
welcome to my novel world

[Pls vote for me for the current wpc] During a disastrous event that almost led to earth's destruction,a young boy was transported into the bottom level of a tower,however, few years later he finally ascended to the last floor and slayed its top boss,so as a reward he then was granted his request to return back to earth again to carry on his normal life and finish properly what he started ,but,happy ever after does not exist in a world of deadly beasts that encourages massacre....! The image is not mine so for any issues contact me on my gmail.Bobod5081@gmail.con

_Overlord_you_ · ファンタジー
5 Chs

1-The beginning-Prologue

[20minutes to meteor shower...]

"Had it been that a beast did not die after perceiving your food, I might have tried to at least chunk it down!"

It was quite of an exaggeration but painfully,not far from truth!

A young boy sat on a wooden chair placed at a corner inside of a lab, stared at his food with great fear and high discontent ,but his mother strangely had the widest smile on her face as she watched him with a lovely feeling of uncontrollable anticipation.

Hehe,my son I would not get away from here until you eat at all of this...finish!!

it sounded more like a threat to me.


These are the horror full words she said as she carefully brought the food into the lab for him to chow down on and rejecting it might just be practically suicide on his part,but eating it also may also spell his untimely death...

So I am dead either way huh--

He continued staring at the food rather somberly ,occasionally raising head to change his expression ,reciprocating his mothers smile back to her.

Of course,he loves her,but he swore ever since their dog,Stanley,died a very very,very horrible death,just yesterday,he would never ingest something with such great height of unintended murderous intent.

Ever since his sister had wickedly bought her a cook book yesterday for her as a gift,that was when the massacre had started.He had lost three of his pets now, including his precious dog,Stanley,which he had since when he was young.Tears could almost roll down his cheeks has he pictured the face of his dog instantly barking at a knife ,as if to ask a favour from him to hand over the knife ,after it forcefully digested the mother's home-made dog food.

[Good day every one.The time to the beautiful meteor shower is almost nigh.With just 14minutes remaining,you can have a lovely day along side your family for.....].

The young boy's mother raised her head up and finally,her attention was diverted away from her son,towards the large screen television that spoke.

"People sure do believe in what this magical screen spits out huh?!"

"Haha.....oh really,magical!".The two immediately burst out into laughter as they continued to converse,however,this didn't go on for long as a familiar figure hastily entered into the room.

-Thankfully,this person's entrance has now saved him from death.

OK,its time!.Suddenly,the person that had entered into the room spoke ,immediately dissolving the atmosphere between them in an instant. it was his father.

Let's go!.The man continued while motioning to the young boy,Tommy,who without a bit of hesitation stood up to meet him after giving a quick bow to his mother.Anytime his father was working on a project,he becomes too focused on it sometimes.'but.....'

This time,it was finally the something they had all anticipated.Some years back ,very few humans had succeeded developing strange power sources indoors using matters originating from the four main affinities and if this could get out,it could probably solve many health related issues or even help power the whole world independently for years.This was truly a huge step for science ,but ever since the idea of trying to make the power source reside inside the body of a human being,the latter ideas were instantly thrown right down the drain.

Tommy's father was also one of the people who knew this secrets. He had once created a device that was capable of artificially evolving a human along side a new power source which would be coming from pure science. The source that could power the world's greatest mech suit, which can defeat an enemy's will to fight with just one's aura.He had created an even greater source and it radiated it surroundings with great distinctive atmosphere.

He had created a machine to integrate this source into a mere human but though,the last time he had gone on with this project ,the person he used melted horribly to crisps as not being able to maintain the great height of this ability,but he had made more changes over the past years,not giving up totally on his child-like fantasies after the previous death and now, he had made another source in the form of a micro machine that could be put into the body of the young boy .It was so obvious that this could make all of them quite anticipated for the result,while still holding in a bit of second thoughts because of the dangers involved in this.

Their name would be known world wide if they could bring this kind of thing to mankind's table.

Although,the machine's source would not be as powerful as the one initially intended by the man as that one was just to powerfull for beings to hold in,this remake only give a fraction of the original out but this was quite enough to set a new standard for elites.

-a machine that could cultivate mana?

'Being just a regular human has gone out of trend uh?!'

In spite of the risk involved in this,the fear of the danger something like this might cause did not even for once cross Tommy's mind as all of his emotions right now was being engulfed in his anxiety.

He followed his dad furthermore into the laboratory putting on the necessary gears and entering into a standing tubelike structure located at the center of the main part of the lab.

His dad's friends, being elites , were also in there, along with his sister all talking together within themselves

"Is this actually possible''

'Yes... he crazy ,so he might actually do it'

Leo could hear their not-so-quiet whispers quite well and he could not help but feel quite uneasy all of a sudden,but just when he was trying to get over his anxiety,then another familiar figure came into his sight.

It was his younger sister!

She flew across the room,hovering on a small steam powered device like she always does ,approaching her brother with the sinister smirk always burnt into her face.

Even though it was only about two feets ,she still she flew everywhere she went with light smoke emitting from the device under her limbs.

"It was called flexing'.

He had thought her everything she knew now but unlike him she had risen to the peak in her place.Currently,she had been able to win many elite related prizes and even earning trophies almost competing with his father's precious golden collections.

'Was there an hidden reason father had chosen him and not any other of his siblings despite knowing how dangerous the process is!'.He could only wonder in his head.

Of course,as being the first time something like this was being tested,another subject was supposed to be used instead of a real human,so why though!.....

The girl reached her brother and the two gave each other intent childish gazes until the boy finally gave in.

-Pftt...I have no time for this

He had to be the manly one in this case right!

But then she spoke rather calmly, after feeling great satisfaction at her brothers defeat.

"I hope you make it bro''

"A-awn.....awn..?!.He want to make a sound to show how quite pleased he felt until he now finally understood her twisted words.

'I am not dying yet you idiot!'.he waved his hand futilely to give her a smack but he was already in the gears which had already strapped him tight to the tube."

"Well,... i could deal with that later",he whispered to himself before then sealing his eyes shut at the next voice's speech.

"Alright Eva begin the procedures".Once again, the mood was dissolved as his father spoke with a somber look at the distant,making the girl to retreat to were she was stood before.

Eva was their home control system but even till now,hearing her speak still brings up questions within him.

Finally,a machine like voice resounded in the room making tinkering sounds and beeps before finally giving an answer ,then tightening the straps even more on the boy.

System approved--

--Ready for subject's amplification.....

Welcome user Tommy.Eva spoke.

"Huh,I guess I am really doing this" .The thought of it could not just feel real to him.

He took a quick gaze at his mother with his fathers arms all wrapped around her before hearing the last words of the machine













[Meteor shower has begun,everyone take your...]


It was just then,with an interval of just seconds,while the whole world was still stunned by a bizarre sight of strange meteor shower,they all suddenly heard a deafening sound that instantly wasted away billions of lives,but that was not all.....

Similar sounds of that nature continued to blast the ears of the whole world and it took just 10 seconds for everywhere to be in crisis.

The destruction caused by these sounds that came from an unknown source quickly carved out new artificial disfigured continents,adding to the seven that the earth had before,while the massive death counts towered up enough to be seen as earth's predicted end.

It was neither sunny nor rainy but at this time if any of these had happened,another theory would immediately push out any bit of logical reasoning.

-However,now...at this point....

Almost all beings that existed on the blue jewel we call earth,had left the path towards humanity.

Hi guys pls this is my official first novel so pls vote to support me peeps.....

To be honest I really enjoyed writing this chapter so carry on into my world

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