
Welcome to the Kill Zone

THIS NOVEL IS JUST FOR FUN SO HOPEFULLY ALL THE CHAPTERS WILL BE FREE, thank you. Our 15 year old main character, Zack Fero finished hundred of kill zone stages and killed hundreds of people. What's more is in the world Zack lives in, killing is normal. He isn't very well known but everyone in his old town who's seen him in the Kill Zone called him the Grim Reaper. Zack always had a routine at his old town but that changed after he moved to Capital Zero, the biggest prospering place in the world. He met people in his school that were just as good at killing. Who knows how he will fare off in this new school of his.

TheSecretWriter243 · アクション
4 Chs



The car swirved to the left of the dark highway as a hover truck comes up from the right, the driver in the car rolls down her window and gives a glare toward the truck driver. "Watch where your driven asshole, I have my son in this car!"

The teenage boy sitting at the passengers seat sat straight up and looked at the woman,"Mom, focus on the road and don't mind the truck driver, he's just trying to get to where he's supposed to be... it's also night so he would be a little out of it."

The driver rolls up her window and focuses on driving once again, "I know Zack but we are moving to the most biggest place in the world and you're my only son, why wouldn't I be worried?" The driver was in her forties but she was still beautiful and she had a light skin tone.

The boy slouched back down and took out his phone from the bag on his side, he turned on the flashlight feature to see better then closed his eyes, "I'm 15 mom not a kid, I can take care of myself."

Zack was a pretty good looking guy, he had black hair and a part of it covered his right eye. His eyes were a light brown shade and he had a brown skin tone, he had an amazing build for a 15 year old. If you asked him what his favorite color would be it would be black, that should be noticeable since most of his belongings were black.

Zack and his mom were moving to Capital Zero, this was because Zack would have easily killed everyone in his old town in the Kill Zone. They were also moving to Capital Zero since Zack needed a better place to learn and have more experiences.

You see, in the world Zack lives in their are large peaces of land that are called Kill Zones where you have to do your mission/quota. You are to reach the kill quota or finish the amount of kill zone stages in a week or you will die, no second chances. What you are given though is 100 lives when your in the Kill Zone, this of course doesn't stop your death if you don't make the quota. When you lose all your 100 lives in the Kill Zone you die.

You might be wondering what happened that made it this way?


Well, 30 years ago, year 2040 an underground organization called Viper rose up in an unexpected way. One day President Grant and the government issued an order to wear a wrist band. They called it the N.L.I.K, N.L.l.K stands for Neuro Link Insta-Kill but they didn't tell the public that.

A week after this was issued everyone had a wrist band on, the public was still not giving the reason to the wristbands.A day later the government said they were going to give insight on the bands on live news. People watched on T.Vs, phones, tablets, computers.

You could see President Grant walking up to the stage on the camera only to be shot and killed when a loud bang ringed through the video.

A man wearing all black and a mask was then shown walking up to the stage. 4 people wearing black as well followed lining up behind the masked man.

A rough muffled voice was then heard, "Hello, I am the leader of an organization called Viper, Viper is made of thousand of people so you won't kill us off easily. You were told that you would be given info about that band you were wearing right, well might as well tell you."

"First of all, that band on your arm is called Neuro Link Insta-Kill. Now don't worry, it still doesn't do anything but it will in a year or so. All you need to know is to get as much info on those bands cuz it's going to change the hierarchy in this whole world... you have those bands since we are planning to keep the human population to a safe amount so we don't end up killing ourselves.

"If your wondering about the government and all that... well, let's just say we did things that were or were not fun. After we did that we got them in our grasp... that is all for now, goodbye." The camera went dark and that was the end of the live feed.

The day after the message, word spread and soon everyone heard of what happened on live cam. People have tried to take off the band only to fail miserably, whatever the Vipers made the band out of it's literally unbreakable.

The people at first stayed calm and continued research on the bands but soon a resistance rose a month later, the resistance was made of half the army and half of the public making up to about 500,000 people... their was no leader and they worked together as a unit. The resistance were tired of waiting and decided to take down Viper.

At first the resistance had no leads, but a bit more researching on the message and they found out that it was filmed at Woshingtan D.B at the Grey House. The resistance who were near their prepared to raid the Grey House... they took a few tanks, helicopters, and guns.

At first people thought that the resistance would win but when the resistance started the raid they were greeted by laser beams and tech that haven't been seen before. The raid of Gray House ended in a blink, anyone who was part of the raid died while Viper was left completely unscathed.

After the incident the resistance soon disappeared as people left or were hunted down by Viper assassins. The people then called the leader of the Viper organization Snake Eyes, it was as if he was secretly spying on everyone or doing something in secret.

A year had passed and the people have gotten as much info about the bands as they could. Viper had never made a broadcast since the death of President Grant but today word got out that they were planning to broadcast at 12 AM.

At the time of the broadcast you could see Snake Eyes, the Viper leader at a podium. Just like last time 4 people stood behind him wearing all black.

"Hello people, it's been a year since our last message, we have finished the final touches to our plan and N.L.I.K will now become a device that has its hands in your life, quite literally... you won't have to worry about us, even though we are a dark organization we are still part of this project meaning we will also be wearing this band." he lifted his hand to show the feed that he also had a N.L.I.K band on his wrist.

"We decided to give you all the info to this project so that everyone doesn't die instantly. We have seceretly been adjusting places around the world to make places called Kill Zones... Kill Zones are kind of like those battle royale games people played in the past on computers and consoles."

"Now, the N.L.I.K band will give you a kill quota, if you don't reach the kill quota by a week you will die. You are given a hundred lives in the Kill Zone and if someone dies outside the Kill Zone they will not get a second chance. If a muderer has been commited outside the Kill Zone the murderer will die. Lastly, ages between 10 to 49 are to do the kill quota, once you passed 50 you can stop killing, ages under 11 are not allowed to kill yet. That is all, thank you and live a wonderful life."

After the live feed all the bands started to glow blue and everyone was given a kill quota. At first people thought it was fake but alot more decided to trust what Viper said and started to finish their kill quota in the Kill Zones.

It was soon found out that what Viper said was true, a drastic 2,000,000 people died... they had not reached the kill qouta. Things started changing, people approved of the band and people hated it but the hierarchy had changed.

After a year had passed rules and laws changed, popularity and power was measured by how much stages you have finished and how much kills you got, this info was shown on the band. The band was able to show a holographic version of your statistics. Soon Kill Zone started to devlop different types of modes and pople thought of Kill Zones like it was a game.

When someone is born a band was put on them immediately by the order of Viper or that newborn will be killed, the bands were able to stretch in size so as the baby grows the band doesn't do anything to their hand.

Schools started to teach more about combat and medical things to prepare kids for the Kill Zone. Viper then made another announcement saying that anyone who is born disabled cannot do the kill qouta and anyone who disables them on purpose will be killed, this was also measured by the band.

The Viper leader soon died and someone else took his place. After 25 years people have gotten used to the band and it became a daily part of everyones life. This was how Zack's world became what it is today.


By the time Zack and his mom made it to Capital Zero it was day time. Capital Zero used to be Woshingtan D.B but after a war that broke out 3 years ago it was detroyed and built anew. After some major scientific break throughs flying vehicles were created. The houses looked the same but with a few more modern technology taht spiced it up a little and interesting fact, if you went to a zoo you would see extinct animals that were made by their ancestrial D.N.A.

Zack's mom had bought a house near the northern part of Capital Zero. The northern part of Capital Zero was known for its safe neighborhood and great schooling, the southern part is known for technology and science. The western and eastern were more of the busier parts of Capital Zero.

The center of Capital Zero was a tall building called Viper head quarters but another building stands next to it that is called the Remain head quarters. It was because of the Remain that laws protected the citizens from Viper.

Zack and his mom drove to their new house. it was big and was mqde of marble. How they were able to afford such a luxurious place, well Zack's late father waa not very well known but he was able to make alor of money by finishing thousands of Kill Zones where Zack lived. Zack's father died January of the last year in a car crahs but Zack's dad taught him everything he needed to survive.

He had told Zack that he was once a well known fighter who had done almost every types of fighting style but after Viper showed up he went into hiding for fear that they might eliminate or get him to work for them.

Zack's mom got out of their red flying Ferrari and closed the door, "come on Zack, welcome to your new home."

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