
Soul Stone

----YOOOOOOO IM BACK!!! My trip was pretty alright, but I actually missed writing these up. That and I missed my cat, Nonetheless let's get back to putting these together.-----

I climbed up the rocks up to the...temple? At the top to reach the soul stone.

"Welcome, Seer, The Fate Stealer. Cognition, Last of Generation 7 of the Klyntar."

"You know us?"

"It is my curse to know all who journey here."

Ask him about the soul stone...

"Where is this Soul stone? We seek it."

"You should know, it extracts a terrible price."

"We are prepared."

"We all think that at first. We are all wrong. Though I suppose you see what you trade. It's right up there..."

Does that guys head freak you out? Like is that all muscle or like that's just his skin?

"We believe that was skin."

Ultimately when we got to the giant whole we stopped our conversation about the guy with the red skull. I suppose his name could just be red skull right? Honestly I think...

"How do we plan on getting this stone?"

Oh right! I pulled cognition free from around my neck, i wanted him to create a spawn and sacrifice it. It should technically count due to it being his child it gives him a basic love for it and provides the requirement of a soul for a soul.

"That is fairly dark, though we suppose that would be possible."

So we plopped out a small blob of goo and soon it began to form into a large one. Once it began to move on its own...Cognition kicked it into the pit. Even Red skull who watched us from afar was surprised at our actions.

"Is something going to happen?"

It took a minute or two of us just standing there wondering if it worked or not. Until a shiny orange gem rose from the pit.

"We are surprised that worked!"

"That took longer than expected, perhaps the stone was weighing whether or not the creature you sacrificed counted as a soul."

Red Skull's comment on the stone was likely correct, I put the soul stone in my pocket and took out the tesseract once more shattering it in the grip of the armor Cognition made around me.

"So that's what laid within the tesseract, I knew of the stone within. I just didn't expect such holdings."

I moved the stone in my hand and activated it once more disappearing away to my new location.