
What's the Plan? (Enigma Trilogy#1)

Entering a new world where my life would be miserable and dangerous. But this is what we wanted right? A thrill. Having an ineffable thoughts while handling cacophonous feelings can be one of the reasons why meddling with everyone's that hard. So thinking of the best plot of everyday life, it was like a horrific life. What would be our next move? What's our best way to help someone in need? What's the plan?

Shanghaiiiz · 若者
17 Chs

Chapter 3

This chapter contains violence, strong languages, vulgar words and it has a sensitive contents, offensive contents, and brutal contents—that may be disturbing and offensive to some readers. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.



"Hi, I am Detective Aki." I started. I am sitting in front of them while they are so close to each other. I looked at Mauve's hands that holding Maxen's hand, they can't let go of each other's hands.

"We all know that your parent's are in heaven right?" Bright asked that made Mauve sobbed louder.

I looked at Bright and gave him a sharp look.

"Stop being insensitive." I whispered to him and slightly hit his knees. He made an "ouch" face but I ignored him.

"Let us know if you're ready to talk, okay?" I gently asked them. I let them breath for a while and just looked at their actions.

As I observed Maxen and Mauve, both of them have swollen eyes. Mauve seems to be close with her sister since he's always holding her hands.

Before I walked up I felt someone hugged me at my waist. As I looked down I saw Mauve hugging me tightly.

"Mauve—" Maxen was about to hug me but Mauve's hugging me tightly.

I caressed Mauve's hair and I knelt down and wiped his tears. He hugs me and layed his head on my shoulder as he wraps his little arms around my neck.

I smiled a little bit before I stood up while he's in my shoulders crying.

"Shh, everything's gonna be okay." I whispered as I sway a little bit and rubbing his back.

After several minutes, I can feel his deep breath and his weight. He fell asleep on my shoulder.

I saw Maxen's sleeping at Jin's lap.

"You can put him down at the sofa." Jin said.

I put Mauve down on the sofa next to her sister. The sofa is big so they won't fall.

"Wow, mother figure." Bright said while he's leaning in the table looking at the both of us.

Jin raised her middle finger to Bright.

We haven't talked deeply with Mauve and Maxen, since we didn't want them to feel pressured. But I badly wanted to know if they saw how their parents killed, if it triggers them, or if it led them to have a post traumatic stress disorder.

After several hours, they both woke up because of a loud bang that comes from outside.

"I'll go check it," Bright said and went outside.

"There's nothing to worry about, it's nothing okay?" I tried to calm them down because Mauve's about to cry again.

Jin carried Mauve and they went to a small playroom near here, she just did that to distract Mauve.

"Maxen, are you good?" I asked her while I fixed her hair. She just nodded and sat beside me.

As I observed them, both of them have a black hair, Mauve's hair is long enough to cover his forehead and the top of his ears. Maxen's hair are pretty long between her waist.

"I-I didn't killed them," Maxen words shocked me. It is my first time hearing her voice, it is sweet, yet it's cracking due to her little cry while saying those words.

"I know, I know." I tried to calm her down by hugging her sideways and gently caressing her hair.

"I-I... I-I tried to save them, s-so I thought that I might save them by taking off the knife." she sobs.

There I felt it, the random pain in my chest while listening to her sobs. She must have gone so tired and hurt.

"I-I don't know what to do..." she said while crying. I can feel how she's trembling.

"You saw it all?" I asked. She nodded and just looking at nowhere.

"How—" I was about to ask her something but then Bright came in.

"Hey, uh, Aki?" Bright called my attention.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Attorney Degavo wants to talk to you." Bright said while he's holding the doorknob. I left Maxen in the sofa before I went out.

I saw Attorney Degavo's waiting for me while he's looking at his cellphone. He is wearing his white long-sleeved and his usual black pants.

"Good evening Mr. Degavo." I greeted him. He smiled at me and his smile faded when I stood in front of him waiting for what he'll say.

"Maxen's accused for killing her parents." he said that made my jaw dropped.

"What?!" I almost shouted in disbelief.

"Their relatives wanted to file a case against Maxen, the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez." he formally said.

"But she's just a kid!" I shouted.

"Yes I know, but she's not going to jail. She'll just be sent to a psychiatrist or in Department of Social Welfare Development, if she'll plead guilty. If she turned eighteen she might go to jail if their relatives will continue the case." he added.

"But there is no enough evidence that she killed her parents. I mean, yes, they saw Maxen's fingerprints in the main weapon but didn't they thought that she just took if off and tried to save her parents?" I was about to burst but then Jin came to calm me down by saying that it is dangerous to argue with an attorney.

"Even I wanted to object but Mr. Sanchez's sister hired me as a lawyer to give justice to the death of her older brother." Attorney Degavo said.

"Can't you make a way?" I asked. He thought and looked at the two of us again.

"I don't know either, I'm also confused even though I've looked at everything." he said while fixing his black necktie.

"Fine, we'll find more evidences to prove that Maxen is not guilty."