
The Investigation (10)

At lunch they were talking and Mits father told her about everything that he read that morning.

Then Shane's phone rang. "Please excuse me I have to get this call."

He got up and walked away from them, puzzled Mits looked after him as he walked away.

"I am sure that it is important my love other wise he would not have taken the call." Mits mother said to her.

She smiled at her parents "I am sure that it is important."

Shane came back to the table giving them a big smile.

"What's going on?" Mits asked him.

"They coughed Janine's accomplish, he was following David, not knowing that David's people was following him, he broke into the hotel room that David made under our names and the police coughed him."

"Well that is wonderful news." Mits father said.

"What about her?" Mits asked.

"She is keeping it save, she does not want to be coughed, but her accomplish, confessed to everything even you car crash and gave the police prove where she paid him to do all his work, the police is also looking for her, so it is just a matter of time before she gets coughed."

"That is great news."

They all finished their lunch with more hope that everything will be sorted out soon.

"Okay are you ready to go, I would like to go to two more places today before the day is over."

"Lets go." Mits father replied.

They all got up and went to the car.

Shane drove to Champs-Élysées. "I read about this it is 1.9km long and 70 metres wide, it's more amazing that I could have thought." Mits father said when he looked at it.

"I left this one place for last, I know that we will all be a while here before we leave to get a few things."

Shane stopped at Arc de Triomphe, they all climb slowy to the top of the monument, taking in consideration Mits parents. Once they were at the top Mits saw a gift shop and lots of historical facts.

They spend the rest off the afternoon there, buying a few gifts for everyone special.

"This view is absolutely amazing, thanks for bringing us here my love." Mits kissed Shane.

"It's just a pleasure, I am glad that your parents are here to share this moment with you."

They all smiled at each other as they made their way down the monument.