
Welcome to my palace of novels

A young boy without any ability but martial art as a defense finds a new source for his magic. He uses his new found powers to conquer his enemies if you enjoy some good comedy and packed action,I recommend you read on. Notice:I do not own the current book cover,so for any issues contact Bobod5081@gmail.com

_Overlord_you_ · ファンタジー
4 Chs

chapter 1 -prologue

"You think spilling blood is a simple laughing matter!"

A young man slams his fist on a wooden table in an office in anger and the weak furniture which could not take the force of the muscular person immediately broke down to pieces on the ground.

"Another thing you have broken in my office this week".The person who was stood with him whispered as she slowly moved closer to him.

Her beautifully braided dark hair dazzled along with each step she took.She is an official of the country of Novick ,in which they both lived now.

--who would have thought it would have to come to this!

The boy turned away from her and sat on on of the available chairs in small room they both were.

'They killed those people and you think I would just sit here and do nothing!'.The young man continued with his emotional standings quite clear.He was very furious.


"Look ,look,look here.Just because I am your friend does not mean I would constantly neglect all your piled up offences.You actually....."

"Wait.....my offences?!".The man's head blew steam at her words as he interrupted her.He almost felt a huge weight of anger grip his neck,break his jaws and crush his bones.

He stood up again and almost drew his sword but the woman quickly stops him half way through.

'No you are not slicing through anymore of my furniture this week again".Her grip felt quite strong more as she stared deep into his flaming eyes and to prevent his anger from driving himself insane, he finally withdrew and turned away from her,looking through the window to the far distance at the smoke of the ruins of a house that suffered from an explosion just yesterday and it was the same house he had witnessed a person slaughtered right before his eyes.


"Leo,we tell them that you are crazy,that you are out of your mind.You do not know what is right or wrong but you just charge in straightforward to any event without making notes of its consequences".The woman gently placed her arms on his broad shoulders as she continued to speak with clear sincerity in her eyes.

"We tell them that you are a mad man!.I also sponsor this words in hopes that this people may not come for you,Leo.To protect your very life,the same life you take for granted going out there into the streets every single day".


He shrugged ,before taking his sit again but this did not ease up his determination.

She quietly sat beside him and started to use her water abilities to heal his bruised up body.The cuts on his body and the ways his clothes were burnt were a clear sign that he had just came back from another attack.

-By pursuing this path,his death could be certain by this time tomorrow if not earlier.

Meanwhile,down at the hallway a loud sound could be heard followed with the footsteps of a single person and after turning one more corner ,the person entered into an office.

"Where is the idiot who has lost his sane!".An old man barged into the room they both were sat and the young man quickly stood up to greet his father but was immediately interrupted.

"Do you yearn for death?.....You want to die!".The old Man with his weak legs struggled to walk towards Leo and smote him on the cheeks with all of his might.Even though they felt like paper pieces landing on his cheeks and he felt no pain whatsoever,somehow he still felt quite disturbed by this.

"If those people decide to fight against us,you know it yourself...we cannot win!"

'How can everyone speak like common weaklings!'.His thoughts angered him even more.

--Was his own father also scared!

Of course,no!.He could never let it go.The same people were the ones that kidnapped and brutally killed his own siblings just a year ago,and yet both his parents are still too afraid to confront this monsters.

He raised his head slowly still in surprise at his fathers words.

"Really!...is that what you see when you look at me.I am not a weakling....damn it!

if they strike a single strand of my hair with a feather I shall demolish all of their possessions with a flame infused dagger.

All of my enemies shall perish by my sword,whether while it is new or rusty.The ones that do me evil or had hurt the ones I care about must .....die!."

Both the faces of the old man and the young girl shook and their body trembled at his words.

"You know none of the dragons were willing to give you any of their abilities probably because of this same thing,what are you hoping to do!".The young woman spoke again.

He knew what she was talking about.Dragons of different types had started to grant their abilities to people they deemed deserving to hold it after one of their own betrayed them and ran away.Every child was presented to these dragons after they had reached an age of 12,but his own turn was an exception.He was not deemed worthy.



"Don't worry. I have my ways".Leo turned and finally smiled as he speedily scrolled through his memories and remembered a random note book he had picked up from the house before it was destroyed.He went out and with unintended force,jammed the door shut.

"Let's just hope I don't lose another child!"


Meanwhile, in a place far away from the capital of the country of " Novick",a group of wounded people could be seen all sat in a trashed living room, desperately trying to heal up their bodies after a harsh one sided fight.

--Tsk,....another beast had been born.One of them breathed his last just after he had spoken this words.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_Overlord_you_creators' thoughts