sweetheart?" He asked in a funny western accent.

I frowned at him. "Can you be serious for once?"

Lucas chuckled. "Get in."

I blinked, startled at his words. I wasn't planning on getting into a car with him. 

"All I need is my phone. Hand it over," I said with my hand extended.

"Jackie, please just get in. I'll drop you off at your campus," he said, and I checked the time, I had ten minutes left.

"Fine but don't talk to me," I warned, and I heard the clicking sounds of the doors unlocking.

I pulled the door open and climbed into the slightly high car. I sat down on the red leather seat and couldn't help but love the smell of the car; it was like a rich pine scent mixed with a masculine body spray. I closed the door and fastened my seatbelt.

Lucas started the engine and drove out onto the street. I kept my eyes ahead of me as he drove because I didn't want to look at his face, not wanting to give him the impression that I wanted to speak to him.

"How are you?" He asked and I tensed.

"I told you not to talk to me," I said and looked at him from the side of my eyes. 

He looked perfect in his laid-back position. His legs were parted while bobbing one of them. His left hand gripped the steering wheel while the other stayed on his thigh. He looked hot with his disheveled hair and sharp jawline. His lip was between his teeth as he paid attention to the road. My eyes went to his flat stomach where I could see the slight imprint of his abs under his tight white shirt. Lucas Hamilton simply grew hotter over a few months, and I wondered what sinful look he'll sport a few years from now.

"You're staring, love," he said, and I realized that my head was now turned fully.

I blushed and looked away, hiding my flaming cheeks with my hair. I sighed in relief when I saw that we were already on campus and almost close to my building. Soon after, Lucas stopped in front of the building, and I unfastened my seatbelt and then held out my hand which he grabbed.

I gasped when he tugged me forward, almost over his lap. He smirked and began to trace shapes on my palm, making me feel heated between my legs. I hated what he does to my body.

"Can I see you again?" He whispered to a point that I didn't hear him well and that I had to lean forward.

I noticed how his blue eyes went dark by a shade lower. The same eyes glanced at my lips before settling on my eyes.

"I want to see you again, Jackie," he said, and I swallowed.


Stupid question. I should be taking my phone and running so far away.

"Jackie, I know we ended in a bad way, but I want us to be friends again."

I pulled my hand away from his and crossed my arms.

"We were never friends, Lucas. Stop this and give me my phone," I said as I felt pangs in my heart from the memories of months ago.

"I...I know but I'm so glad that I found you again. I only wish we can be friends this time around. I promise not to do anything to get you hurt as I did before," Lucas said and I rolled my eyes.

I hated how sincere he sounded. In this life, he was supposed to be a passing memory. Someone, I would sit and remember and then laugh at. But life was never in my favor and now Lucas was back in it.


I glanced down and saw my phone in his hand. I hesitantly held the phone, but he did not let it go when I tried taking it from him. I glared at him, and he smirked.

"Can I get your number?" He asked.

"I'm not giving it to you," I said dismissively, and he dragged his hand back, the phone in his possession. "Hey! Give it back!"

"I need your number, or you won't leave this place, and don't they close your dorm at ten? It's five minutes before ten, you know," he taunted with a sly look on his handsome face.

I clenched my hands and saw the students rushing into the building. I sighed in defeat and brought out his phone from my fanny pack. I handed it to him to unlock then he gave it back to me. I quickly typed in my number and gave the device back. When he didn't make a move to give back my phone, I got angry and glared at him.

"Can I get a kiss first?"

"Fuck you!"

Lucas gasped. "Wow. I never knew you could swear. Now, I don't like when good girls swear. Your mouth is too clean for such words."

The way his eyes stayed on my lips and how he bit his lip made me shuffle on the seat. I glanced back at the entrance of the building when I noticed the security personnel on duty at the entrance. My heart dropped and I turned back to face Lucas. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, I leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. I felt him stiffen and moved back with my phone in my hand.

"Good night, Hamilton," I said and got out of the car. I ran as fast as I could toward the entrance of the building, scanned my card, and raced in without looking back at Lucas.


Lucas' POV

I watched as the dark-haired woman ran into her building with a smile on my face. Something about Jackie brightened up my body. With her, I felt very free to tease and make jokes without feeling the need to pretend. A lot of things drew me in. 

I leaned back in my seat and felt the soft tingles from her lips where she had kissed me. I touched my cheekbone and rubbed it as if I needed to feel more of the kiss. I had meant the kiss as a joke but when she kissed me, I got surprised that I didn't know when she took her phone.

Jackie surprised me in more ways than one and I was intrigued to know more about her so much. I barely had any women in my life except my sister and mother, but I felt the urge to include Jackie, even as a friend. 

Unlike me, any girl I met, would end up in my bed but, I needed her as something different that I couldn't place my hand on. Being friends with her made sense and I was sure she would make a great one, that's if I don't screw it up like I did the last time.

I watched as they locked their doors and I took that as a cue to drive off, smiling as I thought back to when she finally accepted my call.

I had been sleeping when I woke up to use the bathroom and out of curiosity, I called my phone. I was surprised when she answered and felt a sensation move through my body when she said my name. The way it rolled out of her lips made me hard that I felt so guilty for sexualizing the situation.

"Remember, dumb fuck. You want her as a friend, nothing else," I said to myself and increased my speed.

Twenty minutes later, I parked my car in the a free parking space in front of the apartment building and took my phone. I unlocked it and rolled my eyes at the numerous notifications on the screen. I immediately went to my SMS app and sent a good night message to Jackie. 

As soon as I saw it was successfully sent and somehow brought the phone close to my face, only to get a whiff of her flowery scent on my phone. I took the phone away from my face and got out of the car. I leaned on it and shut my eyes, pushing back the warmth that suddenly invaded my body.