

Kiran a boy who was so happy with how him and his family was living a normal life without any trouble and hardship over many years, couldn't help but feel grateful about everything, but when he finally got to the age of sixteen, his prospective about his family changed as his long lost power finally awaken at the day of a full moon. At first he was scare of what he has become, he couldn't accept the fact that he was a werewolf, because he never really believe they were real, but he later accepted what he was as he found out that his current parents wasn't really his biological parents, the fact that his biological parents were dead and they might be the ones who pass down this powers to him, made him want to know how they died. He spent month searching for a clues consigning the death of his parents, and that was what led him to encounter some of his kind and also the people who killed his parents... But even with his new found power will he be able to avenge the death of his parent. Join me in a journey of defeat, anger and revenge, as Kiran face those who took his parent away from him.

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Shattering of the mate bond

Clara couldn't cope with the pain she was feeling as she went down on her kneel with Karin still in her hands. she was currently experiencing the pain and suffering of losing ones mate and the shattering of the mate bond which always brought an excruciating pain to the soul.

She gently drop Karin on the floor as her mind and soul fell into an empty void of darkness, the blood she has lost and the pain that was currently breaking her heart into a million pieces was making her unable to breathe. The moment she was about to fall completely, she was hold by someone.

"What is happening to you, why are you bleeding?" asked the woman as she try to hold her from falling down completely.

"Please take care of my son, his name is Karin" said Clara as she fell dead beside baby Karin who was crying nonstop.

"Help!!, someone please help me, please help me save the life of a fellow human, she is dieing" shouted the woman to some passerby.

It didn't take long before some people came to the aid of the woman, they quickly carry Clara into a car with the woman walking behind them with baby Karin in her hands, but even with how quick they responded to the situation, Clara still couldn't be save.

"I'm really sorry to tell you this, but the woman has up the ghost long before she was brought here" said the doctor to the woman.

The woman was devastated as she heard the report from the doctor, with tears in her eyes, she settled everything at the hospital. The last wish of Clara was still ringing in her head as she looked down at Karin who was still crying in her hands. With heavy steps, she left the hospital with Karin after telling the doctor that she will come back to take the body of the woman for a proper burial.

On getting home, her husband was surprised to see her carrying a baby on her hands.

"Jenny, whose child is that" questioned Hendrick the moment she got in.

After reaching the comfort of her home, she sat down and narrated what happened and how she came to be with baby Karin. After her narration, Hendrick didn't know what to do than to support his wife on the decision she has taken.

"Mom, who is that, is he my brother?" asked a three years old girl who came down from the stairs and was now looking at her mom who has Karin in her hands with eyes filled with curiosity.

"Yes sweetie, he's going to be your baby brother, his name is Karin" said Jenny to her curious daughter.

"Yeaaa, I always wanted a brother so we can play together" said Layla while jumping around and staring at Karin with love filled eyes.

"Make sure to take care of him, okay?" said Jenny to her daughter who was now holding the little hands of Karin.

"Of course I will mom, can I please carry Karin so we can go play outside?" asked Layla happily.

"No sweetie, that won't be possible right now, but I promise to let you carry him when you are six years older" said Jenny while laughing.

"Okay mom" said Layla a little sad, but she didn't let the refuser of her mother spoil her mood, as she continue holding the hands of Karin.

"I think you should go prepare something for the baby to eat, he doesn't look like he has eaten anything" said Hendrick to his wife.

"Yeah, you are right, I should go prepare something for him to eat" said Jenny while gently handing Karin over to her husband before going to the kitchen.

After about fifteen minutes, Jenny came back from the kitchen with a feeding bottle filled with infant formula, she watched as her husband was coaxing Karin gently so as to stop him from crying.

"I never get tired of seeing the way you always feel happy around babies" said Jenny as she stretch the bottle to Hendrick.

"They are just too cute, I can't help it" said Hendrick while taking the bottle and started feeding Karin.

"What are we going to do about his mother body?" asked Jenny.

"Don't worry about it, I will take care of it tomorrow, I will talk to the police, so they can investigate what happened and find out the origin of his mother" said Hendrick while giving Karin back to Jenny so she can continue feeding him from where he stopped.

"Mom, can I please feed Karin, pretty please?" asked Layla while putting her hands in a pleading gesture as she looked at her mom.

"Of course sweetie, come this way so you can feed him by holding the bottle" said Jenny to her daughter.

"Okay mom" said Layla happily as she walked to the front and was now holding the bottle gently so as to feed Karin.

"Make sure you take a break and wait for some seconds before putting the bottle back in his mouth, okay?" said Jenny.

"Why mom?" asked Layla.

"So he won't choke on the food" said Jenny.

"Okay mom".

It didn't take Karin up to ten minutes before gulping down the whole bottle of infant formula. Both Jenny and Layla was surprised by the pace Karin use in finishing the food.

"Mom, I can't believe Karin finish the whole bottle filled with food" said Layla in surprised.

"That's means he is going to become a very strong child" said Jenny.

"What about me mom, am I strong, I usually finish my food before you guys, does that means I'm strong" asked Layla while looking at her mom for an answer.

"You are strong sweetie, both of you are very strong" said Jenny to her daughter.

Jenny couldn't help herself as she looked at Karin who has hurriedly gulp down his food because of hunger, the fact that he won't be able to feed from the breast milk of his mother again was making her soul and heart grieve in sadness.