
Who did this to you

The next morning I woke up with a spinning headache, the mark of palm showed on my face from the slap Lucas gave me last night.

I covered it up with makeup, I wore a long hand dress to cover the scar on my wrist from the way he tied my hands with the bra and my scars on my back were already covered by my clothes. I went to the dinning and everyone was already there. The way I walked in was as if everyone was looking at me. I sat and we started eating. I tried to ignore all the gaze on me and I also avoid eye contact. I just focused on my food.

" I'm full" Celine said

" You should eat more so you'll be healthy" Charlie said putting more food in her plate

" About yesterday, I was thinking if Lucas doesn't like Luna then I think Davis likes Luna" Julie said

" No, Davis doesn't like her" Rose said

" Calm down mum" Travis said

" Please Aunt Julie, I'll prefer if you could stop match making me" I said

" I just think you should get married to one of the guys" Julie said

" Julie, stop pressuring her" Mary said

" She can get married to Rex" Celine said

" Yh, invite Rex over Charlie" Claire said

" Don't you all get it, I don't wanna get married" I yelled standing up and I left

" How rude" Rose said

" I'll check on her" Audrey said going after me.

I was going to my room when Charlie appeared in my front of me.

" How did you get here" I asked

" Does that matter?" He asked

" No, it doesn't" I said walking away and he held my wrist

" Let go of me" I said trying to break free

" Is this how you want us to be" he said

" Charlie let me go, it's hurting me" I said and he let go of my wrist but he hand my hand dragged my sleeve up a bit and he saw the injury.

" What happened to you" he asked

" Nothing" I said releasing my hand from his grip.

" What happened to you there?" He asked pinning me to the wall

" Charlie, let go of me" I said avoiding eye contact

" Why can't look at me" he said

" I'm ashamed to look at some one as shameless as you" I said

" Who did these to you?" He asked

" I did it to myself" I lied still not looking at him

" You slapped yourself as well" he said holding my chin up so I could face him

" Stop lying, who did these to you" he asked

" Why do you care, I went with my own two legs to meet Lucas so stay out of it" I said

" Lucas did this to you" he said

" Charlie stay out of it" I said

" Why?" He asked looking me in the eye.

" Because it's not your business and.....

I was saying before he pinned his lips to mine and I bit his lip.

" Stop this madness" I said using the opportunity to break free from his grip

" I'm sorry, I just got carried away" he said

" Well, you have to stop because you're getting married soon and I don't want to interfere in your marriage" I said

" You already did, by planning the wedding. Trust me I'll not make the preparation a peaceful one for you. I'm going to break off this marriage" he said leaving

" Oh, this guy is definitely mad" I said going to my room.

After everyone left the dinning, Charlie paid a visit to Lucas at the bar.

" You're here already, I was expecting you since" Lucas said as Charlie entered

" How dare you hurt her?" Charlie said storming to meet Lucas

" Don't lecture me on that, we're the same" Lucas say and Charlie threw a punch across his face.

" Why are you getting angry, is it because I'm telling you how bad you are or what" he said

" Just shut it" Charlie said

" You know what I'm mistaken,we aren't the same. You're worse than me" Lucas said and Charlie threw him another punch but this time Lucas retaliated and threw a punch at Charlie as well

" She trusted you and you hurt her" Charlie said

" I only caused physical pains that will heal up but you hurt her emotionally, do you think that will heal up" Lucas said

I don't care about what you're saying, give me a good reason why you had to touch her" Charlie said punching him and Lucas punched him back

" I was filled with vengeance that I couldn't see how much she cared for me. How much pain she's going through" Lucas said

" I saw the pain in her eyes but she forced herself not to sure it" Lucas added

" I also hurt her a lot and I can't bear to lose her" Charlie said as they both sat down to drink