
What is ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’?

Have you ever wondered about the goodness and the evilness of the world? If everything is balanced, doesn’t that mean that there’s goodness in evil and evilness in good? Then, how do we actually separate these two categories, which coexist and swirled up to an entity? The story of two people, maybe more, suffering through the prejudices of this classification. What if evil is good and good is evil? Does the good always receives the best while the evil receives the worst? Maybe both of them are trampled down instead, and this is a journey of a hero who struggles to stay as good and a villain who refused to be evil. (Cover designed by Freepik)

OneWhoGlitched · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Symbol of identity

(Trigger Warning)

"Welcome back, master."

The servants lined up by the entrance. Alara had changed into her usual uniform, soft smile on her face. Her silver hair tied up into a pony tail and her golden eyes gleamed in the light.

"I'm back, I hope all of you had a great day today. Thank you for your hardwork."

"Yes, master!"

She walked pass the people, greeted a few of them before climbing up the stairs towards her office. The servants all sneaked a glance at her all the way until she's out of sight. As the line dispersed, a small group of maids stayed there, talking lively.

"Miss Alara always looked after us, she's an embodiment of a true hero!"

"Right?? And that charming smile of hers, ahh…"

Perking up, a short haired brunette with freckles suddenly joined in and said exaggeratedly, "Last time I accidentally tripped and she caught me in her arms!"

"Kyaaa! How lucky!" The other maids squeeled.

Perhaps it caught the attention of somebody else, too.

"Ehem, stop wasting time and get to work." The head butler commanded.

The young maids scurried out of the lobby in a heartbeat and continued their abandoned duties. After confirming all the servants are back to their positions, the head butler went to brew a cup of coffee and brought it up to Alara's office.


"Come in."

The head butler pushed the door and was greeted with the hero's trademark smile.

"What is the matter, Julian?"

"I'm here to serve you a cup of coffee, master."

"How thoughtful of you."

Julian placed the porcelain cup right next to her. He had served this mansion for a long time. A neat man in his late 40's. A very loyal servant of the kingdom, serving generations of heroes. It was said that he was saved once by a hero back in his childhood. Growing up, he pledged to devote his life, serving them in any ways he could. Hence, choosing this side of a career.

"Thank you."

Alara quietly sipped on the black coffee while reading over the letters from the palace.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"…no, not just yet."

"Then, I shall excuse myself."

With a nod from Alara, Julian bowed and quietly left the office. Her eyes moved back to the sheets of papers she's holding. The content of the letter was as so;

...…after hearing of your remarkable achievement on taking down yet another villain, the king wishes to grant you a reward on the next annual ceremony.....

"Another shitty ceremony, huh? The nobles won't be too happy to hear about it."

Ceremonies like this were usually held by the royalties to flaunt their strength by spreading the stories of their heroes. With this, the land will become even more prominent throughout the world. The stronger the heroes, the more influential they will become.

"Curses….I don't think I could be socialising well these days."

As a hero, Alara had to uphold the very image that she resented, the hypocrisy drained her spirit. Slowly decaying away, she doesn't think that she could last long, acting all kind and respectable. Alara looked down, gazing upon the permanently intact symbol on her wrist. A bright, waning gibbous moon, sparkling with light.

"If only I don't have this."

She stared at it resentfully, grabbing the feather pen next to her and-


Red 'ink' soaking the white feather. The golden letter from the palace had splotches of red, decorating it like a red spider-lily.

"Because of this-"


She pulled it out and stabbed on her wrist again.

*Because of this stupid fate!"


Pool of blood formed on the table. After relentlessly stabbing herself, she let go of the crimson red feather and plopped down on the floor.

"Because of this facade, nothing had left."

Having sacrificed her whole family for the so called 'greater good', everything she had left is just a mere lie.

"Mother, father….my little siblings….I know all of you had accepted your fate. However, I still can't tolerate this. Why did you so readily go? Is it because I'm a hero? Is that why the people around me had to be sacrificed? Now that I am left alone here….."

Who will save me?

Alara leaned to the wall, grieving over the death of her family. She knew that neither of them felt anger towards her, but that doesn't include herself.


The wounds she inflicted on her wrist healed and the symbol appeared as if nothing happened prior to that. Seemingly used to it, Alara ignored the glowing symbol and stared out the window.

"It's a crescent moon, tonight…" she said tiredly.

The moon shone brightly, so bright even though it is not full. Perhaps, it is simply her delusions after feeling so lost and helpless.