
What Exactly Am I? rewriten version

Well i can tell this series is taking me forever to be fixed so I'll Reboot it entirely cause the first version has wrong grammars and writing style

Sano_Kaito · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Heretic's leader the puppet master

suddenly all the undead attacked Kenji's house but the house was not affected cause of the ghost shield of his mask Kenji was awoken cause of the sound

What was that noise

Kenji heard a loud voice all of a sudden

I wouldn't let all die in just a battle I'm gonna use your body no corpse shall be left, rise up and attack and attack the nearest town

After he heard that voice he teleported to the town to warn them but no one believes on his story even his guild mates

Assassin 1: who would listen to you noob there's no necromancer in this continent

Mage : yeah I sense no attack coming to the town

the people in that town are not powerful enough to defeat one high level zombie only Kenji is the hope but no one listens to him they just turn him away so he rushed to their inn save the twins he had met earlier, he busted down the door and woke them up

wake up wake up Keiko and Meiko there's a wave of high level undead on the area,Keiko and meiko was still sleeping Kenji caried them on his shoulder and teleported away from the town

as they teleported away to the nearest forest Kenji heard the towns alarm going off.

phew we made it in time before the giant zombie arrives

as Kenji built a house out of soil in the forest he deleted his traces on the old battle field using his multi cast and then suddenly fell asleep

later that morning The twins wake up and Kenji was sitting down near the camp fire

Keiko: captain what are we doing here?

Kenji is still as sleep

Meiko: is that Kenji over there?

Keiko: yes and he seems very tired

Meiko: why are we in the forest?

Keiko: it seems like some thing bad happened last night

Meiko: yeah it seems like so the town was destroyed and full of undead what shall we do now

Keiko: let's wake up Kenji

Meiko grabbed a stinky mushroom and put it in front of Kenji's mask but it was just an empty she'll they re curious what does Kenji look like cause he hides his whole body with armour they searched for him in the forest but they didn't saw him untill they reached a hot spring they seen a handsome man with a lot of scars in his body they hide in the bushes so the man could not see them

early that morning

Hmm it seems like a month since I got to to bath I gotta go and find one

pass through

Kenji pass through his armour and fly to find a hot spring he look for hours until he finds one a hot spring that both hot and cold at the same time

Kenji: hmm it looks like the legendary hot spring that has ultimate healing ability I got to test it out

Kenji jumps to the hot spring buck naked

back to the present

Keiko: who is that handsome man seems like some one else was in here Meiko use your conceal

Meiko: hide our presence conceal

Meiko and Keiko became invisible they continue to watch the man as a fairy appeared.

Annie: who is he exactly he is the most handsome man I ever seen in this forest

Kenji: teleport

Annie approaches the hot spring slowly but Kenji knew that some one was watching him so he teleported with his clothes

phew finally back in this armour now dismantle Kenji left the mask and the ripped robe only and smelted the armours metal and form it into a shot gun

Kenji: now the shot gun is done, now while the girls were away I've gotta do this fast after a weapon I've got to do something with this clothing of mine ive been wearing this for years since I was 10 I've gotta think fast

Kenji thinks and finds an idea right away he create an assassin outfit

Kenji: looks like a nice fit I love this design assassin Creed style I can move freely with this clothing

Meiko and Keiko Arive as Kenji puts on his mask

Kenji: you two finally Arive the breakfast is ready

Keiko started to suspect Kenji is the Kenji he knows in her past life cause he really loves assassin's Creed but she just praise him

Keiko: Captain that outfits you just made just now it's impressive how you changed your armour into an assassin's outfit (I'm gonna make him tell who he is later on)

Meiko suddenly interrupts in Thier conversation

Meiko: Captain I am curious what you look like without that mask

Kenji: I can't answer that this mask is actually a seal which I can't remove for now cause you might be sick after you see my magic power

Meiko: I'm not scared to be sick in exchange for seeing your face

Meiko tried to remove his mask but Keiko stops her

Keiko: you haven't answer my question I asked first

Kenji whispered into Keiko's ear

Kenji: I will answer every question when this horny gremlin sleeps at night it's our secret

Keiko: ok I understand

They eat breakfast after they chat

Meiko: [Crunch] what do you call this Kenji it's crunchy and it's nice to pair with bread I never seen thin layers of pork before [Crunch]

Keiko: it seems familiar I know someone who cooks like this and loves assassin's Creed

Kenji is sweating cause he has suspicion that Keiko is the Keiko he knew from the other world

After they eat they ha a meeting

Kenji: ok now where are we going there's a lot of town full of zombies on the south side of the continent this forest is unsafe

Keiko: Kenji we should got to the town Draco it is under the empire so no undead can enter

Kenji: Good idea how about you Keiko

Meiko: beast man tribe hide out they live in the north

Suddenly They were entrupted by a scream