
Welcome to my Supernatural World

Seven friends who knew nothing about the supernatural world, becomes tangled up in the lives of a family of vampires on the run.

Trini_Army · ファンタジー
25 Chs

On the run

Remikka P.O.V.

Walking home from work at two in the morning, my phone rings. I live a block away from my restaurant. I'm twenty-five and I own my own restaurant, I inherited it from my parents. I answered the phone and a familiar voice from an unknown number says.... "Take your family and leave now, you are in danger. Get to the airport, someone will meet you and help you leave the islands. DON'T RETURN." Shane said before he hung up his phone. I quickly hung up the phone on my end and ran as quickly as I could to my house, when I got home I shouted for my siblings for my siblings to get up as I burst through the door. "Mimi, Galaxy, Dan, Jadenne get up now we have to leave." I shouted to them. I heard groans and sleepy protests, Dan as the first down the stairs, "Really?" he began, "I thought we weren't running anymore?" he asked while rubbing his eyes. "I know love but my first priority is to keep you all alive, so if running does that then we run." I told him. I live in a four bedroom with my siblings, as the eldest its my job to keep them safe since our parents were murdered. Yes murdered, our parents were vampires, therefore my siblings and I are vampires by birth, but as powerful as our parents were, they were tricked and murdered by members of the Vampire Council that sought power for themselves.

Council members that they thought were their friends, but they weren't and now we are being hunted. Running is tiring but I cannot let my siblings die without a fighting chance, thankfully my parents still had a few loyal friends within the Council that helped us stay one step ahead of our enemies. Dan is the youngest of our group, the baby of the house, he had just turned sixteen, next are the twins Mimi and Galaxy, two of the most mischievous nineteen year old girls you would ever meet. Whenever these two are together they could make the Devil blush with their mischievous ways, but they are super loving and protective of each other. Then there is Jadenne our crazy but loving brother, he is twenty-one and keeps everyone on their toes, he is the life of the house, he could cheer you up despite whatever mod you might be in. I could never live without any of them and I would die before I let any of them get hurt, we packed the bare essentials as we had to travel light and made our way to the airport. There we were instantly greeted by an old family friend Shane Rogers, Shane knew our parents well and was like an older brother to us, he handed us our tickets and all our supporting documents and information. "You are being sent to Korea." he said plainly.

"What?" I started looking at him quizzically, "We don't speak Korean." I quickly protested, "Good thing English is spoken worldwide, besides you will be living with your cousin Nikki, she would teach you how to speak Korean." Shane concluded with a laugh. "Your contact in Korea is Simone Moore and you new surname will be Kwon remember that." he added and then walked away, we boarded the plane and said goodbye to the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Simone and Nikki, I hadn't seen them since we were kids, Nikki is my cousin and Simone is her best friend.


My earliest memories of my family was when I was eight. It was my mom's twenty-ninth birthday, everyone was there, my cousin Nikki and her mom, my best friend Kaylee and her mom, Nikki's best friend Simone and her twin Stephen. Simone and Stephen's dad was friends with my parents, but Nikki was closer to the twins than Kaylee and I, then there was Tyler and his dad. Tyler, Kaylee and I were inseparable and once we got together....well just know that something is going to get broken or caught on fire. We were a triple threat, so as Tyler walked in with his dad, my dad kept me busy with errands, "Where are you off to for the umpteenth time?" Tyler quietly questioned me. I rolled my eyes at him, "Dad has me checking up on the younger ones upstairs." I answered in an exasperated tone, the younger ones being my younger siblings, Jadenne who was four years and the twins Mimi and Galaxy who were just two years old. "We can help." Kaylee chirped in and with that we all scrambled up the stairs quietly, to outsiders we looked like any ordinary family gathering with friends. My parents managed their own restaurant, one of two, the other was managed by Nikki's mom.

Kaylee's mom was an English Literature Professor at the local University, Tyler's dad was a sergeant in the police force, while Simone and Stephen's parents managed their own security firm. On the surface we were like everyone else, Tyler, Kaylee and I ran to the nursery as it was the closest door to the stairs. We peeped in and saw the twins playing with their teddy bears on the nursery floor, then it was on to Jadenne's room, I looked in and saw he was fast asleep. So now we were free to do as we wanted, we quickly snuck down the stairs and into the back yard, "I learned something new." Kaylee announced excitedly and proceeded to hold out her hand while chanting. Flames appeared, dancing in her palm, Tyler and I crowded her wanting to touch it, all the while not realising there were eyes on us. "What are you three doing over there?" Nikki shouted startling all of us, causing Kaylee to jump, the flames in her hand leapt unto Tyler catching his hoodie on fire, everyone screamed. Nikki remained calm as Tyler started crying and tried to remove his hoodie, Nikki started chanting with her eyes closed. She did a water spell and soaked Tyler from head to toe, he looked at Nikki drenched and confused, Nikki just laughed.

By this time, our parent run into the backyard to see what the commotion was all about they demanded an explanation, Nikki innocently replied "We were just practising our magic and it got a little out of hand." We were all scolded by our parents and restricted to the T.V. room for the rest of the evening, Kaylee, Tyler and I still had fun though.


Tears formed in my eyes as I recalled the memory, I was brought out of my daydream with the stewardess announcing our arrival. I quickly wiped my eyes, we finally arrived at Incheon Airport in Seoul, we were instantly greeted by the tall, graceful and quite beautiful Simone Moore, "Remi." she yelled as she smiled at us. "Welcome to South Korean, you are all going to enjoy your new life here." she added excitedly. "Follow me, I will get you all settled in." Simone stated as she turned away, we quickly followed, a small line of weary travellers, to outsiders we probably looked like a pitiful group. Simone drove us to the city of Busan, it was far away from the capital Seoul and would be a lot safer for us, Simone drove up the long driveway to Nikki's house. It was a two storey house with a pool in the backyard, and bar attached, it was breathtakingly beautiful.