

Kiran a boy who was so happy with how him and his family was living a normal life without any trouble and hardship over many years, couldn't help but feel grateful about everything, but when he finally got to the age of sixteen, his prospective about his family changed as his long lost power finally awaken at the day of a full moon. At first he was scare of what he has become, he couldn't accept the fact that he was a werewolf, because he never really believe they were real, but he later accepted what he was as he found out that his current parents wasn't really his biological parents, the fact that his biological parents were dead and they might be the ones who pass down this powers to him, made him want to know how they died. He spent month searching for a clues consigning the death of his parents, and that was what led him to encounter some of his kind and also the people who killed his parents... But even with his new found power will he be able to avenge the death of his parent. Join me in a journey of defeat, anger and revenge, as Kiran face those who took his parent away from him.

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Responsible one

This chapter is dedicated to preDaToR_6077. Thanks for the power stone you gave to my book. I appreciate ♥️


Kiran on seeing that non of his friends seem to believe any of the words he was saying, he decide to drop it as he know that he also wouldn't believe if he was in their place.

Even though he drop the matter, he still couldn't get it off his head as he could remember everything clearly when he wake up in the forest. Therefore it couldn't be an hallucination.

Not wanting any of his two friends to get implicated or harm in his issue, he decide to change the topic as it would only bring them trouble.

"How was school yesterday?" Asked Kiran as he wasn't present in the afternoon when lecture was taking place.

"It's the same as every other day, we celebrated for some time after seeing that you guys won the competition, then lecture start afterwards" said Mikey.

"How are you feeling now Kiran, you seem to be lost yesterday, although you did good in the competition but we can all tell that you weren't really okay base on your attitude?" asked Caleb.

"I'm fine now, told you it was a one time thing and you don't have to worry yourself" said Kiran.

"That's good to hear, Caleb and I was about coming to pick you up yesterday but we control ourselves knowing full well that the school won't agree" said Mikey.

"Thanks guys, I'm really grateful having you two as friends" said Kiran.

"How were you able to answer your first question without solving on your material, have you seen the question before?" Asked Mikey.

"I use my brain in calculating it, it wasn't really a hard question" said Kiran.

"Wow, do you know you have created a record in the maths competition, the only person to answer without solving" said Mikey.

"You seem to be struggling with your eye sight on the competition, was that an effect of you being sick?" Asked Caleb.

"It is, my eyesight always seem blurry any time I'm sick, it made me have a hard time reading the question, that's why I couldn't answer the other question" said Kiran.

"At least we won, you did good in pushing yourself, most of the credits should go to you even though Lydia took the first position, without you she would have fall behind in point" said Mikey.

"Mikey is correct, some of the credits should go to you not most, because without Lydia, we still would have lost it" said Caleb.

"Damn, this is now the third time Lydia had won you, this doesn't seem like it's going to change any time soon" said Mikey while laughing.

"Why do you always like rubbing salt on my injuries, do you have to remind me about it" said Kiran with a sigh.

"It's fun seeing your expression, do you remember how both of you mock me for getting third for three times straight in our martial training?" asked Mikey.

"We didn't mock you, you just think we did" said Caleb with a slight smirk on his face.

"Then can you please explain what you are doing right now?" asked Mikey with his fist clench while showing him.

"Do you know a place called Solvarian?" Asked Kiran all of a sudden.

Waiting after sometime, the first person to answer after thinking was Mikey.

"No, I don't think I have heard of it" said Mikey as he shake his head.

"I do, my dad and I went there for some business talk, why do you ask, have you been there?" Asked Caleb.

"No, I just heard about it from somewhere and it seem to be stuck in my brain, how is the place like?" Asked Kiran.

"It isn't really a urban area but more of like a rural area with tall trees being everywhere, some side look more of like a thick forest than a park" said Caleb not caring much about it.

'No wonder I couldn't see any building in sight, it's a low tier city with almost every side covered with tall trees' said Kiran inwardly.

Seeing as the time was running in a fast pace as it was 7:00 already, he decided to call it a night as he deep his hand in his pocket so as to pay, but couldn't see his card.

"Guys, I forgot my card" said Kiran as he look at them.

"And so do I" said Mikey with wide eyes before turning to face the last one in their group.

"You two are idiots you know, what if I didn't bring my card with me?" Asked Caleb as he handed his card to Kiran.

"Of course we know you brought yours, you wouldn't be called the responsible one for nothing" said Mikey as he put his hand on his shoulder.

Shaking his head, Caleb didn't know what to say as he has always been the one covering for most of their mistake.

Kiran on reaching there, he pull out the card and place it before putting the require amount he wanted to deduct from the account.

True to his word, Kiran compensate for Lucy sitting with them, as the amount of cash he deposited was way higher than the amount of the champagne.

"See you later Lucy, goodbye Mrs Nelson, see you another day" said Kiran before walking back to his friends and handing the card back to Caleb.

Mrs Nelson couldn't close her mouth on seeing the amount of money Kiran deposited into her account. The money he deposited would be able to cover up three more champagne if they were to continue drinking.

'Even though I know you guys soul are pure, but I don't know the souls of your parents, it's better for Lucy not to continue interacting with you guys' said Mrs Nelson inwardly.

Walking out of the restaurant, Caleb could see that his driver was already there as he had called him about five minutes ago.

"Your driver still isn't here, call him so he can pick you up at Kiran's place, let's all go in" said Caleb.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it.

This is the name of the novel, PATHWAY OF DEATH. Please do support me ♥️

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