

Leo_Hian · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 2 : Fight in a dark Night

A stench pierced my nose. It was the smell of a garbage or may be even worse than that, not only that I could hear the voices of demons footsteps and their voices.


[Demons are nearby.]

I saw demons approaching from where the girl was sent flying. Demons were about hundred in numbers.

"Well, shit!"

[Name:Little Imp]




Then, I looked at girl, whose name was Emilia. She was unconscious now. I put my hand facing my palm toward her. The skill was, yeah.


I was hoping it would work. In hurry, I didn't read its description, even though the system would provide it.

My palm glowed and the wounds of Emilia were slowly healing now. Thank the god! I used the healing again, now she was regained consciousness.

"Where? What?"

I put my index finger on her lips. I spoke, "The demons are coming."

She startled and spoke, "You should run! Hurry! I will hold them off."

My eyebrows twitched, "You idiot!" I pulled her left cheek.

"Ow, ow. Why are you doing that?" Emilia spoke with pain.

I stopped pulling and she rubbed her cheek. I spoke while looking at demons, "I will take care of them."

"But-" She tried to spoke but I interrupted, "No buts."

She stood up as well as me. I moved forward while Emilia remained in her position.

'What skill I should use now?' I thought, then I opened my status.

'Show Status.'

[Name:Mikey Liam]



[Level:1] [EXP:0.00]









[No stat points available.]


[Lust Fire LVL:1 (DP:20)]

[Gluttony Absorption LVL:1 (DP:30)]

[Vision LVL:1 (MP:0)]

[Observation LVL:1 (MP:5)]

[Burning Fire LVL:1 (MP:20)]

[Healing of Angels LVL:1 (AP:60)]

[Healing LVL:1 (AP:5)]

[No skill points available.]

[No available talents.]

'Show description of Gluttony Absorption.'

[Gluttony Absorption LVL:1 (DP:5) is a skill that allows the user to absorb the energy of the opponents. The number of opponents on which skill can be used are 100 at a time.(the numbers will increase as the level of skill increases. The range of skill is 100 metres.(it also increases with the increase in level of skill. Effective only on opponents level below 20.]

'Now that's cool.' I thought with a small smile. I raised my right hand toward the approaching demons and used the skill.

'Gluttony Absorption.'

A black whale appeared from my hand and rushed toward the demons. The whale was attached to my hand. It attacked and devoured hundred of demons and returned to my hand and disappeared.

Suddenly, I could feel a bit of pain in my chest but I tried to hold it. Then, an announcement appeared in front of me.


[Energy can be invested in experience points, strength, stamina, agility, vitality and skills.]

As I saw that message, I thought, 'This is what I needed.'

'Use energy in strength and agility.'

[Using energy in strength and agility.]

[Strength:50 + 45]

[Agility:50 + 60]

Oh, yeah! This is what I am talking about. The pain disappeared and I could feel my body more lightly. Then, I smirked and raised my right hand. ' Time to use another skill. '

' Lust Fire. '

Then, all remaining enemies in front of me burned with pink fire and turned to ashes.

" Gwahhhhhh! "

" Yahhhhhhhh! "


[All demons are defeated.]

[You gained EXP.]

[Level up!] [Level up!]

[Congratulations! Your level is now 3.]

[You gained 10 stat points and 2 skill points.]

[You obtained a new skill: Telekinesis.]

[You can now have partners, servants and slaves.]

[You obtained a new talent: Greedy Growth.]

"Wow!" I was impressed or rather surprised to see that. These were some impressive rewards. I was almost shocked to see announcement about partners, servants and slaves.

"What is this Greedy Growth?" I muttered.

[Greedy Growth: The EXP are multiplied by 2 when obtained.]

"How can you do that?" My thought were interrupted when Emilia spoke.

'Shit! What should I say?' I panicked. I closed my status and looked toward her and spoke, "Oh, this..."

"I wanna learn it too!" she spoke with excitement in her eyes. I was shocked again.

This is what see want. Seriously, I just used skills that cannot be used by a normal human.

"I am sorry but I can't teach you." I spoke while scratching my head.

"Is that so?" She got sad.

"I think I should go." I wanted to just run away from here.

"Wait a minute!" She spoke in a hurry and kissed me in my lips.

Then, after a moment she blushed and ran away while waving her hands, "Thanks! Don't worry I won't tell anyone about this incident."

I also waved hand and smiled, "Thank you and bye." Then, I touched my lips and thought, 'My first kiss but her lips were soft.'

Wait! Why am I reacting like a teenage girl in love. I know I am a teenage but I am a boy. After that, I returned to my home.

My home was not far from here. It was in Maine Town, which is about ten minutes of walk from here.


I was looking at a mansion from outside if it's main gate. It had a big garden and after that was a big mansion that was bit smaller than a castle.

"You have arrived, young master."

A guard spoke and opened the gates. I am home at last after all this weird things happen to me.