
Chapter 10

At the royal palace ~

Today we will decide the punishment for the Baron due to yesterday's case. Well, both of the duke families came to the royal palace so it should be counted as a big deal......well it is. After all a baron daring enough to lay hands on a duke is like declaring he wants to die. Though Papa has already fully recovered.

Well it is his daughter's fault though. But blood is thicker than water , they will have to receive the punishment together. Including the baroness. Well nobody in their family are good people anyways.

Uncle Oliver (the emperor)wanted to get rid of them because of their embezzlement .....but he had no solid proof. Now there is a good reason to get rid of the Daniel family. I personally wouldn't let the heroine go only with a execution.....but that's what the emperor shall decide.

"Now that we have all gathered.....we shall think of a benefiting punishment to bestow upon Baron Daniel and his family. He harmed Ains and thinks he can get away with it. We shall punish their whole family with death. Any suggestions regarding the execution?"

Should I suggest?

Go ahead Angel. I'll back you up. Zayden gave me a small nod

"Please hear out my humble suggestion. I would like to arrange the order of the execution."

"No need to be so formal Angel. Go ahead" Uncle Luke said

"If I may. I think we should execute the baroness first, with the Baron followed and his daughter last. The baroness's execution will be whipping to death....I'll intensify the pain by 1000 with my magic. The Baron will be slowly cut to death. Like the baroness I will intensify the pain but to 2000 times. As for his daughter, it will be both but stop when she is about to die so the executioner can pour salt water on the injuries then continue after a few seconds."

All of the adults looked shock. Well it's not every day you hear a five-year old child planing an execution......maybe I went overboard? Nah,they deserve it. Maybe it's because of my sadistic nature due to my past life?

"All of them must be present for each other's execution so they will feel the pain mentally as well. All nobles except children and elderly must also be there so this will serve as a warning." Zayden added while having a sinister smile.

"*cough* we will do as you two say. The punishment will be held tomorrow." Uncle Oliver said clearing his throat.

Next day in court~

I'm sitting on my white-blueish chair which is located at our family's balcony at court. Our family's balcony have our symbol which is a snowflake with thorns surrounding it. Across us is the Maverick family and in the middle of the court is the royal family. Ahh~it's starting.

"By the way, papa. How did such a weak assassin injure you?" I asked curious.

"I was taking a nap, I did see a blurry figure but he was wearing our servants' uniform so I just assumed." Papa explained as I nodded after understanding the reason.

"You must be confused why all of you is gathered here. The reason is to punish Baron Daniel and his family. His daughter hired an assassin to kill Duke Diamonda but failed. As you all know, it is a declaration of war as well as treason. Their punishment will be death." Uncle Oliver's voice echoed through the court.

As Uncle Oliver finished his sentence. A group of knights surrounded the Daniel family and held all of them with a hand-lock . There're being pulled up to the stage. Now let the fun begin ~

(A/N: A little bit violent. Don't read if you get triggered easily)

Nonono....bad Angel. You're getting influenced by your past. Now let's continue. The executioner have a mask covering his face to hide his identity. He is taking the whip that I enchanted.

"Ahh!! Owww!!" The baroness kept screaming in pain.The whip is tearing through her skin...as I wanted.

The Baron and Molly is screaming and begging for mercy. Haa~ even though they tried to kill papa. To think they stooped so low as to attack someone who was sleeping.

"You don't have proof!!"

"Unfortunately for you, we do." Papa played the video using the recording stone.

Now that the baroness is dead.Time for the Baron to scream. Molly should be out of tears by now. Though we did tell other nobles to leave their children at home but the Baron's family is different. We excluded them on purpose.

Ahh~they die so fast. No fun. At least they suffered. Time for the last victim.


Whispers....the others are whispering. I cannot have any rumour can I? I raised my hand to signal the executioner to stop. Four of us jump from the balcony.


The whole crowd became silent.

"I don't know you. So don't use your dirty mouth to say Carson , Xavier and my name." Zayden said loud and clear so the whole crowd can hear.

"We don't even know each other and you dare to use our first name? How insolent...Don't insult Angel. All three of us think you are the bitch here." Carson spit with venom

"My sister is kind to give you only death as your punishment after you insult her at our birthday party. I personally will give you a more brutal execution " Nii-chan gave her a cold glare.

I pity the other nobles. They must be confused. 'How can five and six years old act like this?'Must be what they are thinking.

She's glaring at me......this feels like a dejavu. Since they all said something, I guess I should too.

"Please stop glaring at me like that. You should know that trying to kill my father is like wishing for death."

Zayden gave the executioner a sign to continue. Time to return to our seats-

"STOP!!" A voice came out of nowhere's.

I glance through the crowd and saw a boy our age walking towards us. Hehh ~ this is the last capture target of the game that I haven't saw. He is the heroine's childhood friend, Aden Rosely Limie , the son of viscount Limie. He isn't strong at all but due to his face some people play his route.

Well I do have to say, he is quite a looker indeed. What a waste. But why is he here? Children shouldn't be here.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly

"Don't kill Molly. She's only 5!!! "

Her mental age isn't just five, little boy. It's just that you don't know the truth. Even I would like to avoid ending a child's life but I'm sure she is already an adult.

"Why should we listen to you? Continue the execution ." Zayden say without sympathy in his voice.

The executioner continue to cut her as she screamed louder .

"I'll kill her if you kill Molly." He tried to grab me but I avoided it gracefully.

I trained so hard. If the emperor see me get capture by this little boy .... I'll get a long lecture and I definitely don't want that. I subconsciously curved my eyes and have a sinister smile on my face.

"You dare try to lay your filthy hands on Angel....you'll be dead." Zayden say as cold as ever but with anger in his voice .

Guys....your blood lust is leaking. I can even feel Crystal growling in my shadows. Right I forgot to mention familiars stay in their master's shadow. So she is by my side wherever I go.

"He won't be able to lay his hands on me even in his dreams." That was me trying to calm down the guys. They might go on a killing spree if I don't.

Poor boy....he got enchanted by the heroine. Oh well.... I don't care. If he tries to kill my family, I'll just kill him. But he is getting in the way, it is getting annoying. And the boys' are not controlling their blood lust...

How will this execution end? This is getting out of hand.....