
When A Genius Gamer Girl Becomes Creation God in Another World

What would you do if you can create anything out of thin air ?? Would you be able to fight terrifying monsters? Read the Journey of Neff to find out. Would a MMORPG genius survive in this real magical world??

FkBlue · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Send Off

So I started training crazily. day and night I would jump, run, chant magic spells, block my own wooden stick attacks. I couldn't keep this much under wraps so everyone had seen me trying to gain skills. Mother just laughed, grandma said something about being young, Zhira even started copying me and laughed at me when I was slower than her. Father just looked at me like I was some puzzle he had so much difficulty to solve.

At night after dinner I would help father do some paperwork. It was mostly daily work like requests to open shops in town, complaints about this and that, some invitations and personal requests and stuff. I had to reply to them like I was some free content writer for him. Father was recently receiving some complaints from locals about random monsters attacking in Carnia forest which was located in the outskirts of waccar town. our palace was on a little height and from the front only one way was going down to town. From behind our palace had quite a natural defense like thin stones and a sharp slope which was impossible to climb normally. the Carnia forest reached even behind our palace. I had planned to go out in secret that way to level up. But first I needed to learn my skills properly.

Father was worried about the attacks I think. He had already sent two subjugating parties but still no one found anything suspicious. It seemed like whatever the cause was for monsters to behave this way was not revealing itself to powerful people. Well whatever, I am sure father will solve the matter somehow.

Ruhakin was going to join the academy after this weekend. It was his last week with us so everyone was preparing for his send off. I had heard that for noble children from main bloodline it was a direct invitation for admission but 50% of the seats were reserved for children who passed the entrance exam. In this exam anyone could participate, even Trisk House who weren't even part of the West peace alliance were granted admission. Side families of nobles who weren't close relatives and didn't have any A rank skills could also participate through entrance exam as commoners.

Ruhak was excited and terrified at the same time. One of our cousin was also going this year. Her name was Kiara. She was also going to be here for send off. I guess they were stuffing them together in hope to marry her into our House. but everyone was fine with that so no problem there.. Except Ruhak but who cares about that guy !!

Kiara and her family came and some other relatives also came to attend the party too. We just had a big dinner and now everyone was either talking in groups or going for sleep. One of those family were Kanisk. They were pretty close to our main family, there was a boy the same age as me with them too. He looked timid and afraid of people. It looked like he was gonna cry when her mother started talking about how her elder son was hunting monsters and leveling up. And that he was almost ready for academy alas it only accepted them as 10 years old. While he (pointing towards the boy) was a late bloomer and weak in personality. I knew what he was feeling and I felt for him. So I thought he could use some time away from here to breath. So I went to him.

" Hey ? You okay there? " I asked

" huh who? Me? Yes my lady I am fine. " he replied literally shaking.

" Why don't you come with me? I will show you a nice place. "

" I… hm…should ask my mother…" he was a little afraid of me I guess.

" Oh come on leave her be… if she asks just tell her I dragged you along.." I forced him anyway.

" That should not be…. " But before he could finish I grabbed his hand and started walking away.

" What's your name ? " I asked.

" It's Rihal….my lady Neff " I loved when they called me lady but it was uncomfortable to me also.

" just Neff is fine "

" No I can't… mother says I should always show etiquettes…"

" Look it's just us two ! you don't have to do all that formalities….Besides we can't be friends if you are so stuck up all the time… !! "

" Huhm? Friends?? "

" You don't want to? You wanna go back and listen to adults talk? "

His face suddenly went from panicking to sadness. I guess my assumption was right.

We finally reached the balcony. It was big and open. I guess he will feel better in some fresh air. There were chairs to sit and enjoy tea. We sat and I started looking at stars. After a while when he didn't say anything. So I randomly asked…

" Do you know about your skill ?? "

" No. I am going to have a revealing ceremony next week. " he said while looking at the stars.

" Are you nervous ? " I asked.

" I just don't want to disappoint my Mother…I just hope I have decent Skill like my brother. "

" What does he have ? " I was sucker for knowing all the skills.

On his face had a big smile like when you talk about your favorite anime. and he started almost worshiping…

" He has an amazing A rank skill called golem master, he can create elemental golems from any material nearby. It doesn't even cost magicules… I had read that it was a skill once used by the great hero Mikhasin."

" ooh that sounds cool…. You like to read? " I asked.

" Yes. At first I didn't like it because our family started our formal education when we turn 3. I couldn't understand it at all. But then I was able to read and then all the story books in library….i just couldn't stop. My mother said I shouldn't waste my time on unimportant books….but I just loved them. " he said the last part so shyly like a real confession of love.

" I know. I love them too. And whatever anyone says, a moment is never a waste which you spend being happy. " I had to confess too.

" Wow ! you talk like grown ups. They all said that it was genius of me how fast I started to read… but you seem like way more amazing than me. " now i was the subject of worship.

" Haha, I know right. I am the best. Ha ha haha You still have a lot to learn, kid. "

" kid? We are the same age…. "

He went gloomy again and said with a deep sigh….

" I just hope that my mother likes my skill "

Man his mother sounds like a villain.

" You wanna know your skill ? " I just randomly asked.

" how is that possible ? " he was obviously confused.

" I can translate for you…." i said.

" You know ancient language ?? "

" Ha ha didn't I say I was the best ?? "

" Seriously !!? but people say it's bad manners to look at stats before the revealing ceremony…." Man he was such a wuss.

" Ahh come on… we are kids. We are supposed to do bad things. " I guided him towards the glorious path of evil.

He looked conflicted yet excited. I completely understand the thrill before knowing your stats. Ohh How good to be so young….

" Open it. You know how right ? " i said.

" Yes, I have seen my brother do it. "

He looked at me then he looked far in the night then made a determined face and swirled his hand in up to down motion. And his stats opened.

He was looking at me all nervous.

" It says you are male "

" I know that !!!! "

" haha you are fun to mess with."

" Please don't toy with me lad…no Neff "

At least he was more open now.

" magicules – 460/1000

Strength – 68/120

Vitality – 50/100

Stamina – 72/130

Battlewill – 46/150 " I translated.

Then I said… " Isn't your magicules max capacity too low ? "

" We are just a branch family… We don't have the traits of waccars. Everyone else always has 1000 on level one. "

" huh? What traits ? "

" You don't know your own family traits ?? waccar's have four times a person's magicules. "

" You mean we start at 4000 ? "

" yeah. "

" All of us ? "

" Yes up until now but now that lord waccar has married your mother it might change. "

I have double the magicules even waccar's have? I had some doubts about it but I didn't want to admit it. I just thought I was a special case. When I had read that nobility only has 2 affinities I had a bad feeling. I have 4 affinities and double the worth of magicules even waccar's have. And looking at his other stats, mine are almost double. It's clear now.

It means only one thing – Either I took her place or somewhere in me she lives the real Neffrentiny de waccar.

It seems like mine and her stats have mixed up. But then why do I only have one skill ? That doesn't matter. What would father and mother say when they would know? Should I tell them? Would they still call me daughter ?