
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · 都市
45 Chs

Chapter 25: Plans Finally Underway

Doron could not believe it as he looked at his system page.

His succes rate with charming people based on their emotions on him were now increased.

'In that case' Doron looked at Iris.

[Skill: Emotion Read is active]

[Emotion: Worry

Percentage for charm: 29%]

Doron looked at Iris and realised that he had a chance to charm her, but it was a very slim chance, but he was not going to take it, he did not really need to charm her, he was just curious.

'What of Patra'

[Skill: Emotion Read is active]

[Emotion: fear, infatuation

Percentage for charm: 56%]

'She is scared of me and at the same time is infatuated with me? Strange girl' Doron thought.

"Let's put this aside for the time being, right now, I need some answers" Doron told Iris as he looked at Diakonos who had a smile on her face.

"Okay, and before that I already knew of your plan and your system that kept telling you that you mind was being read" Diakonos said with a wink.

"... Okay" Doron just responded with a shake of his head as the orc elders left the mud house.

The female orc elder gave Patra a death stare as her comrades pushed her out.

"So what do you want to know?" Diakonos asked as she sat on the chasirs that the elders were sitting on.

Doron who saw this knew what she was implying and just sat down on the bone throne.

"What is a realm menace?" Doron asked after getting comfotable on the throne, at first he thought it would be hard and uncomfortable, but it seemed that for some reason, as soon as he sat on it, the hard throne felt like he was sitting on a couch.

"A realm menace?" Iris asked back as she looked at Doron with shock. "Where did you hear this?"

"In the dungeon, or should I say on a battle field?" Doron replied. "Why, is it a bad thing?"

"No it's just, if you are really a realm menace, then things in this world won't be really easy for us" Iris said, looking disheartened.

"Can you explain further?" Doron asked as he did not understand what she meant by things in this world would get harder for them.

"Let me take over" Diakonos interjected. "A realm menace are beings that are like a disease or a medicine to a planet, they can help it like a symbiote, or kill it like a parasite"

"When a realm menace is born on a planet, it means that the planet is going to face a great hurdle that it can't over come alone and that is why a realm menace is born"

"You are not really giving me the answer I need" Doron said.

"Okay let's take a different approach, a realm menace is the sign of judgement day for a planet, they can either be a sentinent being or a beast that only moves on instinct" Diakonos then looked at Doron. "When a realm menace is a sentinent being, he would be able to control other beings or things in that planet that can destroy it, in this planets case, it's the dungeons and the monsters that come out of them"

Doron who heard this could not help but be surprised. If what Diakonos said is true. 'Then those dungeons that are controlled by Azron town, but is this not too coincidental who would have thought that the orc village I was about to form a coperation with suddenly becomes a living dungeon... let's just leave it'

"You speak like this has happened before" Patra pointed out. "You also said you were born here and can't leave right? , How do you know all of this"

"... I can't leave but my people can" Diakonos replied looking at Patra like she was dumb for asking that question.

"If my guess is correct, then that means I have either become a high profiled target to get rid of, or a great weapon to acquire" Doron mused as he looked at Iris. "Is this why you said things would become hard for us?"


"Pffft, Hahaha" Doron then burst out laughing like someone that had just heard the funniest joke, or saw a meme that was so funny that he reposted it.


"... Does he do this all the time?"

"... fortunately no"

After about some several minutes, doron calmed down and looked at Iris.

"If you were in my shoes, what would you have done?"

"... I would sell myself to become a weapon or a form of detterent to others" Iris responded after thinking about. "Why stress ourselves by hiding and deceiving ourselves that we should grow stronger on our own, whiles the whole world is after us"

"Doron, you have no attachments or friends that you really care about in this world, so I think it's better to sell yourself to the highest bidder, if they don't treat you right, just jump ship, the next customer would gladly accept you and treat you well, for fear of you jumping ship again"

Doron, Patra and Diakonos could not believe what Iris had just said as they looked at her like she was some kind of exotic animal in a zoo.

"... Am really shocked that you thought of something like that" Doron said honestly.

"I won't decieve myself saying that we have to protect this world when we clearly know that they would willingly kill us of if they had the chance, might as well join a powerful group that can not only keep us safe, but also give us resources for you to grow stronger, so that we can leave this world"

Doron looked at Iris and then looked at Patra and smiled.

Iris was right, what was he going to gain if he said he was going to hide and slowly amass power for himself and then become a powerful person in this world.

He does not have a golden finger, he does have a system, but he can't really depend on it, the skill he even got in the dungeon was not even reflected on his system page.

He does not have a old man's ghost living inside him or accompanying him on his journey to grow strong, and also, he did not reincarnate, he could be said to be one of those guys that got yeeted to another world on the whims of a god.

"Let's do it like that, and am sure that there would surely be people that would be looking for me, or have found me, but are waiting for orders form their leaders, and if not, let's make some noise" Doron said with a creepy smile on his face.

Back in Azron town, adventurers guild.

The guildmaster of the adventurers guild in Azron town was looking at disheaveled Doron who was carrying a sack with him, and triumphant smile on his face as he threw the sack to Manurt's feet.

"We killed the orc chieftan"

Manurt just raised an eyebrow as he looked at the sack at his feet and at Doron.

He signaled one of his men to check the sack and saw a females head in the sack, even though she was now dead, they had to admit that she was a real beauty.

The surbodinate nodded his head to Manurt whose frowning face instantly broke out into a happy and joyous one.

"Hahaha, did not know you had it in you" Manurt said as he patted Doron's back, making the latter wince in pain, seeing his frown, Manurt stopped his freindly gesture as he looke at the two girls beside Doron.

He knew that Iris was like the leader, but Doron was the muscle and brawn, and since they were brother and sister, he did not really have to worry about taking another man's woman.

'That can be arranged' He thought as he looked at Doron favourably.

Right now they were in the reception hall of the guild, since Manurt did not really like using his small and cramped office.

"Here" A receptionist came and gave the trio a small wooden badge that that was about 3 inches wide. "Just put a drop of blood on it and it would merge with your skin"

Doron looked at Patra and Iris and used the small dagger that the receptionist gave him and pricked his finger and placed the bloodied finger on the badge.

Instantly, a he felt something enter his hand and a tattoo appeared on the back of his hand.

"That tattoo is your identity as an adventurer, just focus your mind on the tattoo and think status" The receptioni calmly said.



Name: Doron

Rank: wood


Missions accepted: 0

Missions completed: 0

Missions failed: 0

Registered in Azron town


Iris and Patra also followed Doron's movements and also got their own adventurers systems.

"Those points and mission stats help you in getting missions from the guild board, some people who place these missions, want you to have specific points or mission stats for you to accept them" The receptionist said. "And also, if you want to remove the badge you have to come back to where you registered or go to another guild and pay a their cancelation fee"

"Thank you" Doron said to the receptionis as she went back to her post.

"You guys did well, now we don't have to fear the orcs doing something to harm the town." Manurt said. "And if you don't mind me asking, did you notice anything strange about the town?"


"Yes, strange"

"Hmmm, nope, I don't think so, what of you guys?" He looked at the others.


"What kind of strange?"

"Really?" Manurt looked at them with a critical eye. "Okay, you guys are dismissed, if you still have enough energy, why don't you check the mision board"

Manurt then left them as he felt that they were lying to him, but he really had no proof.

'Did the oracle lie to me, or did dungeon not exist in the first place? I would have to meet her later'

The trio looked at Manurts retreating back and Doron yelled.

"Sir, what about the sac!"

"!!!" The surbodinate from earlier looked at Doron with a death glare as he quickly ran to Manurt with the sac.

Manurt just looked at his surbodinate and just sighed, he was really not in the mood today.