
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

94 Chs

Chapter 23: New Story?

[outside the universe]


Excited by the progress of Eldan, I turned to the Creation system, eager to assess my newfound contribution points. "System, now that the world of Eldans has progressed 2000 years, how many contribution points do I have? Previously, it was 1 million."



Awaiting the system's response, I felt a surge of anticipation, wondering how much my actions had impacted the world I had created.



Then The system processed my request for an update on my contribution points, and after a moment, it replied, "Host, after 2000 years of progress in Eldan, your contribution points have increased to 100 million."



I couldn't believe it! My contribution points had skyrocketed to 100 million. This huge increase showed how much my actions had affected Eldan over the years. It was like a giant stamp of approval for everything I'd done to shape the world.



Then The system's explanation shed light on the reason behind my sudden increase in contribution points. "Host, you have 100 million contribution points due to the profound impact you've had on the world of Eldan. By spreading magic through your avatar, Jesus, you catalyzed a transformation that has made Eldan thrive and flourish over the millennia. The introduction of magic not only enriched their lives but also led to significant advancements in various aspects of their society.



The spells you introduced enriched their abilities, leading to the development of various magical skills. They compiled this knowledge into spellbooks, These books helped them keep learning and coming up with new stuff.



Additionally, magic played a significant role in improving Eldan's infrastructure and daily life. From enhancing basic needs to advancing their society, magic propelled Eldan forward.



In essence, your decision to introduce magic fundamentally changed Eldan for the better, earning you an incredible number of contribution points."



I nodded in agreement, saying, "You're right. In many fantasy stories like novels and comics, magic is often the key to building incredible worlds."


As I thought about how in those fantasy stories, magic isn't just about spells and wizards. It's about how it shapes the everyday lives of people, from how they build their homes to how they solve problems. And now, seeing Eldan's progress, I could see that magic had done the same for them, making their world richer and more exciting. Welp It truly opens up endless possibilities for growth and innovation.


As I watch and reflected on the developments of the past two thousand years in Eldan, I was taken aback by the revelation of the existence of beastfolk.

"What Beastfolk is here too?" I muttered incredulously, trying to grasp the implications of such a discovery.


The system, sensing my confusion, offered an explanation. "Host, after you defeated Aurathos, it seems that many animals drank his blood, resulting in a transformative effect that created a new sentient species known as beastfolk."



Surprised by this revelation, I sought further clarification. "So, their ancestor is Aurathos?" I inquired.



The system confirmed my suspicion with a nod. "Yes, Host," it replied.



Concerned about the potential for discrimination against the beastfolk, I turned to the system once more. "Is there discrimination going on?" I asked, fearing the worst.



The system reassured me that it could provide me with all the information I needed. "Host, I can show you everything if you want," it offered.


Eager to understand the situation fully, I agreed. "Yes, show me everything that has transpired over those thousand years, particularly regarding the beastfolk."


With a gentle chime, the system initiated the process, and I braced myself for the revelations that awaited me.



As the system began to unveil the events of the past thousand years, I watched with a mix of fascination and apprehension. The holographic display projected scenes from Eldan's history, offering glimpses into the lives of the beastfolk and their interactions with other inhabitants of the world.



As the holographic scenes unfolded, it became apparent that discrimination against the beastfolk was deeply rooted in their origins. Born from the aftermath of the great battle with Aurathos, they carried within them the blood of the calamity beast, which marked them as different from the Eldoans.



People didn't see the beastfolk's special blood as a good thing, even though it meant they changed into something new because of Aurathos' blood. Instead, they were scared of the beastfolk and they were reminders of the tragedy that happened before.



Then as the holographic scenes kept going, it was clear that the Eldoans and the beastfolk had been fighting wars against each other for thousands of years. As The beastfolk were always treated badly because of their blood, and this made them fight back against the Eldoans to survive.


It was during this tumultuous period that figures like Belz, Momoa, and other heroes emerged as key players in the conflict. They had fought alongside Roe and Zam against Aurathos, so they really didn't like the beastfolk. Whom they saw as the embodiment of the calamity that had befallen Eldan.

To the Eldoans, Roe and Zam weren't just important figures; they were beloved friends who had fought alongside them against Aurathos. When they died in battle, it fueled a deep anger towards the beastfolk. Many Eldoans blamed the beastfolk for their Comrades' deaths.

Belz, in particular, became known for her ruthless tactics in combating the beastfolk threat. Her actions, fueled by a desire to protect her people, resulted in the deaths of many beastfolk and further stretch the divide between the two factions.


It's a strange feeling—knowing that to the people of Eldan, my avatar, Roe, isn't just a character in a story, but a real person. For me, Roe is just an avatar, a figure in a narrative, but to them, he's a cherished friend, a hero who fought alongside them against Aurathos. His death, along with Zam's, wasn't just a plot point; it was a tragedy that deeply impacted the Eldoans.


As the holographic display revealed the ongoing conflict and the toll it had taken on both sides, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow and regret. The wars that had raged for millennia had left scars that ran deep, dividing Eldan's inhabitants and continuing the cycles of hatred and violence.


It made me wish things could be different, that they could find a way to stop all the fighting and make peace. But it seemed like the scars from all those years of war were too deep, and it was hard to break the cycle of violence and hate.


And to think that my disciple Belz, after I died, had become so hateful towards the beastfolk. She kept hunting and killing them, and even after she died, she taught her family to do the same. This hatred had passed down through the generations, making the conflict even worse.


As I thought about it, I realized how important it was to find a way to end the fighting and bring everyone together. Even though it would be really tough, I knew it was something that had to be done for Eldan's sake.


[Inside Eldoan Classroom]


Bale, Lyro, and their classmates sat attentively as their history teacher, Derl Loqe, began his lecture.


"Who can tell me about the calamity Aurathos?" Derl asked, scanning the room.


Every student's hand shot up eagerly.


Derl pointed to a student. "You, Lory Lawen. Can you tell us what happened that day?



Lory, a young woman with dark hair and green eyes, stood up and began to speak. "Aurathos, the calamity monster, was defeated by the ancient heroes. Roe the Hero led the charge, alongside Belz the Mother of Magic, Jono the Wanderer, Momoa the Warrior, and the trio witches, Xia, Mero, and Lowena. They were also joined by the deadly duo, Lero and Ediz, and Zam the Spearman."



The room was silent as Lory recounted the heroic deeds of their ancestors.



Derl nodded approvingly. "That's right, Lory. These heroes came together to fight a huge danger. Their bravery and skills were crucial in defeating Aurathos, but the battle had big consequences."



Derl's gaze swept across his students, his expression growing serious. "Aurathos' blood, spilled during the battle, was absorbed by many animals, giving rise to the beastfolk. These beastfolk have been a source of calamity ever since. They pose a danger to our world, which is why it is crucial for everyone to understand what a threat the beastfolk are!"



The class murmured in response, the tension palpable.


Derl continued, his voice stern, "For thousands of years, the Eldoans have been at war with the beastfolk. Despite efforts to make peace, the beastfolk have proven time and again that they are a menace. Belz and the other heroes fought valiantly against them, knowing that the beastfolk's monstrous nature could bring about another calamity."



He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "As future leaders and defenders of Eldan, it is your duty to be vigilant and to protect our world from any threats. Understanding our history and the dangers we face is the first step."



The students nodded, taking in the lesson. The story of Aurathos and how the beastfolk came to be was a serious reminder of the ongoing fight that shaped their world.



As the class ended and the students began to leave, the weight of the discussion hung in the air.


Lyro turned to Bale and asked, "Do you really think all the beastfolk are that bad?"


Bale frowned. "I don't know. It seems harsh to judge them all the same way." 



Then another boy, a red-haired and hot-headed student named Bax, interjected loudly, "OF COURSE BEASTFOLK ARE A THREAT! THEY'RE MONSTERS!"



A boy Dark blue hair layered Cut, wearing sunglasses, Roki, grimaced and said, "Stop it, Bax. Your saliva is spraying everywhere. It's disgusting."


Bax grinned, unfazed. "Oh, come on, Roki. It's good for your immune system."


Roki sighed and turned to Bale. "Bale, why do you think it's harsh? Your ancestor, the Mother of Magic, Belz, killed many beastfolk to protect our people. She knew the danger they posed."



Bale looked thoughtful. "Even if she was my ancestor, I'm different from her. Besides, are the beastfolk really that bad, or has history painted them as the villains?"


Bax scoffed. "So you're saying we should just forgive and forget? Let them attack us again?"


Bale shook her head. "No, Bax. I'm saying we need to seek the truth and find a path to coexistence if possible. Hatred and violence only breed more of the same.

Roki sighed again but didn't argue. Instead, he said to Bale, "History is written by the victors. They get to decide what goes in and what gets left out. And They want us to believe in those things."


His words lingered, a poignant reflection on how those in power shape our understanding of the past. "But sometimes, lies sneak in, disguised as facts, until they become part of the story. That's just how it is in our world, where what people believe to be true can be far from reality."


As Roki spoke, his words sinking into the minds of his classmates, they fell silent, deep in thought. Bale, Lyro, and the others pondered the implications of his words, contemplating the complexity of history and the narratives that shaped their understanding of the world.


[Outside The Universe]


As I faced the system, contemplating my options following Roe's demise, I couldn't help but wonder about the possibility of creating a new avatar.


"Can I still create an avatar?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.


The system's response reverberated in the silent expanse, its words echoing with finality yet offering a glimmer of possibility. "Host, you can only create three avatars for now. One slot is reserved for your Jesus creature."


As I stood before the creation system, contemplating my next move after the loss of my avatar Roe, I couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility weighing on me. With only two avatar slots remaining, I knew I had to choose wisely.


"I know," I responded to the system's reminder, acknowledging the limitations of my choices. Yet, a new idea began to form in my mind, one that could potentially shape the future of Eldan.


Turning to the creation system, I posed my inquiry with a sense of anticipation, eager to identify the individual among the beastfolk with the highest potential.


"System," I began, my voice resonating with purpose, "can you identify the individual among the beastfolk with the highest potential? I intend to enhance their intelligence to an IQ of 180. After all, with the passing of a thousand years, So yeah I believe can now unlock again the full potential of my species."


The system responded promptly, affirming my request and initiating the search process with a reassuring "Affirmative, host... initiating ding."


As I waited, a window materialized before me, revealing the chosen candidate. To my surprise, it was a talking chimpanzee—a remarkable discovery that hinted at the untapped potential within the beastfolk community.


"It seems this chimpanzee possesses exceptional promise among the beastfolk," I remarked, intrigued by the system's selection and eager to witness the unfolding of its potential.

"Time to create another story to tell," I murmured to myself, watching the male chimpanzee with a contemplative gaze. 

With a renewed sense of purpose, I began to envision the tale of this extraordinary creature, one that would weave together the destinies of Eldoans and beastfolk, forging a path towards unity and understanding.

To be continued

New arc Begins