
What if Baryon mode Naruto Went to Past

Naruto goes to past during his fight when he was using Baryon mode.And time travel increases his IQ and also gives him modern memories of 4 different person biologist , doctor,scientist and programmer Naruto will be OP clever and cunning mc in this series Everything i am doing right now is build up for later naruto dont worry guys you will enjoy this fanfic an op cunning romantic mc I have also uploaded the audio version of this fanfic in Youtube. Anyone interested can check it out https://youtu.be/cmcraJ1TBHA

Animequotes_337 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


After completing the Forest of Death exam, Team 7, along with other participants, returned to the examination hall. The atmosphere buzzed with a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. Naruto, as carefree as ever, couldn't resist expressing his thoughts aloud.

Naruto: "Man, that Forest of Death was wild, huh? I thought we were goners a couple of times!"

Sakura, rolling her eyes, retorted.

Sakura: "You're the one who charged into every trap, Naruto. We were lucky to have Sasuke with his Sharingan."

Sasuke, remaining stoic, added with a hint of annoyance.

Sasuke: "Next time, try to use your head before rushing in, Naruto."

Naruto, grinning, rubbed the back of his head.

Naruto: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. But where's the fun in playing it safe?"

As the teams gathered, the conversations shifted between survival tales and strategies for the upcoming preliminary rounds.

Hinata, observing Naruto, felt a subtle shift in his demeanor. Her Byakugan picked up on a darkness lingering beneath his carefree exterior.

Hinata (thoughts): "Naruto-kun seems different. There's a darkness in him that wasn't there before. I wonder what happened in the Forest of Death."

In the midst of the chatter, Shikamaru, leaning against a wall, voiced his typical lazy perspective.

Shikamaru: "This whole Chunin Exams thing is such a drag. I wish they'd just promote everyone without all these tests."

Temari, from the Sand Village, scoffed.

Temari: "Lazy as always, Shikamaru. But we all know you'll still give it your best in the fights."

Shikamaru (mumbling): "Can't argue with that."

The scene transitioned to the preliminary rounds, and the tension in the examination hall rose as the participants awaited their matches.

Naruto, with his usual bravado, looked around.

Naruto: "Alright! Let the real action begin! Get ready for some amazing battles, everyone!"

As the preliminary rounds unfolded, the atmosphere shifted from casual banter to intense battles. Naruto, despite his goofy demeanor, showcased his combat skills in the matches, leaving some spectators surprised.

Hinata, watching Naruto fight, noticed the darkness in his eyes intensifying during moments of intensity.

Hinata (thoughts): "Naruto-kun is strong, but there's something different about him. A darkness that's hard to ignore."

The preliminary rounds continued, mirroring the events in the manga. Naruto's goofy antics and surprising combat prowess kept the audience on their toes. Little did they know that beneath Naruto's carefree facade, a deeper game was being played, and the shadows he navigated were darker than anyone could imagine.

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