
What men and women want?

What do men really want? What do women like to read? These questions will be answered by this series. I am a male author, seeking to answer women's questions through numerous short stories. Find out the answer yourself, as I only give clues at first. As a man (and an anime fan), I also know what men want and I am here to provide short stories for men's fantasies as well. Power? Love? Mystery? Let's get on with it... ***** Chris was once a normal acting human who, as explained in previous books gained so much power he can actually destroy universes in an instant. But, he was thrust into an "otherworldly" plane where nigh omnipotent females run the show. These females still had their own fantasies like normal women do, and they shaped reality according to what they want. Now, our anti-hero Chris found himself as a puppet (and a lucky one at that) in the worlds of these nigh omnipotent females...Will he ever break free of their drama and antics? Fortunately, Goddess Athena, who is a mother figure to Chris, arrives to help. (He later realized that Female chromosomes (XX) are superior/larger than men's (Xy), and that the "Grand Designer" was female, after all, making him question the Supreme Being. But, more on that later)... The females are the main characters in their Omniverses, with Chris being the secondary character shaped according to their whim. While some females had celebrity names, it is quite plausible as celebrities can be alive, legally young, and nigh omnipotent in another universe, if we are to assume the "many worlds" interpretation....Or, the Goddess-like beings copied their appearance and perhaps even more curvy or busty than before. This goes for anime characters as well. Stories in order: Thriller/Mystery, Romance/Ecchi, Science fiction, Thriller + Romance.

Christopher_6069 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 5: Drought

Set 9: Ali Skovbye

9. Thriller. Shines. (885 rating). Chris died.

The sun beat down mercilessly on the small town of Shines, as its residents struggled to survive during the worst drought in decades. Rivers had dried up, crops had withered in the fields, and tensions ran high as people fought over the dwindling supply of water.

Ali Skovbye was a young woman who had lived in Shines her entire life. She was known for her fierce independence and determination, never one to back down from a challenge. She had always been a bit of a loner, preferring the solitude of the desert to the company of others.

But when the drought hit, Ali found herself forced to rely on the help of others. One of those others was a man named Chris. He was a mysterious figure who had recently arrived in Shines, his past shrouded in secrecy. He had a reputation as a loner as well, but there was something about him that drew Ali in.

As the weeks passed and the situation grew more dire, Ali and Chris found themselves drawn together by a common goal: survival. They worked together to find sources of water, rationing what little they had and braving the scorching heat to gather supplies. But as they spent more time together, Ali couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Chris than met the eye.

One night, as they sat around a meager campfire, Ali finally broached the subject that had been weighing on her mind.

"Chris, why did you come to Shines?" she asked, her voice soft in the stillness of the desert night.

Chris hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames. "I came here to escape my past," he finally said, his voice low and tinged with sadness. "I thought I could start over, make a clean break from everything that had happened before."

Ali felt a surge of empathy for him, knowing all too well the feeling of wanting to leave the past behind. "I understand," she said, reaching out to touch his hand. "We all have things we're running from."

As the days turned into weeks, their bond deepened, forged in the crucible of survival. They fought off scavengers who tried to steal their water, hunted for food in the barren wasteland, and shared stories of their pasts around the campfire at night.

But as the drought wore on, tensions began to rise between them. Supplies ran low, and the heat was relentless, wearing down their resolve. Ali found herself wondering more and more about Chris's past, about the secrets he had been keeping from her.

One day, as they were out searching for water, they stumbled upon a hidden oasis in the desert. The water was cool and crystal clear, a refreshing respite from the harsh reality of their daily lives. Ali turned to Chris, a smile on her face.

"We did it," she said, her eyes shining with relief. "We found our salvation."

But as Chris looked at her, his expression darkened, a glint of something sinister in his eyes. "I found it," he said, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "This was all me."

Ali felt a chill run down her spine, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. She realized then that Chris had been using her, manipulating her for his own ends. And as she looked into his eyes, she saw the truth of who he really was: a predator, a killer, a dangerous man with a hidden agenda.

As the sun set on the desert horizon, casting long shadows over the oasis, Ali knew that she was in danger. She had trusted the wrong person, let her guard down when she should have been vigilant. And now, as she stood face to face with the man who had deceived her, she knew that her only chance for survival lay in outwitting him.

With a steely glint in her eye, Ali took a step back, her hand inching towards the knife she kept at her side. Chris watched her, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, thinking he had her right where he wanted her.

But Ali was not one to be underestimated. With a swift movement, she drew the knife and lunged towards Chris, her heart pounding in her chest. And as they grappled in the fading light of the desert, she knew that she would do whatever it took to survive.

As the moon rose over the oasis, casting a silvery glow over the scene of their struggle, only one figure emerged victorious. Ali Skovbye stood alone in the desert, the wind whispering through the palm trees, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

She had survived the drought, outlasted the darkness that had threatened to consume her. And as she walked into the night, a new sense of purpose filling her heart, she knew that she was destined for greater things. For Ali Skovbye was not just a survivor – she was a warrior, a visionary, a force to be reckoned with in the unforgiving landscape of the desert.

And as she disappeared into the shadows, a flicker of light still burning in her eyes, the town of Shines knew that they had not seen the last of her. For Ali Skovbye was a woman to be remembered, a legend in the making, a beacon of hope in a world ravaged by drought and despair.


9. Romance. Despair. (590 rating)

Ali Skovbye lived in a small town in the middle of a drought-stricken landscape. The once lush green fields had turned brown and barren, and the sun beat down mercilessly on the cracked earth. Despite the harsh conditions, Ali remained optimistic, believing that rain would eventually come and bring life back to the land.

Chris, on the other hand, had lost hope. He had seen his family's crops wither and die, and their animal's struggle to find water. He spent his days wandering through the deserted streets of the town, his heart heavy with despair.

One day, Ali and Chris crossed paths at the only well that still had water. Ali smiled warmly at Chris, her eyes shining with hope. "Isn't it a beautiful day?" she said, filling her bucket with water.

Chris scoffed. "Beautiful? This drought is killing us all. What's there to be happy about?"

Ali tilted her head. "I understand that things are tough right now, but I believe that the rain will come eventually. We just have to stay strong and keep our faith."

Chris shook his head. "Faith won't bring back the crops or the livestock we've lost. It's all gone, Ali. There's no coming back from this."

Ali looked at Chris with compassion in her eyes. She could see the pain and despair etched in his face, and she knew that he needed someone to believe in him. "Maybe not everything is lost," she said softly. "Maybe there's still a chance for us to find happiness amidst all this darkness."

Chris looked at Ali, his heart stirring with emotions he had long buried. Her positivity and unwavering belief in a brighter future touched something deep within him. He felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in months.

As the days passed, Ali and Chris found themselves drawn to each other. They would meet at the well each morning, filling their buckets and exchanging stories of their past and dreams for the future. Ali's optimism began to rub off on Chris, and he found himself smiling more often and looking forward to their conversations.

One night, as they sat under the starlit sky, Chris took Ali's hand in his. "You've brought light into my life in the darkest of times," he said, his voice soft and sincere. "I never thought I could feel this way again, but you've shown me that there is still hope for us."

Ali's heart soared at Chris's words. She had felt a connection with him from the moment they had met, and now she knew that he felt it too. "I believe in us, Chris," she said, her eyes shining with love. "Together, we can weather any storm that comes our way."

And so, Ali and Chris's love blossomed amidst the drought-ridden landscape. They found solace in each other's presence, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. The town may have been suffering, but in Ali and Chris's hearts, a new beginning had taken root.

As they stood hand in hand, looking out at the vast expanse of the dry land, Ali whispered a silent prayer to the heavens. She prayed for rain to come and nourish the earth, to bring life back to the desolate fields. And as she looked into Chris's eyes, she knew that with love and faith, they could weather any storm that came their way.

And so, Ali and Chris stood together, their hearts full of love and hope, as they awaited the rain that would one day come and wash away the despair, leaving behind a new beginning filled with promise and possibility.


9. Scifi. Hope. (530 rating).

The year was 2050 and the world was facing its worst drought in history. The once lush green landscapes had turned into barren wastelands, withering under the scorching sun. The lakes and rivers had dried up, leaving behind cracked, parched earth.

In the midst of this desolation, Ali Skovbye and Chris found themselves struggling to survive. They were members of a small group of survivors who had banded together in search of a new hope. Ali was a brilliant scientist, known for her innovative inventions and knack for problem-solving. Chris, on the other hand, was a skilled engineer, able to build and fix just about anything.

Together, they had come up with a plan to save their dying world. Using Ali's scientific expertise and Chris's engineering skills, they set out to create a device that could harness the power of the sun and bring life back to the desolate land.

Working tirelessly day and night, they toiled away in their makeshift workshop, piecing together the components of their invention. As the sun beat down relentlessly outside, they were driven by a shared sense of purpose and determination.

Finally, after weeks of hard work, the device was complete. A gleaming silver orb that shimmered in the sunlight, it hummed with an otherworldly energy. Ali and Chris stood back, their hearts pounding with anticipation, as they activated the device.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. The sun continued to beat down, the earth remained dry and lifeless. But then, slowly but surely, a change began to occur. The air around them started to vibrate with energy, and a soft, gentle breeze swept through the barren landscape.

As they watched in awe, tiny green shoots began to sprout from the cracked earth, reaching out towards the sun. The once barren wasteland was transformed before their very eyes, bursting with vibrant colors and life.

Ali and Chris couldn't believe what they were seeing. Their invention had worked beyond their wildest dreams, bringing hope and life back to a world on the brink of destruction. They were hailed as heroes, their names whispered in hushed tones among the survivors.

But as the days passed, a new threat emerged. A group of rogue scientists, envious of Ali and Chris's success, sought to steal their invention for themselves. They launched a ruthless attack on the survivors, intent on taking control of the device.

In a fierce battle, Ali and Chris fought back with all their might, using their ingenuity and skills to defend their creation. As the sun blazed overhead, they stood united against the forces of darkness, determined to protect their newfound hope.

In the end, they emerged victorious, driving off the rogue scientists and securing the future of their world. The device continued to thrive, bringing life and abundance to the once barren land.

Ali and Chris had saved their world from despair, proving that even in the darkest of times, hope and innovation could prevail. As they stood together, gazing out at the lush, green landscape that stretched before them, they knew that they had forged a new future for themselves and the generations to come. And with their vision and creativity, they had shown that anything was possible, even in the face of adversity.


9. Anime: Asuna. Possible. (711 rating)

Asuna gazed out at the dry, cracked earth that stretched out for miles around her. The harsh sun beat down relentlessly, casting a blinding light over the barren landscape. It had been weeks since the last drop of rain had fallen, and the village was suffering under the grip of a severe drought.

Asuna was a young woman with a spirit as fierce as the sun that loomed overhead. She had always been drawn to the beauty of the natural world, finding solace in the simplicity of the land and the sky. But now, as she watched the crops wither and die before her eyes, her heart ached with despair.

One day, as she wandered through the village in search of water, Asuna stumbled upon a stranger named Chris. He was a traveler passing through the village, his eyes filled with a sense of mystery and wonder. Asuna was captivated by his presence, feeling a deep connection to him that she couldn't explain.

As the days passed, Asuna and Chris grew closer, their bond deepening with each passing moment. They would spend hours together, sharing stories and dreams under the scorching sun. Asuna found herself falling in love with Chris, his laughter and kindness bringing a glimmer of hope to her weary heart.

But as the drought continued to ravage the land, Asuna's hope began to fade. The village was on the brink of collapse, its people desperate for relief. It seemed as though all was lost, and Asuna felt the weight of despair pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.

One night, as Asuna lay awake in bed, consumed by worry, she felt a presence in the room. The air seemed to shimmer and shift, and suddenly, a figure appeared before her. It was a woman of unearthly beauty, her eyes sparkling with ancient wisdom.

"I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and compassion," the woman said in a voice that resonated with power. "I have seen the love that burns bright between you and Chris, and I am here to offer my help."

Asuna's heart raced with a mixture of fear and awe as she listened to Athena's words. The goddess told her that she had the power to bring rain to the parched earth, to quench the thirst of the land and restore life to the dying crops. But the cost of such a miracle would be great, and Asuna knew that she would have to make a choice that would change her life forever.

Asuna looked into Athena's eyes, feeling a surge of determination rising within her. She knew that she had to do whatever it took to save her village, to bring hope back to the people she loved. And so, she made her decision, her heart filled with a fierce courage that burned like a wildfire.

With Athena's guidance, Asuna embarked on a journey into the heart of the desert, facing dangers and trials that tested her resolve. She delved into the depths of her own soul, confronting her deepest fears and doubts with a strength she never knew she possessed.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity of struggle and sacrifice, Asuna reached the place where the rain lay sleeping. She called upon the power of the goddess within her, awakening the dormant magic that lay dormant in her blood.

And as she stood beneath the blazing sun, her eyes filled with tears of joy and triumph, Asuna unleashed a storm of rain upon the thirsty earth. The skies opened up, and the sweet water poured down in a torrential downpour, washing away the dust and despair that had plagued the land for so long.

The village rejoiced as the rain fell, their faces turned upwards in awe and gratitude. And as Asuna turned to look at Chris, standing beside her with a smile of wonder on his face, she knew that their love was a force of nature, unbreakable and enduring.

And so, Asuna and Chris stood together in the midst of the storm, their hearts beating as one, their spirits lifted by the knowledge that anything was possible in a world where hope shone as brightly as the sun. For they had faced the darkness and emerged into the light, guided by a love that was as eternal as the stars in the sky.


Set 10: Isabel May.

10. Thriller. Stars. (626 rating)

Isabel May had always been intrigued by mysteries. Growing up, she devoured detective novels and spent countless hours watching true crime documentaries. So, when a strange series of events began unfolding in her small town of Willow Creek, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. The disappearances of several young women had left the tight-knit community in a state of fear and confusion, and Isabel knew she had to do something about it.

One night, while scouring the local newspaper for any new leads on the case, Isabel stumbled upon an article about an old legend that was said to be connected to the disappearances. The story spoke of a mysterious figure known only as "The Shadow Man" who was said to haunt the woods on the outskirts of town. According to the legend, The Shadow Man would lure unsuspecting victims into the darkness, never to be seen again.

Intrigued by the connection between the legend and the recent disappearances, Isabel decided to delve deeper into the mystery. She knew that the key to solving the case lay in the town's history, so she headed to the Willow Creek Public Library to do some research.

As she walked through the library's dusty aisles, Isabel couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. She needed to find answers, and she needed to find them fast. So, she approached the librarian, a kind woman named Chris, who had been working at the library for decades.

"Excuse me, Chris," Isabel said. "I need your help with something. I'm trying to solve a mystery, and I believe it's connected to an old legend about The Shadow Man."

Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Isabel's request. She had always been fascinated by the town's history and was eager to help in any way she could.

"Come with me," Chris said, leading Isabel to a back room filled with stacks of old newspapers and dusty archives. "Let's see what we can find."

For hours, Isabel and Chris pored over old articles and town records, searching for any mention of The Shadow Man or the disappearances that had plagued Willow Creek. Slowly but surely, pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

They discovered that the legend of The Shadow Man dated back centuries, with stories of his dark deeds being passed down through generations. As they read on, Isabel and Chris realized that the disappearances in Willow Creek mirrored the legend almost exactly.

"It's like The Shadow Man has come to life," Isabel whispered, her eyes wide with realization.

But as they delved deeper into the mystery, Isabel and Chris began to uncover a disturbing truth. The disappearances were not the work of a supernatural entity, but of a very real and very human perpetrator. Someone in Willow Creek was using the legend of The Shadow Man to cover up a string of heinous crimes.

Determined to bring the killer to justice, Isabel and Chris continued their investigation, following clues that led them to the very heart of the town. And as they closed in on their suspect, they knew that they were putting themselves in grave danger.

But they were not afraid. Together, Isabel and Chris were a formidable team, armed with knowledge and determination. And as they confronted the killer in a final, dramatic showdown, they knew that they had uncovered a truth that would shake Willow Creek to its core.

As the sun rose over the quiet town, Isabel and Chris stood side by side, knowing that they had solved the mystery and brought a measure of justice to the victims. And as they looked out at the horizon, they knew that they would always be ready to face whatever darkness may come their way, armed with nothing but their wits, their courage, and the power of the truth.


10. Romance. Truth. (470 rating)

Isabel May had always been fascinated by stars. She would spend hours gazing up at the night sky, lost in the beauty and mystery of the universe. But lately, she had been feeling a different kind of longing – a longing for connection, for someone to share her passion with.

And then she met Chris.

Chris was a mysterious stranger who had recently moved to town. He was handsome, with dark hair and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her. Isabel was drawn to him immediately, sensing that there was something special about him. But Chris was enigmatic and aloof, keeping his distance from everyone in town.

Isabel couldn't help but be intrigued by Chris, and she soon found herself on a mission to uncover the mystery surrounding him. She turned to her local library for information, seeking out the wisdom of the librarian, Mrs. Jenkins.

Mrs. Jenkins was a kind and knowledgeable woman who had been working at the library for decades. She had a passion for books and a keen interest in all things mystical and unexplained. Isabel knew that she was the perfect person to help her solve the mystery of Chris.

Together, Isabel and Mrs. Jenkins delved into ancient texts and folklore, searching for clues that would unravel the mystery of Chris's past. They discovered that he had a connection to the stars, that he believed in the power of the universe to guide him.

As Isabel spent more time with Chris, she began to see glimpses of the vulnerability that lay beneath his stoic exterior. She realized that he was a man haunted by his past, seeking solace in the beauty of the night sky. And she knew that she wanted to be the one to heal his heart, to show him that love was the greatest mystery of all.

As their relationship blossomed, Isabel and Chris shared their dreams and fears under the stars, finding solace in each other's arms. They explored the depths of their souls, uncovering truths that had been hidden for so long. And as they fell deeper in love, they discovered that their connection was written in the stars, destined to last for eternity.

Isabel knew that she had found her soulmate in Chris, a man whose love was as vast and infinite as the universe itself. And as they stood together under the twinkling night sky, she knew that their love was a force of nature, a bond that could never be broken.

And so, Isabel and Chris embarked on a journey of love and discovery, guided by the stars and their own hearts. They knew that their love was true, that it was a gift from the heavens above. And as they walked hand in hand into the future, they knew that their love would always shine bright, like a star in the darkest night.


10. Scifi. Night. (494 rating)

Isabel May was a renowned astrophysicist who had spent her entire career studying the stars. She was well-known for her groundbreaking theories on the nature of the universe and had been featured in numerous scientific journals and conferences. But there was one mystery that had eluded her for years – the truth behind a series of strange anomalies that had been appearing in the night sky.

Chris was a librarian at the local library, an unassuming man with a deep passion for books and knowledge. He had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and had spent countless hours pouring over ancient texts and scientific journals in search of answers. When Isabel came to the library one day in search of information on the strange anomalies she had been observing in the night sky, Chris knew that he had to help her.

As they pored over dusty tomes and ancient manuscripts, Isabel and Chris quickly formed a strong bond. They spent long nights discussing theories and ideas, their minds racing with the possibilities of what could lie beyond the stars. But the more they researched, the more they realized that the truth was far stranger than they had ever imagined.

One night, as they sat under the stars in the library's observatory, a brilliant flash of light streaked across the sky. Isabel and Chris both watched in awe as a massive rift opened in the fabric of space-time, revealing a glimpse of another world beyond. In that moment, they knew that they had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary.

With newfound determination, Isabel and Chris threw themselves into their research, piecing together clues and deciphering cryptic messages hidden in the night sky. As they delved deeper into the mystery, they began to uncover a vast conspiracy that threatened not only their own world, but the very fabric of the universe itself.

But as they got closer to the truth, they found themselves pursued by shadowy figures who would stop at nothing to keep their secrets hidden. Isabel and Chris realized that they were in grave danger, but they refused to back down. With the help of their friends and allies, they raced against time to uncover the truth behind the anomalies in the night sky and prevent a catastrophe of cosmic proportions.

In the end, it was Isabel's visionary insights and Chris's unwavering determination that saved the day. They were able to close the rift and prevent the catastrophe, but not without sacrifice. As they watched the stars twinkle overhead, they knew that they had changed the course of history – and that the truth they had uncovered would shape the future of the universe for generations to come.

And so, Isabel May and Chris became legends in their own right, their names whispered in awe by future generations of astronomers and researchers. They had proven that sometimes, the most extraordinary truths can be found in the most ordinary of places – if only you have the courage to look.


10. Anime: Mizuhara Chizuru. Look. (734 rating)

Mizuhara Chizuru was an ordinary college student, studying hard and trying to make sense of the complexities of life. She had always been fascinated by the stars, finding solace in their beauty and mystery. One night, as she looked up at the sky, she saw a shooting star streak across the darkness, leaving a trail of light behind it. She made a wish, as most people do when they see a shooting star, but little did she know that her wish was about to come true in the most unexpected way possible.

Chris was a captivating and enigmatic figure who had appeared in Mizuhara's life out of nowhere. He seemed to know things about her that no one else did, and he had a way of looking at her that made her heart skip a beat. Mizuhara couldn't help but feel drawn to him, despite her initial reservations. There was something about Chris that she couldn't quite put her finger on, something that both scared and excited her in equal measure.

As their relationship blossomed, Mizuhara found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with Chris. He was like a puzzle that she couldn't solve, a mystery that kept her awake at night. She was determined to uncover the truth about him, to understand the secrets that he was hiding behind his enigmatic facade. And so, she set out on a journey to unravel the mysteries of Chris, using every resource at her disposal to get to the bottom of the truth.

Mizuhara's first stop was the local library, where she sought out the guidance of the librarian, a wise and knowledgeable woman named Mrs. Jenkins. Mrs. Jenkins had a way of knowing things that no one else did, and Mizuhara was convinced that she held the key to unlocking the secrets of Chris. With a twinkle in her eye, Mrs. Jenkins led Mizuhara to a dusty old book that had been hidden away on the top shelf for years. It was a book on ancient mythology, filled with stories of gods and goddesses who had the power to shape the destiny of mortals.

Mizuhara's eyes widened as she read through the pages, each word filling her with a sense of wonder and awe. She learned about Goddess Athena, the wise and powerful goddess of wisdom and war, who had the ability to see beyond the veil of time and space. It was said that Athena could grant visions to those who sought her guidance, helping them to uncover the truth that lay hidden in the shadows.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Mizuhara set out to seek the aid of Goddess Athena, hoping that she would be able to shed light on the mysteries of Chris. She closed her eyes and whispered a prayer to the goddess, asking for her help in unravelling the tangled web of secrets that surrounded her beloved. And to her astonishment, her prayers were answered in the most unexpected way possible.

That night, as Mizuhara looked up at the stars, she saw a vision of Goddess Athena herself, a shimmering figure bathed in light and power. The goddess spoke to her in a voice that echoed through the depths of her soul, filling her with a sense of purpose and strength. She revealed to Mizuhara the truth about Chris, showing her the path that she needed to take in order to uncover the secrets that he was hiding.

With renewed determination, Mizuhara set out on her quest to solve the mystery of Chris, guided by the wisdom of Goddess Athena and the knowledge of Mrs. Jenkins. She delved deep into the shadows, confronting the demons that lurked in the darkness and unearthing the truths that lay buried beneath the surface. And in the end, she uncovered the biggest mystery of all – the truth about herself and the power that lay within her own heart.

As the stars twinkled overhead, Mizuhara stood tall and proud, a warrior in her own right. She had faced her fears and conquered her doubts, emerging stronger and wiser than before. And as she looked into the eyes of Chris, she saw the reflection of her own soul, a mirror image of the love that she had discovered within herself. With Goddess Athena by her side, Mizuhara knew that she was destined for greatness, her journey just beginning as she embraced the truth, the night, and the stars that shone brightly above.
