

"Hey god, my name Is Soma, I need your help; i'm stuck in this world"

???? - "Oh young man, you have a long life ahead of you! Why are you so distraught? Was life not as good as you thought? Welcome to the art of life, where you will realize that at time's you'll suffer and rot!"

Soma didn't know who he was anymore, he felt like he didn't know anything about life; he just wanted to stop hurting

Soma is currently in 5th grade, so young, yet he could feel the sharp pain of depression in his lungs; he didn't want to go home today, he was scared.


"I love you too lily"


Soma was currently in recess, in the playground there was a tree that had two lumps high up above the trunk, this gave it the illusion that it had boobs

???? - "What the hell? Are you actually happy? You do know misfortune will happen if you attach yourself to other people right?"

Soma and Lily finally went to the tree, they just started talking about random subjects

"Hey Soma, wanna play tag? Other people are playing it right now and they're having fun"

???? - "Huh? Hey Soma, what if you fall or run too slow! You'd get made fun of, don't listen to her; why are you in love with her? Are you stupid AHAHAHAHA"

Soma was getting anxious, he didn't want play, he was afraid of what people thought of him

Lily looked into soma's eyes and said "Why aren't you answering? Are you afraid of losing? It's okay! You're not going to cry are you?"

"Lily what are you talking about, I never cried before in my entire life!"

???? - "That's a lie, you cried when your m-"

"OKAY, if you're not scared then let's go play"

Soma felt a little anxious, he still went with her anyways; he wanted to be a MAN, he needed to be strong infront of his girlfriend, who wouldn't want that?

Recess was over, so the teachers collectively blew the whistles, right after they blew the whistles they yelled out "OKAY CLASS, IT'S TIME TO HEAD BACK INSIDE"

Soma was relieved, he didn't have to play tag or interact with other people!

"Awww mannn, recess is already over? It feels like it hasn't been that long; I wanted to play tag today, Soma we should play tag tomorrow as soon as possible then"

A few hours has passed, school is now over.

Soma put his backpack on and went outside to wait for a parent to pick him up, usually his sister Ashy picks him up but today is going to be different

Soma waited and didn't see his sister, but he saw his uncle John!!!

Soma was very excited to see him, he's always in the house, but he rarely ever picks Soma up from school; Soma was always confused though, because Uncle John had black skin while Soma's mother had white skin, so he always thought to himself when he see's him "how could he be related to my mother?"


"Hey Soma, let's go home"

"Hey John, can I have a peanut butter jelly sandwich when I get home"

"Sure Soma, I'll make some as soon as we get home; I do have work a little later today though, so i'll have to make it quickly, and make sure you do your homework if you have any"

"Okay John"

???? - "Soma what are you doing? why are you so friendly twords John? You know what he does to you, he does it to you for no reason too; why are you so attached to him??? You're so weak Soma you know that right?"

Soma felt so happy to walk with John home, but deep down he had an uneasy feeling about him; he just couldn't bring himself to hate John, he didn't hate anyone, he just wanted everyone to be happy

A few minutes later John and Soma went home, John went ahead and made him a sandwich, right after he mad the sandwich Soma went to his room and laid down; his mom who's named Maddie went to Soma's room, she asked him if Soma had a good day today, soma replied -

"Yes mom, I had a good day today; I had a fun time at recess, I'm going to play tag with some kids tomorrow"

???? - "Soma what are you talking about? Is she insane? She asked you 'did you have a good day today' and YOU said 'I had a good day today', but isn't that what we all say? We both know deep down what you said was not true, lying is a sin you know!"

Maddie looked a little sad today, her facial expression looked dull...As always

After Soma told his mom how his day went she replied "Okay honey, i'm glad you had a good day today! What do you want for dinner?"

Soma told her "John already made me a sandwich, I feel a little tired; you don't have to worry about making me dinner, I already ate, i'm getting ready for bed"

Maddie looked a little concerned, she doesn't know if there's anything wrong with Soma; his facial expression didn't look sad or mad..... He just looked normal?

"Okay, well, if you wake up and you're hungry please let me know, i'll go make you some food to eat"

Maddie has left Soma's room

The lights were off

It's dark.....

But Soma was not alone, he was alone with God and his thoughts!!!!

???? - "Aww you poor bastard, you know that tomorrow is a new beginning right Soma?"

Soma felt anxious again, he didn't like the dark, the dark makes him feel like he doesn't exist; how could one imagine that they don't exist when they're existing? This type of thinking made Soma lose himself all over again, he can't think anymore....

Soma fell asleep, he told himself "tomorrow is a new beginning, tomorrow will be better".