
What is ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’?

Have you ever wondered about the goodness and the evilness of the world? If everything is balanced, doesn’t that mean that there’s goodness in evil and evilness in good? Then, how do we actually separate these two categories, which coexist and swirled up to an entity? The story of two people, maybe more, suffering through the prejudices of this classification. What if evil is good and good is evil? Does the good always receives the best while the evil receives the worst? Maybe both of them are trampled down instead, and this is a journey of a hero who struggles to stay as good and a villain who refused to be evil. (Cover designed by Freepik)

OneWhoGlitched · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Vermillion Season (1): Two Kingdoms

"Leader, welcome back!"

The heroes of Devontae lined up, greeting Alara. All fully in their uniform, ready to perform their duties. The boy in his late teen, Vincent, the blonde girl, Claire, the red-headed Elonzo and a woman in a pair of round glasses, Melissa.

"You have returned, Mel."

"Yes, Leader! You must listen to my findings!" Melissa exclaimed excitedly.

"We had been forced to listen to it all day," Claire complained with an exhausted face.

Hearing that, Vincent immediately added, "But it was fun!"

Melissa perked up at Vincent's compliment and took the chance to continue her unfinished story. Claire slumped in exasperation while Vincent periodically nodded as a response to the story. Alara silently stood by the side and allowed Melissa's enthusiasm to continue.

"Ha…you three never let Alara had a break. She'd just returned too, to say the least!" Elonzo who had just been spectating shook his head with a sigh.

Upon Elonzo's interference, Alara paused Melissa's story, reminding in a poised manner, "Enough with the small talks, we have something important to do today, right?"

With the reminder from Alara, the other four straightened their stance and faced forward, looking over the balcony. Filling their view was the people of the kingdom with the army at the centre. Alara stepped forward, gazing at the civilians before instructing her orders.

"As the annual Vermillion season is here, the civilians near the area of Arlos will be evacuating temporarily to the Wasteland of the West. As we will be using the same path as the enemy kingdom, we will be protecting our people to safety."

The instruction was short but that was all to it. Once Alara ended her last sentence, the synchronous sound of salute by the army echoed throughout the vast space, "Yes, General!"

Vermillion season; a season when the monsters mated as the moon shone red, shrouding the world with a bloody shade. During this season, the monsters will be going out of their nest to find a mating partner or food for their offsprings.

"Ah….I really want to go do some researches during this period," Melissa muttered.

"Then who will be substituting for your position?" Elonzo nudged her.

In order to evacuate to the Wasteland, they must use the Panama Bridge that connects the mainland with the other. Not to mention, the neighbouring Kingdom of Veeral, which had been on a bad term with Devontae for decades, also need to evacuate a part of their civilians due to a similar reason.

"Henceforth, the evacuation shall begin," Alara instructed, followed by the orders of the Army's Commander to march.


The movement of people was quite large in scale. The civilians could be summed up to 2000 people, lead by more than 100 knights and three heroes as the frontline. The other two are protecting the capital.

"Keep up with the front, the knights at the rear, take care of the elderly and children!" Alara voiced with an amplifier made from a magic stone.


After around three and a half glows, they finally reached the one and only Panama Bridge. Another group of people was seen from a distance, lead by a few distinct people with light coloured hair.

"If it isn't our lovely neighbour of Devontae." A man with light blue hair offered a smile, one that may actually look genuine.

"…Hero of Veeral. I hope this year went well again. Let's come to an agreement, shall we?"

"Mhm, I would be happy to…..Alara."


The man smiled as he put out his hand. Marcus Whitter, he is the leader of Veeral. Not only is he a highborn, he was also blessed with the power of a Hero, making him one of the most admired individual in his kingdom. Also known as the pride of Veeral.

Alara took his hand, wishing to make peace.


Alara instructed as she turned slightly to the Devontae army. The Commander who'd recognised the sign immediately began moving the knights.


The troop marched and formed a line, facing the same side as Alara.


Marcus also ordered the army of Veeral, making them face the army of Devontae. The parallel line of the two army continued all the way to the end of the Bridge.

"Move along! Stop looking over and just keep on moving forward!" The commander of Devontae's Knights guided the civilians.

As the 'fence' had completely formed, the people began to move. Both of the army just stared at each other without doing anything. This is how it has been for the last 15 years. The Devontae and the Veeral had agreed on a peace treaty, but the relationship between the two is still fragile. A small mistake may ruin such a decision. Not to mention that there are some people who actually wished for the two kingdoms to be back at war.

"Have you considered my proposal?" Marcus deliberately broke the silence.

"My decision is fixed. It is to my regret if I offended you in any way."

"Are you sure? If you were to be my bride, the diplomatic relationship between the two kingdoms would be strengthened."

"…I believe that you should court a lady of a highborn, instead. Her highness had fancied you for long."

"But she's not the one that I want."


Marcus continued to face her for long. The people slowly reached the destination as the armies remained still to the end, none raised even a finger to the other.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Alara stared at the ground, taking a deep breath before replying, "Hero of Veeral-"

"Marcus. Call me by my name or I refused to listen."

Marcus crossed his arms together, slightly looking away as if not interested.

"…then, Marcus. We've discussed this for a long time."

"And you still didn't consider me."

"I did-"

"Then, you didn't accept me."

"Do understand-"

"I won't."

After getting constantly cut off, Alara shut her mouth again, at lost of words. This man in front of her, even Alara herself is not sure as to why Marcus likes her so much. Is it her power and reign? The diplomacy would be his priority, after all. Logically, she should've just accepted him. There's practically no disadvantages here. However, a marriage is not something she desires.

"Leader!" A knight came with a salute.

"At ease. What is it?"

"The civilians had fully been evacuated. Waiting for the next order!"

Taking relief of the sudden interruption, Alara turned once again towards Marcus.

"….I suppose we have reached the end of the evacuation." Alara said, her eyes met with his before continuing, "And the answer remained the same, my apologies."

For Alara, the burden of being a Hero itself was close to unbearable. If it was added with being the symbolic of a diplomatic relationship, she doesn't know if she could bear it. What if things go wrong? She doesn't want to have such thoughts lingering in her head, interfering with her daily life. Hence, a polite rejection is all she could do.

She could see his expression wilting but that's the respond she could give. With a slight bow, she returned with the knight to their camp. Marcus's gaze followed her, clenching his fist tightly, he stared for long.

"….I'll still wait for you," Marcus muttered quietly.