
into the anime verse

My eyes slowly grazed open my vision was a bit blurry and my head felt extremely heavy.

" What in the hell ?" I muttered realizing my current situation .

I was on top of a God damn broken bus with loads of freakishly looking zombies gnawing at me from the bottom trying to grab hold of my legs,I gave a zombie a kick to the face Making him collied with other and making lots of them fall .

"The heck ?" couldn't help but shout that out loud. Everywhere around me was in some deep shit, thousands of zombies slurking around ,fires burning freely ,lots of vehicles had crashed in one another .chaos everywhere , talk about some apocalyptic shit .

"Good you're awake , now open a portal and get us out of here " I heard those paniky words from a boy behind me also on the bus he was about my height and age probably he had this Raven black hair that covered almost half of his face, he was with a crow bar whacking some of the zombies that were trying to get to us .

"Don't just stand there do it now " he yelled angrily like I was some sort of Messiah that could save us both with just a snap of my fingers .

" Ah ügi ! I hate it when you fucking black out ,this is an emergency dude " he screamed more .wait did he just call me ügi ? oh yeah ügi that's my name ,then it all came back to me .

I remembered waking up this morning , sneaking off with my best friend Ryko out of the citadel opening the portal that brought us to this universe called " 100 bucket list of the dead" at least now I know why it's called that .

"Don't worry Ryko I'll get us outta here now " I smiled faintly , how I loved it when he was scared out of his bright goofy personality.

Then we were both alerted with a sudden loud zooming of tyres and horning of a grim rod motorcycle which was zooming towards the bus we stood on , two guys were on the bike , the guy riding had a short black hair and wore a green jacket he was smiling broadly like he was enjoying this world ,the other guy who looked more muscular had yellow hair or maybe gold I couldn't really tell.

"Hey you two need a hand ? " The jerky driver said still with his broad smile waving one hand at us .

"No need for that save yourself we're not of this world , thanks but there's really no need " I said but they were still charging at the hoard of zombies which surrounded the bus we stood on in attempt to save us .

I curses under my breath , well I did warn them ,then I unleased my powers making a thick greenish aura of my prime energy to swarm around me and with one clean blast I destroyed all the zombies around us , I stretched forth my left hand and created a swirling greenish portal which by the way looked way cooler than the rick and Morty kind , then I had one last gaze at the extremely shocked looks on those guy's faces .

"I told you we didn't need your help " I said arrogantly before stepping into the portal ,Ryko was about entering also ,then he hesitated , turned towards them and gave a quick mid bow.

"Arigatou" he said before stepping in and the portal closed.

At the other end of the portal we both stepped into our real universe which was way more calmer and peaceful called the prime verse.

"Do you think anyone would notice we were Missing, we were gone for quite awhile?"Ryko asked fearfully.

"I don't think so ,but if anyone did I'll say I forced you in "

"Nonsense we both know no one would believe that " Ryko said disgusted. Well he was right everyone knows me and him were best of friends since childhood even though I was of royal blood and hence had prime energy flowing in me but Ryko was just the son of some noble.

Only few people of royal blood has prime energy in our world so Ryko was not entitled to any special abilities ,but since I had discovered how to use my prime energy to create portals to strange new worlds me and Ryko had both had nice times adventuring through various universe even though the rules of our citadel highly disapproves it , but hey you don't get to be a teenager with powers like this and just sit around bored shit by rules , I gave a loud sigh .

"Don't worry Ryko I'm pretty sure no one knew "


As I opened the door to my room I immediately slumped on my massive bed before I noticed none of my servants were in the room that was kinda normal as I didn't like them invading my privacy ,but what wasn't normal was my annoying elder sis sitting on a massive furniture in my room glaring at her reflection on the mirror with keen interest using her fingers to pick her nose , which I found very non lady like and highly disgusting.

"So how was your adventure ?, let me guess you guys went to another crazy fire breathing dragons universe again without anyones permission "she said sarcastically still gazing at the mirror if not she would have seen my face twist in bitter realization.

"Screw you kima " I muttered under my breath with my fists clenched tightly.