
What if Gohan landed in DC

After the destroyer God Beerus destroyed his home the young saiyan Gohan was thrust into an entire new universe, now a Saiyan God Gohan struggles to accept the permanent loss of his family and loved ones as he tries to fit into his new universe until he becomes a candidate for God of Destruction.

Percival_Black · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Lord Gohan - God of Destruction

Gohan stared at Vermont's back as they flew at breakneck speed through the universe. "I apologize for that, but as a future destroyer, your name cannot be tarnished because many will learn to fear you," Vermont said. "And other than that, you will need to be less lenient with mortals."

"Please remember your actions reflect that of the gods, and if you allow mortals to have such brazen attitudes, you will never be respected, and as such, you will not be able to remain a destroyer." Gohan didn't answer as he nodded.

"It is unfortunate that they do not welcome you, but once you ascend to true godhood, it won't matter what mortals say, as the earth will belong to you," Gohan chuckled.

"Is this your way of consoling me?" He asked as Vermont chuckled.

"Perhaps," he said as the light disappeared, and Gohan looked around in wonder. "We have arrived."

"This is mine?" He asked as Vermont nodded.

"It will be very soon. We leave for Grand Zeno's palace in two months for your ascension. You aren't very strong yet, but you do meet the minimum requirement, just barely," Vermont answered. "I would like to take these two extra months to solidify your body. You will need it once the energy of destruction truly flows through you."

"I do wonder how powerful you will become if you could reach such strength at the young age of 23," he chuckled as Gohan eyed him, seeing something in Vermont's eyes. He barely knew the Angel, but he noticed that glint.

"You are actually excited, aren't you?" He asked as Vermont smiled.

"Did I make it too obvious, my lord?" He asked as Gohan just chuckled.

"I think we'll get along just fine, Vermont," Gohan commented as the Angel nodded. For some reason, he felt like the universe was about to enter a new age.

"If you don't mind, I'd actually love to sleep right now. I haven't slept yet," he said as Vermont nodded and led him to his new palace.

(It looks exactly the same as Beerus's world, just like all destroyer worlds.)

"Your bed chamber is here, my lord," he answered as he showed Gohan his room. "I will wake you in the next 23 hours," he said as Gohan just walked into the room and collapsed on the bed; it was incredibly soft.

"I just might sleep that long on a bed like this," he answered as he passed out from mental fatigue due to his mental training.

The door closed as Vermont left him to sleep.

Gohan flew at a leisurely speed towards his home. He had just gotten back from college and could already smell his mother's cooking. The front door of House Paozu swung open to reveal Goten rushing out to greet his big brother.

"Big brother! Big brother! You're back!" Goten's voice called out as he laughed.

"Hey, Goten!" Gohan called out happily as he landed and made his way towards his brother. Just as Goten tackled Gohan, he heard his father's voice.

"Gohan! Your mom's still cooking. How about we go and have a sparring session real quick?" Goku asked as Gohan chuckled.

"Sure, Dad. Let me say hi to Mom first," Gohan said as Chi Chi pushed Goku aside.

"My baby!" She exclaimed as she ran into his arms and hugged him.

"Hello, Mom," Gohan greeted. "The food smells great!"

Chi Chi leaned back and smirked. "Of course it would, buster!" She smiled as Goku joined the scene with Goten hopping onto his shoulders.

"You guys ready to eat? The food's ready," Chi Chi quickly informed as Gohan's stomach rumbled.

"Sorry, Dad, the fight just wouldn't be the same without Mom's cooking," Gohan joked as Goku just laughed.

"You do make a good point, son," Goku said. Something caught Gohan's attention as he turned and looked back, confused. He shook his head before turning to follow his family, but just as he was about to enter, the small house exploded violently, with Beerus's laughter echoing.

"Lord Gohan!" The voice called out as Gohan sat up in a cold sweat with tears running down his cheeks. He stood up, trying to calm his racing heart.

Vermont had a blank expression as he handed Gohan a handkerchief. "It appears you've had a rather gruesome nightmare," he murmured. Gohan took the handkerchief and wiped himself clean, his fists trembling with anger.

With a calculating gaze, Vermont continued, "Forgive me, but that intense feeling you just experienced, I want you to intentionally dwell on it. I want you to let it fester, to let it consume you. Once you can no longer contain your emotions, think about what you'll do when you face Lord Beerus again. You must yearn for his destruction, don't you? You must long for the annihilation of the one who brought pain and suffering to you and your family. If you can harness that desire, your path to vengeance will be one step closer." Gohan seethed, his rage bubbling just beneath the surface. Why did he need to delve deeper into his own torment?

As Gohan was about to protest, Vermont raised a commanding hand, silencing him. "Do you wish to remain weak forever?" he asked, his voice cutting through Gohan's turmoil. The words struck a nerve, and something within Gohan snapped. He clenched his fists even tighter, his heart heavy with the memories of his family's untimely demise. Their deaths were a sacred wound, etched deep into his soul, and they fueled the inferno of his fury.

Gohan closed his eyes and began to focus, his hair briefly flashing gold before a single bolt of crimson electricity arced through the air. The very planet of the Destroyer trembled under the weight of his seething anger. His power was reaching a crescendo, a level of intensity he hadn't felt since his turbulent teenage years. But before the storm could break loose, Vermont intervened.

"Take that anger and keep it close," Vermont's voice was like an icy whisper in Gohan's mind. "Think about your insatiable desire to obliterate Lord Beerus, not merely to kill him, but to erase him from the very fabric of reality. It's a vicious, all-consuming desire. A power so potent it can devour even its wielder." Gohan struggled to maintain his sanity as the purple malevolent energy surged within him, threatening to consume his very being. This was the power Beerus commanded, and Gohan was on the brink of losing himself to it.

His consciousness began to fade as he was overwhelmed by the destructive force. Just as he felt himself being torn apart, Vermont acted swiftly, knocking Gohan out cold.

"Just what are you?" Vermont muttered to himself, his eyes locked on Gohan's unconscious, trembling form. Half of Gohan's clothes had been shredded by the sheer intensity of the sinister aura that had threatened to consume him.

But even before that, a primal fury was dormant within him. That power was terrifying, even for him, an Angel. It was weak to him, but it made his Super Saiyan God strength seem like a newborn infant.

Smirking to himself, Vermont laid Gohan down on the bed before healing him. "I told you the training will be quite strenuous, didn't I?"

Very soon, those two months passed. Gohan had been training like his life depended on it. After coming in contact with the energy of destruction, Gohan could feel that he was angrier than usual. He would get set off easily, and regaining control was proving to be even harder than learning to control Super Saiyan.

"Are you ready, milord?" Vermont asked. He had gotten to know the young god over the past two months.

After ten minutes, Gohan had cleaned up and was ready to leave with Vermont. "We shouldn't be too long," he said as his staff blinked.

"Oh, it seems those mortals found a way to contact me. Ah, Nabu, he is the one," he said as he looked at Gohan.

"Just tell them that they don't need to worry. Everything is fine, and the earth is not in danger. But I will likely be gone for a few years. With the way I left earth, I am pretty sure I will get attacked the moment I am spotted on earth. At this point, I may as well be banned," Gohan said with a sigh as Diana flashed through his mind.

"Alright," Vermont answered. He could tell Gohan was down. Perhaps he could raise his mood a little. "Although it seems that those of the Justice League seem to be very upset about how the situation was handled. It seems they are trying to mediate on your behalf. If you weren't as benevolent, that little blue orb would have been reduced to space dust already." Gohan shook his head.

"Well, I do come from my own earth, so I wouldn't want it destroyed," he said as they flew off.

"The transit will be thirty minutes," he informed as a pad appeared in Gohan's hands. "Please entertain yourself while we fly."

Gohan just stared at the pad and nodded. "That is called a god pad. It has all sorts of information on the universe. Perhaps you can brush up on a destroyer's duties," he said as Gohan nodded and read throughout the flight.

'You have a long way to go, milord, but your attitude certainly makes me very excited about the future. When was the last time I felt like this?' Vermont thought to himself as he observed Gohan read diligently.

They ventured into the resplendent palace of Grand Zeno, The first thing Gohan was greeted by was the sight of 17 Destroyers and 17 Angels watching them. The very air was charged with an aura of incomprehensible might, eclipsing Gohan's own strength by an immense margin. He discerned a hooded figure in the shadows, concealing a visage beyond reckoning. Gohan straightened his posture, realizing the towering mountains of power he must scale to traverse between multiverses.

As they approached the assemblage of divine beings, Vermont initiated a reverent bow, and Gohan promptly followed. The Grand Priest, with a gaze that penetrated the depths of the soul, extended his gracious welcome. "Welcome, my son," He greeted, Vermont stopped bowing.

An intense sensation enveloped Gohan, amplifying the weight of this encounter as the Grand Priest eyed him.

"How long has it been since I last beheld your countenance?" queried another Angel. Vermont responded with a smile, acknowledging the disheartening duration of their separation.

"Far too long," he replied before turning towards Gohan. "Permit me to introduce my personal recommendation," he gestured at Gohan. "This is my personal recommendation."

A cunning smirk graced the lips of a Destroyer, who promptly voiced his skepticism, echoing the thoughts of many. "Seems far too weak, don't you agree?" However, Vermont's laughter filled the space, dismissing their doubts.

"True, his power may seem unremarkable, but consider this—he is a mere twenty-three years old." A palpable shift in the atmosphere accompanied this revelation.

Amidst the gathered gods and Angels, one deity commended Gohan's accomplishments. "In truth, that is quite remarkable."

"How long have you been training him? His current strength is quite potent for a mortal being, did you start training him the moment he was conceived?" Another Angel pointed out as Vermont smiled, that was a ridiculous notion. "That is the beauty of it, brother," Vermont educated. "I have only been training him for two months now." Gohan couldn't understand why, they were all surprised at his lack of divine training; it sounded like his strength was particularly impressive for a mortal.

A mere two months of training, and yet his strength defies mortal expectations. "That is...not bad," one of the gods spoke.

"Vermont's recommendation carries immense weight," an Angel chimed in. "He would not endorse someone lightly."

A voice, unlike any other, interrupted the discourse. It emanated from a figure that bore no resemblance to a destroyer but held cosmic significance. His attire, adorned with the symbol of a guardian, exuded regality, and his very presence resonated with cosmic authority—the Monitor.

"It matters not, he was chosen by an Angel," A tall, regal figure wearing a crimson costume with gold accents spoke, he bore a symbol on his chest, and wore a mask, he radiated a cosmic aura.

Though a destroyer scoffed at the Monitor's words. "You aren't even a destroyer," Mar Novu was about to argue with the destroyer before the Grand Priest cut in.

"Lord Mar is correct," The Grand Priest said as he stepped down and smiled at Gohan, who was still bowing with his eyes closed, showing the utmost respect to the beings before him; he could feel they were far beyond anything he ever felt before. It reminded him of when Beerus punched him in the face but just a fraction of the destroyer's true strength.

"Arise, Son Gohan."

Respectful and reverent, Gohan complied. A young boy inquired, "If the ritual were to befall him, would his mortal vessel endure the strain? Could he withstand the cataclysmic forces without dissolution?" The boy looked like a human except his skin was purple, and he was dressed in a destroyer's uniform; he had his doubts about Gohan's resilience to the ritual's demands. However, the Grand Priest, his hand raised, called for Gohan's true power to emerge.

"Bring forth your full strength, Son Gohan. I wish to see the true depth of your power. Vermont preached your praises, so I would like to see why, at least before you truly start training." The Grand Priest said as Gohan nodded.

Gohan crouched, drawing a deep breath, summoning his inner flames. His once-insignificant energy burgeoned, enveloping him in blazing fire. In the presence of these godly entities, Gohan's power, while dwarfed by their might, still managed to carve a substantial presence, a testament to his latent potential. The divine onlookers could not deny the resonance of his burgeoning strength, a flicker in the pantheon of omnipotence.

"I can see why Vermont spoke so highly of you. To reach such a pinnacle of power without formal god training is truly impressive, Son Gohan. Your future is indeed promising," The Grand Priest praised Gohan, his words punctuated by the smirking Destroyers who regarded Gohan.

"A candidate of exceptional worth at a mere twenty-three years... With his emergence, our multiverse shall ascend to unparalleled heights," commended another Destroyer, a battle-hardened figure that bore the visage of a bipedal panther, his excitement rippling through the divine assembly.

Gohan's power receded as he relaxed and offered a bow to the gathering. "I promise to live up to your expectations and go even further beyond, my lords!" he pledged, displaying his humility.

"His humility is a virtue to be admired," chimed in another Destroyer, their sentiment echoed by approving nods from the Angels.

"The fortitude to endure the ritual is yours. Let us proceed," the Grand Priest proclaimed, gliding to the forefront, parting the path for Gohan. Two cushions, enigmatic and laden with mystique, lay before him.

"The opportune moment arrives as the Kaiju tree bestows upon us another golden fruit, marking the commencement of your coronation," declared the Grand Priest, his voice resonating with profound significance. Gohan approached the awaiting pillow, seated beside the radiant golden fruit, and closed his eyes in solemn anticipation. The assembly of Destroyers and Angels enveloped him, their potent presence filling his being.

The Destroyers suddenly opened their eyes in slight shock; faint traces of destruction energy had permeated the atmosphere. Had this mortal crossed the bridge and come in contact with the force of destruction?

An enigmatic aura swirled around Gohan, and then the Grand Priest's voice pierced the hushed tension. "You may unveil your eyes, ascendant of destruction." Gohan complied, revealing a mixture of bewilderment and curiosity in his gaze. His attire had undergone an arcane transformation, adorning him in the resplendent vestments of a Destroyer God.

"Greetings, my name is Makaiya," intoned the Supreme Kai Makaiya, his tone reverent. Gohan observed the curious absence of the golden fruit beside him. "From this day forth, our fates are inexorably intertwined," the Supreme Kai proclaimed. Gohan responded with a deep bow. "I am Son Gohan, and I look forward to the journey."

His eyes descended, taking in his new attire—a fusion of black, white, purple, and crimson, bearing three distinct symbols. Golden bracelets adorned his arms, and a singular ring graced his left ear. His form, too, had undergone a subtle transformation, achieving a leaner stature.

"You have ascended as the God of Destruction of the 21st universe," the Grand Priest proclaimed, prompting the collective bow of recognition from the assembly, including Vermont, whose demeanor conveyed contentment.

With the announcement of adjournment, the Grand Priest vanished into the palace, while the assembly of Destroyers took flight, each paired with their Angelic counterpart. Gohan realized that adhering to this path offered his sole chance to reunite with his family in the Other World.

Beside Vermont, Gohan sought clarification. "Should I feel different in some way?" Vermont met his gaze. "Seek within yourself; the latent force of destruction should now stir within. Thanks to your robust vessel, it should be relatively easy for you to summon it. Typically, extensive training spanning years is requisite for a vessel to endure even a fraction of the Energy of Destruction. However, you, by virtue of your robust vessel, have hastened the process," Vermont explained. "Even before the ritual, you could access it, now you are just immortal."

Gohan nodded and took out the god pad, continuing to read. Vermont appeared pleased.

Upon their return to the 21st universe, Makaiya bowed to both of them before bidding farewell and Kai-Kai'd to the sacred world of the Kais for his training under the Grand Supreme Kai, honing his Kaioshin Magic.

"Are you ready to begin your training, my lord?" Vermont inquired. Gohan nodded. "Good. Now come at me with everything you have, but hold off on the Super Saiyan God," Vermont commanded as Gohan rushed in, only to have Vermont effortlessly evade his attacks.

Back on Earth.

"I received a response from him," Nabu said, catching the attention of Batman and the rest of the League. It had been two months of stress.

"What does it say?" Batman inquired.

"Lord Gohan has acted as the bridge, so the Earth is no longer in danger from the gods' wrath," Nabu answered, and a collective sigh of relief filled the room.

"Oh, thank God! We owe you one, Gohan," Flash said as he relaxed.

However, Fate's next words tempered their relief. "He won't be returning for a few years," he stated, casting a shadow over Barry's mood.

Supergirl chimed in, "If it had come to a fight, we would have been facing gods."

"The odds of surviving such a confrontation are impossible," Nabu warned, frustrated that the heroes didn't fully grasp the magnitude of the threat. "Since the danger has passed, I will take my leave," he added before vanishing.

"Why is Fate so pessimistic?" Karen asked.

"It's not pessimism," Zatanna explained, "From what I can gather from Dr. Fate, the beings that created our time-space, and effectively all of us, almost abandoned us. No matter how strong you are, you can't fight something beyond the concept of infinity in every aspect of reality."

"Think of reality as software," Zatanna continued, her words sending shivers through the League. "These beings are like admins, capable of editing, removing, and creating the very pillars of our reality. If you anger them, they can take away your abilities, manipulate your age, or even erase you from existence. They can trap you for eternity."

The gravity of Zatanna's words sank in, making them realize the severity of their situation. While the League was undoubtedly powerful, the threat posed by these cosmic entities was beyond their league.

"I wonder when he will return?" Diana pondered, prompting Batman to speak.

"We need to sway public opinion before that happens. We must try to fix this," he stated. Superman nodded, and a surge of anger filled him.

"Amanda took it too far this time. She needs to be held accountable for nearly dooming the entire planet," he declared.

"Well, whether he comes back or not, the Angel said he would become a future God of Destruction. His return could spell our end," Martian Manhunter suggested.

Barry, however, defended Gohan, remembering the tears he shed for his family as he stared into space. "At first, I wasn't sure, but now I am. He isn't bad; he's just feared for his power, something we all had to face at some point in our lives."

In the vast expanse of space, a colossal, stone-like entity stood with his back turned to his subjects, who knelt in unwavering reverence. His crimson eyes blazed with malevolence as he addressed them, his voice resonating with ominous authority.

"Dispatch Doomsday... Let us test the mettle of this so-called Justice Legion," he commanded. A loyal subject immediately bowed, "As you command, Lord Darkseid."

With a low, guttural grunt, Darkseid pivoted to confront his subjects. "If Doomsday fails to rend those caped pests asunder, I will personally reduce their world to ashes," he declared.

"The only one on that wretched planet with a glimmer of hope against Doomsday is the Kryptonian. However, with Doomsday's augmentations, both the Kryptonian and their world shall perish in the inferno." Destruction was inevitable, one way or another.

A year later, during a general assembly meeting, public anger still simmered. Many held those in power responsible for the mishandling of the encounter with a god. A new religious group emerged, erecting statues of Gohan and Vermont to seek their favor, as these deities were initially mistreated on Earth.

This situation resulted from the League's efforts to improve Gohan's public image behind the scenes. A city was even renamed Son City, marking the moment Earth learned from its mistakes.

Diana scowled at Amanda, who smirked back. The head of the assembly declared, "If Lord Gohan ever returns to Earth, he'll be revered as a VVIP. Reports from the Justice League confirm he stood up for our planet, allowing it to remain in the gods' favor." At this point, there was no choice but to publicly acknowledge him.

Hearing that Diana smirked at Amanda who just looked away.

Modern media and online the news outlets blew up, many influencers adding their own take on the situation.

Gohan meditated while Vermont approached. "You've yet to land a blow on me, my lord," Vermont teased, wearing a mischievous grin that spurred Gohan to his feet.

He charged at Vermont who blocked the blow and prepared a counter but Gohan shifted and closed his eyes before dodging and attacking. "Very good, I see you are still trying to achieve the state of the angels." He said before he landed a solid blow on Gohan's gut knocking him to his knees.

"However, I still cannot sense it within you at all." Vermont said as Gohan sat up gasping for air as Vermont chuckled.

"Your ability to control energy of destruction has also come a long way." Vermont praised. "You shouldn't rush yourself, you have already exceeded my expectations, you have quite the frightening potential, your base strength already exceeds your previous Super Saiyan God strength by quite a significant margin."

Gohan sighed, revealing his goal. "I may not be allowed to kill Beerus, but I'll beat him to within an inch of his life." For the past year, he had trained tirelessly, striving to become one of the strongest.

"I know Super Saiyan Rose is my greatest level of strength but it's still too weak." He said as Vermont nodded.

"And that is why we are training, you mastered that pink haired form two months ago, surely your next evolution of power is at hand," He said as Gohan nodded. "I noticed it, for you next training regiment, I would like you to transform and meditate in that state."

"I call it Super Saiyan Rose Evolution." Gohan explained as his power soared to unimaginable heights, he transformed into Super Saiyan Rose before pushing harder, digging deep within himself, unleashing the next evolution of godhood.

He sat like that for most of the day, but he began to feel his energy waning. "Don't revert to your normal form. Even if you run out of power, stay in this state. You've mastered divine ki in just a year, and now you must work on maintaining this form for longer. Your Ultra Ego state isn't perfect yet, but I think mastering your god ki will improve your Energy of Destruction. When you can use both together, you'll become more like a Destroyer God."

Gohan nodded, although he could feel the strain, if he managed his ki effectively than remaining in this form shouldn't be impossible.

"How is planet earth?" He asked as Vermont checked his staff.

"They are fine, seems they have some boom tubes situated around the planet but other than that nothing is amiss." He said as Gohan nodded.

"Alright, notify me if anything changes." He said as Diana flashed through his mind again, she had been living rent free in his head for the better part of the year. 'I wonder how she is?' He thought, at this point she would have probably forgotten all about him.

"Lord Gohan, there is a planet that demands your attention," Vermont spoke, his staff emitting an eerie blue glow. "It's a water world with a sinister allure, drawing unsuspecting beings to their doom. This world is far from natural; it appears to be the byproduct of one of the dominant empires, a dumping ground for their detritus1."

Gohan's weariness was evident as Vermont continued, "Furthermore, there's another conflict among mortals. Thanagar's invasion of Rann seems to be nearing its conclusion. Rann has almost successfully repelled the attack."

Gohan absorbed the information. The inhabitants of this universe seemed perpetually stuck in conflict. He had already learned of the existence of Warworld, a place he had no intention of shutting down. He couldn't meddle in every skirmish; it would drive him crazy.

Yet a dangerous thought took root within him, slowly festering as his eyes faintly glowed purple. Since gaining access to the Energy of Destruction, it began to influence his thoughts. Destruction crept into his mind more often than he'd care to admit. He realized he needed to tread carefully; he couldn't afford to become what he despised the most—another Beerus.

"Let's spar, I want to see how long I can maintain this without losing it, but don't attack me, this will be an endurance battle for me." Gohan explained, as Vermont nodded.

After a few hours Gohan finally dropped out of Super Saiyan Rose Evolution, he was beyond exhausted, all of his stamina was completely spent, Vermont approached him and tapped him with his staff, restoring the Saiyan's strength, his power increased by a tiny increment due to his saiyan nature.

Now he was quite hungry. "Let's eat." Gohan said as they made their way back to his palace, although the empty halls felt like solitary confinement, not a single soul in sight.

After filling his stomach with some food, he turned to Vermont. 

"Let's go, I have to see what that planet is." He said as he and Vermont took off towards the water world and appeared on it within the span of a few minutes.

"It looks normal enough but it's quite lethal," Gohan mused as he covered his nose at the stench that would kill mortal beings instantly, suddenly he sensed a ship approaching the planet, they weren't too far off from the planet already.

"You may want to not be on the surface of this planet." He suggested as he snap vanished and reappeared in front of the ship.

"They grow up so fast." Vermont said, the speed at which Gohan travelled was certainly impressive for such a young god.

The ship's crew was shaken to their core as they spotted a solitary figure drifting in the abyss of space. Gohan bore an inscrutable expression, marking his first appearance as the God of Destruction.

"Is everyone seeing this?" A crewmate's voice quavered, and they all congregated at the vessel's deck, peering out into the void.

"He doesn't look like a Green Lantern," another remarked, unease palpable in the air.

"Remember, this is one of the Lantern sectors. Don't act rashly," the captain admonished, his anxiety evident. Their mission didn't include encountering anyone near this desolate planet.

Gohan contemplated his newfound knowledge. 'Let's see, Makaiya thought me how to shift through space with Kai magic.' he thought to himself before phasing through the ship's metallic hull with eerie ease.

The crew recoiled in terror. "He's no Lantern! Emergency protocol–" Before the crewmate could finish, Gohan spoke, his voice commanding attention.

"I mean you no harm," he began, hands clasped behind his back, leaving the crew utterly dumbfounded.

"Who are you!?" the captain demanded, his crew brandishing weapons with trembling hands. "And how did you get aboard our ship?"

Gohan offered a warning instead. "I strongly advise against landing on that planet."

The crew stared at him with a mixture of caution and curiosity. Gohan took a step closer to the ship's prow.

"Why not?" the captain inquired.

"Because once you do, you'll face mutated creatures that will rend you apart. But before that happens, the planet's toxic emissions will claim your lives. I don't know who turned the world into this horror, but you are…Lou soldiers," Gohan noted, fixing his gaze on their emblem. "Yes, that's the Lou crest."

Still, the captain sought answers. "You haven't answered my first question."

"I'm a God of Destruction," Gohan replied, but their bewildered expressions revealed they had no inkling of what that meant.

"A what?" the captain stammered. "We've never even heard of a God of Destruction."

Gohan shrugged. "You don't need to know."

The captain persisted, "Why did you stop us?"

"I just don't want you to accidentally meet your end while I blow that planet," Gohan clarified. "At this point that death ball is no longer habitable."

The captain's voice quivered as he raised an objection. "Blow up the planet? Which empire do you serve? We can't let you do that."

Gohan remained resolute with a terrifying expression on his face. "It doesn't matter what you want."

As if to emphasize his point, Gohan phased his hand through the ship's wall and aimed his palm at the planet, unleashing a devastating beam of purple energy.

An earth-shattering explosion engulfed the vessel, but an iridescent purple barrier protected the crew from the ensuing shockwave.

"Now, return to your home world, unless you wish to join the cosmic dust that once was that planet," Gohan declared before vanishing from their ship.

Silence settled on the crew, they were shaken, what had they just experienced, who had they just encountered.

"Captain! The planet… it's gone," the vice-captain exclaimed in disbelief.

"That was... insane," one crew member muttered, their earlier fear giving way to astonishment.

"What should we report?" another crew member inquired. The captain contemplated their options before securing himself in his seat.

"Our ship has surveillance records. We'll report back and provide a comprehensive account. It's not as if we can destroy a planet," he stated as the crew nodded in agreement.

"Let's depart. I don't want to linger here any longer than necessary."

Gohan watched as the ship executed a sharp turn and sped away. "The Eve and Lou Empires really seem to despise each other, almost as much as Rann and Thanagar," he remarked. Vermont soared beside him as they floated in the vastness of space.

"Any more destinations?" Gohan inquired, and Vermont affirmed with a nod. "We don't have to go to Rann, right?" Gohan sought confirmation, and Vermont nodded once more.

"Correct. However, there's a planet in the Lou Empire's jurisdiction that's facing destruction, even though it's considered a perfect world by all standards," Vermont relayed.

"Understood. I've noticed that the Eves can be quite ruthless. Are they responsible for this planet's situation?" Gohan asked, to which Vermont inspected his staff. "Most of the planets in need of your intervention are under the influence of this Lou empire."

"It appears they control the eastern systems and have formed an alliance, largely due to a planet called Apokolips, governed by a new god named Darkseid. He's gaining power and is embroiled in a conflict with both empires. He seems to be the son of Yuga Khan, he was slayed by Darkseid and Highfather, by the way, whom you've yet to meet," Vermont elaborated.

Gohan closed his eyes, contemplating the information. "I understand. Let's address these two empires," he said resolutely, and together with Vermont, they sped off at a considerable velocity.

Upon their arrival, Gohan was horrified by the sight that greeted him. His jaw clenched in anger as he beheld a colossal drill burrowing into the planet's core. Gohan sensed numerous lives still present on the doomed world, all of whom would perish when the planet eventually exploded.

Gohan aimed the palm of his hand at the planet, his aura surging to life as he telekinetically lifted the colossal drill from the planet's surface.

With a flick of his wrist, the drill was forcibly removed and then obliterated by a blast as immense as the planet itself. His mood had soured significantly, and he turned to Vermont.

"Where can I find the one responsible for this?" Gohan's voice dripped with anger as Vermont consulted his staff. "It seems to be further to the east. Shall we proceed?" Vermont inquired. Gohan simply nodded, and they took flight, heading towards their destination.

Upon their arrival at the palace, Gohan and Vermont landed, greeted by a group of alarmed guards who brandished their spears.

"Who are you? How did you get here?" the guards demanded. Gohan and Vermont simply vanished from their sight, making their way towards the throne room. As they arrived, they found an ongoing meeting in progress.

"You dare lie?" a voice echoed as a furious man stood, shooting a subordinate through the head.

"Sire, he speaks the truth; the colossal drill has disappeared from the mining site," another informant stressed, his words carrying weight.

The man clenched his fist, tempted to eliminate the second informant as well, but the alarm sounded.

"An intruder?" the man with the crown on his head questioned, and his gaze landed on Gohan and Vermont.

"Who are you?" he inquired as all the heads at the table turned toward Gohan. It was clear to him that this was a diplomatic meeting.

"Excuse my intrusion, your majesties," Gohan said as guards rushed to block his path, but he waved his hand, sending them all flying. Gohan reached an empty seat at the table, and Vermont conjured a chair for him. Gohan scrutinized the faces around the table.

"How dare you sit at this sacred table?" one of the kings rebuked.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Lord Gohan, your God of Destruction," Gohan declared, earning bewildered glances from the assembled leaders.

"God of destruction? What nonsense! Remove him from this room and prepare to behead him; his head shall serve as a warning to those who think they can barge into the throne room unannounced," the king demanded, anger boiling within him. "I have no idea how he arrived here, but remove him immediately!"

In an instant, a new presence materialized behind Gohan and swung a blade at his neck. However, the blade halted abruptly upon making contact with his skin even chipping.

"I won't take much of your time, and for now, I'll show mercy, as it's clear you still don't grasp your... circumstances. I have business to discuss with the king of the Eve Empire," Gohan stated. His focus remained unwavering, and he saw no need to acknowledge the blade.

"There's a perfectly habitable planet, yet it's facing destruction," he addressed the king.

"Do you take me for a fool? Am I a clown in your eyes?" Gohan challenged. Another figure appeared, but this time when they struck, Gohan stopped the blade, catching it between his fingers.

He turned to face the new arrival. "And you are?" he inquired.

"Commander Strix," she replied. Gohan nodded. "That was an impressive strike, but try to interrupt me again, and I won't just block your blade," he cautioned, before turning his attention back to the king.

"I'm awaiting your response," Gohan pressed. The king growled.

"Kill him now, Commander!" the king ordered. She attacked once more, but this time, Gohan merely tapped the blade, causing it to shatter. In an instant, he placed his hand in front of her face, summoning the purple energy. However, he abruptly halted his actions, opting for a different approach. He flicked her forehead, sending her hurtling through the wall and into a building on the other side of the palace.

Internally, he was rattled. He had almost obliterated her with a Hakai without a second thought, which was an excessively overpowered ability to use on a mere warrior. But he swiftly regained his composure, looking back at the assembly of royalty.

The energy was calling him, it wanted- no it needed to be exercised on these lowly mortals, although Gohan refused that urge no matter how great it pulled on him, quickly thinking of a new strategy he spoke.

"That's better, seeing as you are not taking me seriously how about this." Gohan said as he smiled. "Your empires value your stars the most correct? It's your form of currency, pure energy." He said as he waved his hand vaporizing the entire ceiling of the palace and aimed his finger at the star out in the distance. 

A thin beam of purple energy flew out of his finger and in the next second a massive explosion erupted as the star was seemingly destroyed. 

"There I removed the pesky thing and nullified the shockwave." He smiled and leaned back as the kings eyes widened in fear.

"Who are you!?" He asked as he stood up in anger and fear as the other kings all did the same and backed up.

"I already told you didn't I?" He smirked. "I am Lord Gohan, your God of Destruction." He answered as his smirk disappeared and his power soared, he let the crimson flames of Super Saiyan God envelop him in a dazzling display of power, letting it shake the planet in it's entirety, sending intense cosmic shockwaves out in every direction. "And you really managed to make me angry." He said as he glared at the King who stepped back in fear. "Maybe you will learn your lesson if I take more stars from you?"

The situation seemed to dawn on him as he realized he screwed up. "Is there anything I can do to appease you?" He asked as he ran next to Gohan and dropped to his knees. "Anything at all my lord just speak it!" He said as Gohan glared at him.

"And this goes for you all." He said as he glared at them all as they flinched. "Unless I authorize the destruction of a planet do not take it upon yourselves to do so, am I clear?" Gohan asked as they nodded.

"Of course, but my lord, how will we defend against Apokolips?" the king inquired. "Darkseid is encroaching upon our territory, and the only way to fend him off is by draining planets of their power. We've already depleted most of the stars in our domain, and now our only recourse is to drain the planets of those who've betrayed us."

"If Darkseid were to defeat us, he would annihilate everything in the eastern galaxy," the king explained. Vermont stepped forward.

"My lord, there is some truth in his words. Darkseid seeks to rule, so he wouldn't mindlessly destroy worlds, but he won't be open to negotiations," Vermont replied. "He poses a direct threat to your dominion over the universe."

Gohan nodded and closed his eyes. "Let me handle Darkseid. In the meantime, you must rectify the damage you've caused to planet Euphorix2 in the southeastern solar system before the planet succumbs, taking all its inhabitants with it."

He was aware that he would have to get Makaiya to properly restore the planet.

"I barely have any time for myself because I'm running around like your errand boy," Gohan remarked, gazing at the king. "Am I your errand boy?" he asked, and the king shook his head.

"Of course not!" Gohan nodded. This hardly consumed his time, but the royal leaders didn't need to know that.

"Good. Remember, if you step out of line again, I won't hesitate to erase the entire eastern section under your empire's control," Gohan threatened, and they nodded. "Life is sacred, and I don't want to witness you desecrate it again."

Gohan stood, and the warrior from earlier returned, briefly capturing his attention. She was undoubtedly formidable. "You are impressive," he acknowledged, taking in her appearance. She had teal-colored skin and long purple hair, though the commander immediately assumed a combat stance, ready to fight to the death.

"Stand down!" the king ordered, and the female warrior straightened up. Something about her demeanor struck Gohan as unusual, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"This is Lord Gohan, a God of Destruction. You will treat him with the respect he deserves," the king declared. The female warrior nodded and bowed to Gohan.

"I apologize, my lord," she said, her tone devoid of emotion or will. Gohan simply waved it off as Vermont intervened.

"Lord Gohan, another problem has arisen," Vermont announced, catching Gohan's attention.

"Seems like another planet is on the path of destruction," Vermont stated, prompting Gohan to exhale in irritation. He glanced at the king, who raised his hands in defense.

"It's Darkseid. He sent a creature to Earth, and it's currently rampaging," Vermont explained. Gohan's expression shifted to one of concern before he regained his composure.

"The Justice League should be more than sufficient," he stated. However, Vermont shook his head.

"Unfortunately, the champion of Earth3 has fallen," Vermont revealed. Gohan's eyes widened in shock. 

"What! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he demanded. Vermont defended his decision.

"You were preoccupied with this matter, and the champion was handling it quite well," Vermont explained. Gohan instantly appeared next to him.

"Take me there as fast as you can," he ordered. He turned to the assembled kings and queens.

"If I have to visit you again, I will be sorely disappointed," Gohan warned.

They all watched as Gohan and Vermont vanished in a flash of white light.

I won't lie; this chapter kicked my ass. It took me a while to finish, but I'm glad that I did! I hope everyone enjoys it and looks forward to the next chapter. I'm already looking forward to your comments! As always if you find errors, please let me know!

Also, for those interested, I've posted a new song that my friend and I worked on. It's on my YouTube channel!

Percival_Blackcreators' thoughts