
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Everyone like nice hair

The roar of the engine echoed through the bustling streets of Tokyo as a sleek motorcycle blazed past, its rider leaning low and pushing the limits of speed, its engine roaring as it zoomed past the bustling crowds and towering skyscrapers.

The roar of the motorcycle engine echoed through the quiet streets of Tokyo as it came to a halt in front of a traditional Japanese house. Lee gracefully dismounts the bike and takes out his phone, dialing the number of Saeko.

"Lee-kun!" Saeko soon appeared, still donning her Keikogi. She greeted him with a bright smile, her long purple hair tied in a ponytail swaying behind her as she walked towards him.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I disrupted your training," Lee greeted Saeko with an apologetic smile. After completing his own training and grabbing a quick bite to eat, he decided to take a ride around Tokyo. On his wanderings, he found himself near Saeko's home and thought to drop by. He thought that she might be worried about what happened yesterday.

"Not at all, come on in!" Saeko hurriedly waved her hands and invited him to her house. She was beaming with joy after seeing Lee.

Lee nodded and walked behind Saeko as she led him into the house. As they made their way to the guest room, Lee took the opportunity to observe his surroundings, admiring the traditional Japanese architecture of the house. The walls were made of sliding doors called shoji, the ceilings were high with exposed beams, and the tatami mat flooring was a warm honey color. The atmosphere was peaceful and calming, and Lee felt a sense of comfort as he followed Saeko down the hallway.

He thought that it is a pity that such a beautiful traditional house might be destroyed in the future.

As Lee entered the guest room, he noticed the traditional Japanese design, with tatami mats and a table in the center.

"Have a seat," Saeko gestured towards the table, as she set about preparing the tea. Lee felt a little uncomfortable sitting cross-legged, but he tried his best to look comfortable.

"So, where are your parents?" Lee asked curiously, as he hadn't seen them around the house earlier.

"My mom passed away when I was young and my dad's away on a trip right now," Saeko replied with a hint of sadness, but also with a sense of familiarity as if she was used to being alone in the big traditional home.

Lee replied with an "Oh," feeling a little at a loss for words. He didn't remember reading anything about Saeko's family situation in the manga.

He observed her prepare the tea, which he assumed was some kind of tea ceremony. It was the first time anyone had ever prepared tea for him in this way.

"I hope you enjoy some tea," Saeko said, putting a cup beside him and observing him with a smile.

"Thanks," Lee replied with a nod. He took a sip of the tea, trying not to make a face at the bitter taste. He wasn't familiar with the tea ceremony, so he decided to keep his mouth shut and not comment on the taste, to avoid embarrassment.

With a warm smile, Saeko knelt beside Lee and watched as he drank the tea.

"About yesterday, I already dealt with everything. You can rest at ease." Feeling somewhat awkward with her staring at him, Lee started a conversation. The reason for his visit today was to inform her.

He was worried that her anxiety would make her do something foolish.

"Really? Thank you Lee-kun" Hearing his words, the smile on Saeko's face froze.

"What about the other mobs?" Saeko asked, after regaining her composure.

"It's taken care of," Lee answered vaguely, not wanting to delve into the details. He didn't want to tell her about the fate of the other mobs, it is impossible for him to tell her that he is using them as his guinea pigs.

"I'm so sorry, Lee-kun," Saeko said, tears welling up in her eyes. "Because of me, you were forced to... to do all of this." She felt guilty after hearing his words. She thought that because of her, Lee was forced to stain his hands with blood.

"Don't think like that," Lee comforted her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It wasn't your fault, what you did was the right choice. If we let those lowlifes roam free, they would've continued to cause harm to others." He spoke righteously even though his goal was to get more guinea pigs.

Saeko continues to sob. She is usually a strong woman but in front of Lee, she always shows her vulnerable side. In her mind, Lee is a kind person who protects the weak and now because of her, he killed other people.

"Shh, it's okay," Lee whispered soothingly, pulling her into his lap. He gently stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

He discovered that after coming to this world he took a liking to playing with women's hair. Women in this world have very smooth hair that feels pleasant to touch.

his presence made her feel comfortable, warm, and dependable. She felt she could rely on and depend on him, which made her restless heart calm down.

She snuggled in Lee's embrace, and Saeko found solace in his scent. His presence brought a feeling of comfort, warmth, and security to her as if he was someone she could always rely on. This made her restlessness dissipate, and she wished this moment could last forever.

They stayed like this for a while. Lee felt a rare moment of peace. Since coming to this world he has been running around trying to improve himself to survive.

Lee liked Saeko the best out of all the girls he got to know in this world since she knew more about him. In contrast, being with Alice and Leonora left him feeling drained, as he was constantly having to hide many things from them.

"Saeko, if you don't mind, I would like to ask you a favor," Lee broke the silence after making sure that Saeko calmed down.

"What can I help you with, Lee-kun?" Saeko asked, lifting her head from his embrace and looking at him with a sincere expression.

"Saeko, would it be possible for you to teach me the art of sword fighting?" Lee asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he posed the request. The idea of learning swordsmanship had been on his mind and he figured there was no better person to teach him than Saeko.

"Sure! I would be more than happy to teach you!" Suddenly Saeko became energetic. She had been searching for a reason to spend more time with him, and now that he had asked for her help, she couldn't be happier.

Saeko led Lee to the training hall at the back of her home, where she shared more about her family's history. She came from a long line of samurai, who were trained in the art of the sword and held to strict codes of honor. She mentioned something about being competent and dangerous but also compassionate.

Saeko directed Lee to the changing room and provided him with training attire. After changing, Lee returned to the training hall where Saeko was sitting with grace and poise, a sword resting on her lap. She was waiting patiently for him.

"Allow me to give you a demonstration before we begin the lesson," Saeko said, her voice steady and confident. She took a deep breath, and began her sword dance, fluidly wielding the blade with grace and precision.

She was secretly nervous about Lee watching her. However, she remained focused, determined to put on a strong performance for Lee.

Lee watched intently as Saeko demonstrated her sword technique. Although he didn't know much about the art of the sword. However, the graceful movements of her blade and the melodic whoosh of it slicing through the air gave him an idea of how skilled she was.

"Wow, that was amazing! Your skills with the sword are truly remarkable," Lee complimented. Although he had never seen anyone using swords to compare. But from what he knew about her in the manga, she is quite skilled.

After Lee praised Saeko for her demonstration, she smiled happily, feeling proud of herself.

"Now, let's begin the actual training," Saeko said with a smile. "The first thing you need to do is to grip the hilt of the sword properly. Here, let me show you."

Saeko walked over to Lee and placed his hand on the hilt of the sword. "You need to grip it tightly but not too tightly. The grip should feel comfortable like it's a part of your arm."

Lee felt a warm sensation as her hand guided his on the hilt of the sword. Despite the calluses on her hands, her hands feel nice.

"Now, I want you to practice gripping the hilt and unsheathing the sword," Saeko instructed.

Lee nodded and started practicing. At first, he was a little awkward with the sword but as he continued to practice, he started to get the hang of it. He was surprised by how much strength and control he needed to wield the sword properly.

"You need to relax your shoulders and engage your back." At one point, Saeko came to guide Lee's hands as he swung the sword. Lee felt her soft breasts pressing against his back. He didn't know if she had done it on purpose, but he decided to focus on his practice for now.

"Your form is good, but try to loosen your grip on the hilt," Saeko commented as she observed Lee's sword technique. "You don't want to tire yourself out too quickly in a real fight."

Lee nodded, taking Saeko's advice into consideration. He made a mental note to relax his grip and focus on fluid movements.

Since he wanted Saeko to teach him, Lee would naturally follow her advice.

"Now, let's try some sparring," Saeko suggested, moving to the opposite end of the training hall. "I want to see how you perform in a simulated battle situation."

Lee followed her lead and got into a stance, ready for the sparring match.

Is there anyone still reading this fanfic?

ImmortalCockroachcreators' thoughts