
What is this I'm feeling?

Allan is a former assassin who hopes for a normal life. Therefore he retired as an assassin and enrolled in highschool. How will Allan who desperately wants a normal life but has no common sense about it survive in highschool? How will his former assassin life affect his now highschool life? You can find it out by reading this novel I also have another series called ' The book that ties us together' Please go ahead and check it out https://www.paypal.me/Crystalroseauthor donations are welcome☺

CrystalRose_3900 · アクション
6 Chs


After school Allan and the others went back home. While going home Allan felt a presence following him. Allan then went into a small alleyway and waited there when 2 person wearing black suddenly appeared.

" Allan tremor It's time for your demise" One of the person in black said

" Are you sure?" Allan smirked as he suddenly pulled a knife

" Wow bringing a knife to school? You're not planing to murder anyone, are you?" The person wearing black asked

" Of course not It's for safety measures" Allan answered

Allan then ran towards the two with full speed and punched one of the black dressed man while dodging the other. One of the guys then pulled out a gun and started shooting at Allan. Allan dodge all of the bullets and swing his knife towards one of the black dressed man, In a split second his throat was slit open and he was dead. The other black dressed man was astonished, he didn't know that Allan tremor was this good of a fighter, if he knew he wouldn't of taken the request. Allan grab the other man and threw him into the ground knocking him unconscious. Allan then lift the man up and brought him to his home. Allan tied the man and put him in his basement. When the man woke up Allan asked him a couple questions.

" So who are you" Allan asked

But the man stayed silent

Allan then grab his head and point a gun into his head

" Still not going to talk?" Allan asked

" I..I'll talk" The man stuttered

" Now then, who are you and what business do you have with me" Allan asked again

" I..I'm an assassin and I was hired to kill you" The man said

" Kill me?" Allan asked

" Y..yes" The man answered back

" Who hired you?" Allan continued asking

" Th..that's" The man stuttered

" Not going to tell eh?" Allan started glaring at him which made the man shivered in fear

" I.. I don't know who hired me they wore a black hood that was covering their face but there was a red tiger logo on it" The man answered

" Ha..hahaha, I see. They think they could kill me once I retired, that's funny. Thank you, you've been useful to me but i can't let someone who know me and was sent to kill me live. Bye bye" Allan said

Then he pull the trigger and Bang the shot was fired, the dead man layed there full of blood.

" Ugh, disgusting. Now i need to dispose of the body" Allan spoke to himself

" Sigh, this is going to get complicated" Allan sighed

Allan then dialed a number on his phone

" Hello? I need your help"