
High School

Aurora pov

Monday. Need I say more? I drag myself out of bed to the sound of my alarm. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I try to remember why I am awake so early. It's Monday! I usually sleep in over the weekends which makes me sleep in on Monday mornings. This Monday is different though because it is the first day of freshman year at Mountain Ridge High so i am up early to be on time today. 

I make my way into the bathroom, strip off my oversized shirt, get in the shower and let the water wake me up .

Once I feel confident I won't fall back asleep I step out wrapping myself in my fluffy towel.

Looking in the mirror I blow dry my brown hair and leave it down. I put on some mascara to pop my blue eyes. I hang up my towel to dry and pull on my fluffy teal robe mom got me last year. I step out of the bathroom to pick out my clothes.

I walk into my room to a familiar smell of pine and find my best friend sprawled across my bed looking through his phone. I clear my throat.

"Um, good morning to you too" I stifled a laugh. "How are you so awake this morning?"

Luke looks up from his phone and reaches to my night stand before turning back around handing me a warm cup, which I am sure is filled with my favorite, hot chocolate! Perfect way to wake up and start my day.

I moan at the sight of the cup alone before putting it to my lips. I enjoy hot chocolate more than coffee, I know I am weird,

I sit the cup on my dresser and give Luke a huge hug.

He chuckles and tells me to get dressed for school. 

I head to my closet and skim through my clothes. I have a decent variety but i usually wear alot of the same things. Simple, black, and comfortable are my go to. 

Today i choose a teal crop top, jean jacket, skinny jeans and my favorite boots. 

Stepping out of my closet i head to my dresser mirror checking my outfit and hair. I feel something cold touch my neck and feel fingers skimming around it.

I meet Luke's eyes in the mirror as he is clasping a necklace around my neck

I look down and pull the dainty chain and charm in my fingers. It is a beautiful charm of a full moon with two wolves howling at the moon. 

Luke's hands come around my waist from behind and he hugs me to him.

"Happy Birthday princess"

I lift my arms up to hug him while hes still behind me. 

He is the only one who calls me princess because of my name. My friends call me by my middle name riley. 

"I love it Luke but my birthday isn't until tomorrow"

"I know" he says "I will be out of town the next few days so i wanted to make sure you got this and you'll have it for the first day of high school" 

Our birthdays are 2 days apart. How lucky is that. We usually get a cake together and share a birthday party. This year his parents surprised him with a trip because they have some business to do in new york. He will be gone for 3 days. Sucks its during our first week of high school but i know he will love the trip.

I put my hands over his "thank you"

His fingers skim something near my belly button and catches it in his fingers.

"What's this?"

"Mom let me get my belly button pierced for my birthday!"  "What you think?"

He look down at it and smiles. Its a charm of a wolf head. It kind of matches my necklace. 

" I think it looks great, cant believe she let you finally get it"

" I know i was so shocked but i wasn't going to question it"

I was even more excited by the piercing she chose for me which was the wolf. I love wolves not only for their beauty and power but because I am one.