
WEREWOLF Mate For Alpha and Gamma's Betrayal

A vast world, where mythological creatures coexist with humans, the Alpha of the Xhevat wolf pack named Aaron, a problem arises as betrayal occurs within his pack. Amidst the chaos, he unexpectedly finds love with Arabella, a human who does not know her identity. Their love story must face challenges from Aaron's enemies, who will jeopardize Arabella's life for the Alpha's death. Can their love overcome the obstacles posed by their different worlds and when the Alpha's enemies want her destroyed? Amidst the chaos, he unexpectedly finds love with Arabella, a human who does not know her identity. Their love story must face challenges from Aaron's enemies, who will jeopardize Arabella's life for the Alpha's death. Can their love overcome the obstacles posed by their different worlds and when the Alpha's enemies want her destroyed?

Author_Yuhani · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Bella vs Rogue

Bella was seen walking while carrying a food box containing a cake that she made herself. Bella wanted to give it to Aaron, the man who had saved her for the second time.

"I hope he'll like it. Gosh, I'm so nervous," Bella muttered.

Bella, who was interacting with men for the first time, even somehow now looked very confident, after previously she always closed herself to people around and also men.

Bella knocked on the door of her helper man's house, slowly and then it opened where Thomas opened the door.

"Excuse me, is your brother there?" asked Bella.

Thomas, who was confused by Bella's presence in front of their house, even asked about relatives, until he remembered where Aaron saved the woman who was almost hit by a speeding car.


"Ah, that's his name, I haven't had a chance to get acquainted," he replied and Thomas left Bella in an awkward and even nervous state.

"He looks scary, is he going to call Aaron?" Killa muttered. "Aaron..." Bella smiled to herself because now she knew the name of the man who had saved her.

Meanwhile, Thomas approached Aaron who was still lying on his big bed.

"You made him fall in love?" asked Thomas, making Aaron surprised.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Thom!" Aaron snapped.

"Wake up, there's a woman looking for you. I guess you found your Mate, why not look for your Luna?" Thomas added and walked away leaving Aaron with his confusion.


Aaron immediately got out of the bed that's comfortable for him, wearing only shorts Aaron met Bella in front of her house.

Aaron saw Bella standing with a box in her hand, he frowned, asking what she had come to him for.

But Aaron didn't understand, because the woman always seemed to attract him to meet, with or without intention and this was the third time. Even he had realized Bella's presence by smelling her.

"You came to see me?" asked Aaron, suddenly making Bella smile, but also with an embarrassed face.

Bella nodded and gave Aaron the food box she had been holding.

"I'm Bell, this is a token of my gratitude and sorry for bothering you to help me," Bella said.

Aaron glanced at the food box without intending to take it, now he also felt something else about Bella, which attracted him even more to continue to be close to her.

Damn... Are you really my Mate?

I can't believe this, why not Luna? Aaron's mind rumbled.

"Here, this is the cake I made, sorry if it tastes bad." Bella said because she saw Aaron as if he was not interested in what she gave him.

"Stay away from me!" Aaron said and immediately closed the door without paying attention to Bella.

Aaron is not unwilling to accept Bella as his mate, because he knows that he will not be able to refuse. But he felt he had to have a lot of time to accept Bella and about the current conditions that did not allow him to have contact with Bella, where Seth might endanger her.


The woman looked sad, even her tears seemed to be falling just like that.

Her heart ached because this was the first time she had ever approached a man, even with the intention of thanking him and being rejected.

"Apparently, no one likes me," she muttered sadly.

"Why didn't you accept?" Thomas asked. 

"You don't feel anything for her?" Thomas asked back.

Aaron was silent, "Will she be safe? I'm still convinced of what I feel anyway."

Thomas nodded, "mate, I want to find my mate too."

"Our top priority is Seth, Thomas!" annoyed Aaron and Thomas smiled without feeling guilty.

Thomas' intention was just to tease his Alpha, but Aaron wasn't in the mood for jokes.

Thomas just wanted Aaron not to think too much about the problems he was currently facing, because that would make Aaron's anger uncontrollable.

"Alright, you really can't be taken lightly. Regarding that woman, at least you took the gift that was brought for you, you already made her cry, Aaron. Don't you think, if she might have tried to make it for you?"

Aaron was silent after hearing his Beta's words, what Thomas said was true, but he also didn't want to make that woman dangerous if she was around him.

Aaron suddenly decided to leave the house and intended to walk around the forest.

Bella after being rejected by Aaron she felt very sad, because she thought her life was meaningless. Her family never cared about her or even the people around her.

Her hopes for Aaron might be able to accept her, even if only as friends, but instead she felt the pain in her heart again when she was ignored, by the man she craved.

Bella walked in the forest, accompanied by sobs. She seemed to vent all her complaints, and hoped that no one would find out about her sadness.

Until some people appeared in front of her with a grin that scared Bella.

"Are you the woman Aaron chose? You're not bad either."

They seemed to smell Bella and tried to remember her, making Bella feel uncomfortable.

Bella also felt confused by what one of them said. Bella looked alert with a trembling body, as there were about four men surrounding her.

"Who are you?" asked Bella with fear.

The four men were heard laughing, but suddenly they seemed to snort at the smell of someone coming.

Aaron suddenly came and was already at Bella's side, making Bella also feel surprised, because that fast Aaron was already beside her, but Bella was relieved, because for the third time, now Aaron would save her.

"The hero has come. Calm down, we just want to know, your woman!" one of them exclaimed and immediately left Aaron and Bella.

Bella, who was already standing behind Aaron, was relieved that the four men had left, although she felt once again, because they seemed to be afraid of Aaron.

"Are you stupid! Going into the forest by yourself!" Aaron was annoyed.

"I, I..." Bella was so nervous and also scared that she was speechless again.

Aaron was even more annoyed and pulled Bella's hand to get out of the forest.

Until they reached the back of Aaron's house, leaving Bella sitting alone in a chair.

"Shut up and don't move from your chair!" Aaron said and Bella nodded.

Bella saw Aaron enter the house in a state of anger, she did not understand Aaron, because it had not been up to 10 minutes that Aaron asked her to stay away, but now Aaron was helping her again and even asked her to be quiet and not leave.

"What's wrong with him, he makes me confused, and also scared," muttered Bella.

While Aaron was looking for Thomas' whereabouts.

"Rogue, she's all around us! There's four of them, you go find them!" said Aaron when he found Thomas watching TV.

"Rogue?" wondered Thomas.

"They found Bella and maybe they are working with Seth," Aaron explained.

Hearing that, Thomas immediately rushed because it was one of the clues to find Seth, and also to be able to protect Bella. Because, if information about Bella is heard by the enemy, it will really be very dangerous for Bella.
