
Enter The Mind

For what seems to be for our entire existence, humans have sought out the rights to information, as information is the key to survival on all levels. As in life, there is only so much that can be given, and only so much that is aquired naturally. Some people are born with a better start than other, while some have the natural apptitude towards a sport or talent. Most people don't have any advantageous start, living their lives hoping that a blessing or stroke of luck my give them a step up. While some people hope things get better, most just live their lives day by day. Life becomes stagnant, and people find ways or reasons to provide themselves comfort for why they didn't get to where they wanted. The simple issue is that all of those benefits or possible hurdles can all be overcome by proper information. Where for some, it could be that a gifted person didn't develop the mindset for practice and drive, and people that were given less didn't try to use what they had; trying to figure out exactly what could get them higher up on the ladder. Whether it's luck, skill, or wisdom, all three are given and developed by the flow of information. So if information is what drives the world, why do so many people fear it? Is it because it proves your way of thinking wrong, does it give others the means to bring themselves up the ladder of society? Or is it the fact that information can lead to prosperity, which in turn means it can just as easily lead to fear. For John Smith, this was a ride awakening he got at an early age. His father was a 'mailman' for the first infantry division outside of the capital city, Ostia. This entailed bringing in and re-sending mail to it's designated place. Wether that was through a carrier, bird, or magic gate, he would then have to check the mail for possible magical additives or other devices that could pose harm to others. But that's not the only thing his father did. He would intercept different reports and letters from high ranking officials and sell them for money or favors. His father called it "Information Broker". As during this period of time, the country of Alstenzia had finished a large war with the Velimian neighbors. The Country of Velimfroy had been at war with Alstenzia for quite some time, and Velimfroy quickly figured out that they had been intercepting plans and books from their facilities. While Velimfroy held a much stronger magical force, Alstenzia had put most of their efforts into magical equipment and tactics. As Velimfroy was much more for the charge forward with the large army approach, Alstenzia was much more tactical and thought out in their approach. After the war, Alstenzia quickly shifted their mail and information systems to government run only. This way they could hold and change the flow of information, and know who and where said information was going to. This made John's dad a very sought after individual for criminals, merchants, but most importantly people in office. If they could dig up some information on their opponents or have prior knowledge, this was a type of information that would make the larger profits. But with large profits comes large possibilities. This came when James Carlington was running for chief Military Executive, and John's father had sold information to his opponent about his affair. Not only did this cost James his job, but also his marriage. He knew who sold the information, as he had purchased documents from Mr.Smith before. Two nights later, he had hired someone to kill John's father and his whole family. John was helping his father load wood into the house one night when a man in a dark robe crashed through the living room window. John had had a hard life already, as he grew up in a neighborhood that was prone to robbery and murder. John darted around the corner as his dad drew what he called a magic wand. In reality it was a piece of wood inscribed with a magic seal. If you add magic to the stick, you activate the spell inscribed. John's dad fired what most refer to as a plasma ball, but it soon disappeared as the man caught it with his hand. John could see the inscription on the man's gauntlet, and it began to glow red. Quickly the inscription turned yellow, and a blinding flash of light light sprayed onto his father. As John began to see again, he saw half of his father's body was been burned away, and his body was smoking like a log. His body tumbled to the ground, as John saw the man's now red eyes flash over to him. John was in shock, as terror ran through him like a howling wind. But while his body was frozen, John's mind was racing like crazy. Thoughts of the inscription ran through his mind, and he could almost see them in his vision. Soon the markings on the man's gauntlet glowed red, and flashed a bright white light. But as they light hit his eyes, John thought "absorb". The blow still forced him back into the wall, landing in a pile of dirty clothes. His clothes were slightly smoking, as the directed light energy wasn't completely absorbed. As he layed in the pile of clothes, his body still couldn't move. It was almost like he wasn't allowed to move, now realizing the purple veins in his right hand. He hears his mother come down the stairs showting "Is everything al..." and before she could finish John heard a loud thump, and then a smaller one and seemed to roll down the stairs. As he shifted his eyes to the right as far as he could, he gazed upon his mother's life's ones. He instantly looked away, half in shock and half in fear. He wanted to throw up so badly, but his body wouldn't allow it. He then remembered his older sister was still upstairs. He began to hear screaming that were silenced quickly, and then a very dim moan and noise. As John closed his eyes, he began to see words and pictures, all of which that had random lines flowing in random directions. He then thought about his father's charred corpse and his mother's lifeless eyes. Right before he opened his eyes, the letters and lines that were once blue now turned a dark purple. The words began to get bigger and fewer in number, seeming to focus on rags, fear, dread, hope, and heat. These five words now formed a connection that looked like a pentagram, leaving only one words remaining. Death. Unbeknownst to John, the man who was trying to **** his sister began having spasms from every part of his body. His elder sist then turned around, as the man's eyes now turned black. His body began to shrivel up, and shortly just wilted and fell the dust. She ran downstairs, only to find her dismembered mother laying at the foot of the staircase. She ran into the living room to see her charred father. As she was about to puke, she noticed a blue light color from the laundry pile. As she got closer, she could make the outline of her brother in it. She ran over to see if he was fine, but came to see his eyes glowing a deep blue color with a image of a square inside a circle inside them.