
what's wrong with being a cyberpunk?

Bevin Wilson was a normal boy tired of his boring life. Until he finds a mysterious game that takes him into the world of "Die trying" where he is introduced as the leader of a gang called "Thug Dawgs" He enjoys all the attention he gets and loves to use powers he never had or never knew he had. But the game isn't all fun when he discovers that many players are trapped inside the game. In order to go back, he must complete several tasks, trust his instincts and figure it out alone, and playing as a girl too!

Dis_meme · SF
42 Chs

Chapter 5:My avatar

Before I knew what was happening, I was sort of pulled inside my laptop. At least that's what I think happened. I was falling through incessant space full of beams of white light. I was terrified. My whole body felt numb. I shut my eyes. I kept mouthing to myself ;

This isn't real. It's just a dream. You will be in your room when you open your eyes. This isn't real. It's just a dream. You will be in your room when you open your eyes. This isn't-

In a trice, I had come to a halt. I was sort of floating. As I opened my eyes there were options to customize my character. I wanted to go back. That was that. I am not some "up for adventure" person. I was staring helplessly into nothingness. There seemed to be no way back. With a deep sigh, I turned to the customizing option. It asked me to choose between male and female avatars. I was about to choose male when I sort of 'twirled' in the air and accidentally clicked on "female".

"NO!NO!NOOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled but all in vain. With a deep sigh, I looked at the options next to me.

There seemed to be very limited choices. There was a random avatar generator option at the bottom. I clicked on that. It showed the results after a few seconds. According to me, she had the following prominent features:

"Tall and slim with short sleek hair, dyed white and shaved on the left. Blue-eyed." She had old clothing which I disliked very much. I changed that from customizing options to typical cyberpunk outfit. She carried a small gun and wore a half glove in her right hand. I, who had real taste for chokers admired the spiky one she was wearing.

Then, moving on to my gamer name, it offered a variety of cool ones. I was getting exuberant. I always wanted to be that grunge aesthetic girl which I couldn't be in the reality. Ironically, it was cyberpunk aesthetic so I'll say, a cool kid. The one which caught my eye was "Fren Wolf". It was much better than my real name which I hated for as long as I can remember. Took some time to add more details.

And for the final part, her personality:

"Daring and immensely smart, Fren Wolf is the leader of "Thug Dawgs". Revered by enemies and peers alike, you never know what can happen when she's around."

WOW. I was overwhelmed. That was way too cool to have it as my description. Suddenly struck with this newfound happiness, my excitement and curiosity aroused alike. Then finally, it said:



My destination all clear, not understanding what the latter meant, and no way back, I did press confirm.