
What? SHE is My Online Girlfriend?

Adapted from MTL *Food War: Kobayashi Rindou is My Online Girlfriend*

ModerateCitizens · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

Chapter 065 The training starts

The girl has a melon-seeded face and looks very beautiful.

The eyelashes were long, the eyes were large, and the skin was very fair.

The short skirt suit of the school girl style, worn on the exquisite body, highlights her perfect slender figure.

Compared to Erina, Nakiri Alice is a completely different flavor.

Although it was the same as the eldest lady, it does not have the feeling of Tsundere, but adds a bit of quirky authenticity.

Shijun smiled slightly, his first impression of the girl in front of him gave him was not bad.

At least not Erina's domineering, but a faint smell of weak sheep.

He jokingly said: "What? Want to avenge your cousin's?"

"The devil wants to avenge her! Knowing that Erina lost Shijun made her very happy.

That's why she came here to take a look, who is the holy person who wins her cousin?

Alice snorted and pouted, but the smile on her face didn't seem to stop.

"Um... are you really okay with this? Erina is your cousin, isn't she?" Shijun was speechless for a while.

He had an impression of the girl in front of him. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two sisters of the Nakiri family seems to be more rigid than expected.

"Who told her that when she was five years old said that my cooking was hard to eat?"

Alice said angrily, and added in her heart, she even stole my lollipops and stuffed dolls when I was a child.

Shijun was stunned for a while. At this moment, he felt that a woman was really a kind of vengeful creature, and they even remembered things so clearly when she was a child.

"By the way, can I call you Shijun? I heard that Erina is now doing errands in your research club? Don't give me face, you must train her hard!"

Even though Alice lived in northern Europe all year round, she was well informed on Tōtsuki's side, especially about Nakiri Erina.

He didn't know where she heard it. According to Alice's condition, she shouldn't come back so soon.

But as soon as Erinalost, she rushed back instantly.

'Hmph. Do not misunderstand. She just came back to see what Erina looked like after losing'

By the way, she met the rumored boyfriend of Rindo-senpai. Alice was also very curious about this man who can defeat Erina.

"Miss Alice, it's almost time to go to the assembly hall!

At this moment, behind Alice, the tall, long-haired boy with a lazy temperament opened his mouth and reminded her..If this person didn't make a sound, everyone really didn't notice his existence.

The attention of Tadokoro Megumi, Yoshino Yuuki and others just now was on Alice who suddenly appeared. Now take a closer look at this boy who didn't seem to wake up.

They were surprised to find that the other party was very tall. About the same height as Shijun.

Such boys were rare in Japan.

"I know, what are you urging?"

Alice glared at the other party angrily, turned back and smiled: "This is my asistant, Kurokiba Ryo-kun!"


Tadokoro Megumi et al greeted politely.


Kurokiba didn't seem to wake up, and answered lazily. It seemed like saying one more word was a waste of energy.

Tadokoro Megumi suddenly felt embarrassed. Yoshino Yuuki felt that this boy with a quirky personality was too unmannered.

Only Shijun feels faintly, this lazy guy seem to have good strength?

But now many students have entered the hotel. The crowd stopped talking and hurried to the assembly hall.

Assembly hall.

The front hall of the hotel has a wide terrain, and students gather in groups of three or five. Some were talking and laughing, looking relaxed.

But some were like eggplants beaten by frost, and they stay in the corner dejected.

"Those are people who know they can't get through. How stupid, knowing that they will be expelled from school, but they don't dare to turn it around here?" Alice glanced at the group of people with grimacing faces and shook her head.

Xie Jun glanced at her and stopped paying attention. It was normal for people who have neither talent nor self-confidence to be eliminated.

"Now... let me explain the outline of the training camp!"

"Students who are rated below the standard line by lecturers will lose their eligibility to stay in Tōtsuki."

"As for the review, we specially invited guest lecturers, who came from their busy schedules.

"The elite graduates of Tōtsuki Academy!"

The speech on the stage made the hall quiet. All the students were shocked.

Except for Shijun.

The name of the elite graduates in the past, he has heard.

"What kind of people are the elites who can graduate from Tōtsuki?"

"Such a person comes to be a guest lecturer, it's over, this time it's really dangerous.

Tadokoro Megumi murmured nervously, so scared that she didn't dare to take a breath.

"Don't worry it's fine jusr cook normally."

Shijun smiled comfortingly.

At this time. In the front hall, there was a sudden thunderous applause.

The elite graduates appeared one after another. Walking in the front was a man with pink hair and eyes.

As soon as he appeared, he pointed at a boy and said, "The one in the ninth column, you can go home."

Everyone was stunned and shocked.

Even Shijun felt a little weird. Everyone looked at this senior with astonishment on their faces.

We Didn't understand why he suddenly let others get out. It was like giving someone a slap in the face on purpose.

"Hi, my name is Shinomiya Kojiro, the head chef of SHINOS restaurant!

"Student, your styling water is mixed with citrus flavors, and this flavor will completely cover the aroma of the dishes."

"As a chef, it's impossible for you to not even know the most basic principles, right?"

"So you go out!"

Shinomiya Kojiro said indifferently, as if he didn't care about the fate of a student at all.

The Boy were different. He was stunned, then terrified at the end.

"How come? Just for this reason? Let me drop out of school?" He couldn't believe it.

Even Shijun, who had always been calm, was shocked by the logic of this senior Tōtsuki.

"What kind of bullshit logic is this? What kind of stereotyped water is used by others?"

Xie Jun shook his head and said, as if disappointed by the Tōtsuki graduate.

It seems that Kikuchi Sonoka and Inui Hinako, whom I met before, were very good people.

Why do the four eyes of this powdered milk face make people feel so disgusting?

That's right, Shijun has always disliked people who pretend to be elegant.

"Boy, what did you say?"

Shinomiya Kojiro frowned and said solemnly.

"A student's future will be decided by any boring reason. Are you a good lecturer?" Shijun never had to be in trouble.

What about guest lecturers? Such a ridiculous reason to drop out.

It really made him have a little doubt about Tōtsuki's teaching philosophy.

Everyone has not recovered from the coercion brought by the previous graduates.

Immediately shocked by Shijun's boldness.

But when you think about this person, it was very likely that he would be expelled from school immediately.

Many people began to gloat. They have been thinking thst Shijun was not pleasing to the eye.

Even Nakiri Alice, not far away, looked at the tall Shijun in surprise.

She had long heard that the Chinese people were crazy, and it seemed that no matter who they were, they would dare to point finger and duel with whoever.

And this one was Shokugeki Madman. But she never thought that this guy would be so crazy.

Before the training camp officially started, he went directly to the guest lecturer.