
S1 E2 - What It Takes To Be A Hero

" Can I be a hero even with a villainous quirk?"

"Can I be someone like you even with a villain-like quirk?" Izuku asks. All Might thinks about it, 'Villainous quirk?' but while thinking, he realizes that his body has hit its limit. He starts fuming, steam releasing from his body. "Oh no, Holy goddamnit..." Izuku doesn't look at All Might while asking, so he has no clue as to what is happening to All Might and continues, "It might have been due to my villainous quirk or the fact that I refuse to show my quirk, but people bully me. Not that I don't handle them, but still, to an extent, it hurts me. That's why I wanna save a lot of people and prove the people who ever questioned me wrong. Saving while smiling in the face of danger, I wanna be one of the best heroes, like you..." He finally looks up at All Might, who is deflated, and raises an eyebrow, "Eh, who are you? Are you an All Might imposter? Do you need help?"

The Sludge Villain wakes up, still confined in the bottle, asks himself in a confused state, 'Where am I? What happened before I fainted?' He gets a jolt of memories flooding through his mind. The boy, the toxins, All Might. He gets frustrated and wiggles a bit. Katsuki just so happens to be walking in that vicinity and kicks the bottle, hitting it on the pole. Normally, this was nothing too crazy, but the sludge guy wiggling combined with the impact of Bakugo's kick loosened the cap and let him escape. Katsuki, still going on walking clueless, was fine but the store clerk in front of him froze with fear while pointing at the villain. Katsuki noticed and turned around before being choke-gagged by the villain, who was attempting to take control of Katsuki's body.

Back with Izuku. "You took this rather calmly, huh?" asks All Might. Izuku replied, "I mean, it's nothing to freak out about, but are you All Might?" All-Might sighs and continues, "You know how people at the pool constantly pose? It's sorta like that." Izuku opens his mouth and says, "Ah, I see. So, I am guessing a villain did this long back." All Might is a little surprised, " Now that you've seen me as such, keep this a secret." Izuku nods. "I got this injury 5 years ago when I fought a villain. But the fight took a serious toll on me. Half of all my respiratory organs were destroyed. I lost my stomach. I became abnormally weak and lean due to the number of surgeries I went through. Right now, I am only All Might for about 3 hours. Then, I turn back to this version of myself. As Toshinori Yagi." Izuku was a little surprised now.

"Anyways, back to your question, you must realize the responsibilities of a hero. Do you understand what a hero does? They risk their lives for countless strangers as if everyone is a family, turn lip-service to reality, make everyone feel safe, and if they have the odds against them, they must rise to the occasion. If you understand this and can do or at least attempt all this, then it doesn't matter if you have a villainous quirk or if you are quirkless, you can be a hero." Toshinori said.

Izuku replied without words. The amount of happiness on Izuku's face explained everything. All Might was happy and left, but then he realized that he doesn't have the villain with him. He rushes down the stairs while exclaiming that he lost the villain and Izuku followed quickly after.

At the scene of chaos, Death Arms is trying to stop any others from intervening, and Mt. Lady had arrived but the space too small for her to come in and save him. Everyone was scared in this moment of attack and no one had the guts to move, well almost no one. A licorice-like person, Momo Yaoyorozu, ran to the nearest bakery and cake shop. They gulped down all the nearest sweets and foods then returned to the scene. Izuku came just in time to see this person create a cannon from nothing and about to shoot it. He rushed to the person and stopped them from shooting. "Stop, if you shoot, it could injure the hostage. Do this. If you can create anything, make a bunch of Gas Masks for the front ones and move back." Momo makes approximately 150 masks and asks everyone in the front to wear them.

Izuku then rushed in and threw his backpack on the creature, hitting its eyes, which gave Katsuki a chance to breathe. Izuku saw Katsuki and his resolve to save Katsuki grew more. He went to the villain and asked Bakugo to hold his breath. After that, Izuku releases his toxin and manages to free Bakugo. The sludge tries to retaliate by grabbing anyone of them but the cannon made by Momo was fired and the sludge got knocked back. After Bakugo was released, Izuku spread toxin everywhere and looked at Bakugo with a smirk. Bakugo understood and walked forward again. He screamed, "SHINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! (Dieeee!)" and explosions rose from his palms, setting a reaction with the flammable toxin, causing a bigger explosion which left the sludge weak, causing him to faint.

Bakugo and Izuku shared a high five and walked over to Momo, then bowed down. "Thank you for saving me," Bakugo said. "-and thank you for helping me in my plan to save him" Izuku continued. Momo 'counter-bowed' and said respectively, "No, thank you for keeping courage and thank you for coming up with a plan that allowed me to help." They exchanged names and numbers and then Momo left leaving the two of them.

The heroes walked over and reprimanded them for their actions. Izuku was apologizing constantly, but he went blank and toxins were releasing out of him. Katsuki realized that his other persona took over. And so Izuku spoke,

"Listen here, 'Heroes'. You need to understand that someone else did your job and you get the credit. Sitting here complaining about not having the right quirk for this, while I, whose toxin is flammable, and Yaoyorozu-san, went in headfirst to save Kacchan here. My quirk, if not controlled, would be set on fire earlier than wished and could cause a bigger explosion harming me, Kacchan, Yaoyorozu-san, you, and civilians even more, yet I went in to save him. So, SHUT. IT."

Izuku came back to control and apologized for his actions. It was an understatement to say how confused the heroes were.

So, Katsuki and Izuku were returning home and parted ways. As Izuku was walking home, he met All Might again. "I am HERE!!!!!!!! *cough* Midoriya-Shounen. You have shown a great act of bravery today. You have proven to have a heart of a hero. Top heroes have stories from their teen times, but there was a common one. They move without warning before their minds can think, their legs move and rush. Long and short of it all, I want to tell you..."

"You Can Be a Hero!"

1195 words.

I am back peeps. I missed writing and stuff. Anyways, I decided something. That is... I am announcing ships.

1. IzuMomoTodo (Yes, even I was skeptical, but they exist.)

2. KiriBakuKami (Yes, I didn't know, but they exist)

3. TsuJirou

4. MinaRaka

5. OjiKure (Ojiro x Hagakure)

6. ShojiToko

7. KodaSato

8. Mineta x Expulsion

9. Shinsou x Coming in 1A

10. Also, Shinsou x Mei

11. EraserMic

12. NightBunny (Midnight x Mirko)

13. MightInko

Ani_Epixcreators' thoughts