
Learning their Powers: Part 3

The primordial plain of fire, home to the Goddess Tiflos was engulfed in nothing but vibrant, radiating colors of reds, oranges, yellows, some were green, some were purple. But at the center of her realm where Tiflos had entered and created her realm, blazed a stupendously bright and powerful blue flame. The flame was her, and she was the flame.

This blue flame moved as she moved, it breathed as she breathed.

This was the un-namable genesis flame, it was her, she was it. It was the Genesis Flame of Tiflos. The flame caused all other flames surrounding her to cower before her might. The fire burned so strongly, that when gazed upon other flames, they would lose their colors becoming translucent whirs in the air.

Tiflos soon recognized that it was her power that lessened the might of the other flames. The was making the flames she saw to be her children, weaken. This saddened the Goddess; she came to realize the depth of her power. The power to burn everything, the power to weaken flames, the power to strengthen them, the power to rejuvenate them and give them life, Tiflos soon learned what it meant to wield such power.

The power gifted to her from her parents Lord of All and Shephard of Souls placed her in awe. This power that could burn even what was already gone, the power to burn even the void, came into her grasp.

Tiflos began to reign in her powers given to her, she began to control them to such fine detail, the flames around her couldn't recognize the blue flames anymore and began to sing and dance through the air trying to play with Tiflos. Overcome with joy at this sight, Tiflos began to frolic in the burning realm, she was home.

As Tiflos danced with her flames, she began to realize there were seven distinct different flames under her control. These flames were the Genesis Flames. These were the flames of Life, Power, Knowledge, Wisdom, Creation, Destruction, and of course her own, the Genesis Flame of Tiflos.

The flames each held their own unique properties. The Genesis Flame of Life was the flame that was created when Tiflos came into being, the flame used by her parents to give her life.

The Genesis Flame of Power, gifted Tiflos the might of creation, as the first child of Lord of All and Shephard of Souls, Tiflos was able to command the flame to exert power among the flames, the power to strengthen or to weaken the other flames.

The Genesis Flame of Knowledge gave Tiflos the information of the universe, it offered her insights of what came into being through the will of her parents.

The Genesis Flame of Wisdom, similar to the Genesis Flame of Knowledge, gave her the power to see the intrinsic reasoning of the universe, the ability to rationalize clearly and calmly. The Genesis Flame of Wisdom gave Tiflos the ability to take action. Knowledge was to know that a tomato was a fruit, but wisdom is to know you don't put a tomato in a fruit salad.

The Genesis Flame of Creation was the flame that allowed for the realm to be present, it was the flame that burned in a way to offer itself to the other flames' place to belong. The Genesis Flame of creation worked well with the Genesis Flame of Life, it offered a place for them, a home, a primordial realm.

The Genesis Flame of Destruction, on the other hand, worked against the other flames, it tried to consume them, it tried to exert its dominance of the other flames to reign supreme. The Genesis Flame of Destruction even had the ability to burn through the void. The Genesis Flame of Destruction was what was used by Tiflos' parent to tear the Universe out of stasis, out of the void, and into being. The flame was only able to be controlled through the will of her parents, and of Tiflos.

Finally, the Genesis Flame of Tiflos was what Tiflos found to be her, it was her, and it was the combination of the other six Genesis Flames that gave her form. When Tiflos used this flame, she found she was able to pass through space and time, she was able to form rifts into locations far from sight, and even in other realms.