
Which one of them do you like

" Your punch was really hard" Charlie said

" Sorry about that" Lucas said.

" I'm sorry for hitting you, I was just so angry when I saw the mark on her" he said

" You were just looking for someone to vent your anger on" Lucas said

" Maybe, what are we going to do?" Charlie asked

" We have to find out Aunt plan, we have to expose her" Lucas said giving Charlie my phone

" This is Luna's phone" he said

" I found it in the woods" Lucas said playing the audio I recorded from Rose, Claire and Celine conversation.

" She was right about Celine" he said

" You slept with Celine" Lucas said

" Um.. it's a long story." Charlie said and Lucas shocked his head

" You can never mend your ways" Lucas said

I looked outside the window and saw James, Charlie's dad in the golf field. I changed and went to join him

" Mind if I join?" I asked

" You play golf?" He asked

" I was once a champion in it" I said

" I was always a champion and I am still one" he said and we both laughed.

" Let see if you still have it in you" he said tossing me the golf stick

" You know when I was young, my dad usually take me to play golf and since then I loved it" I said hitting the ball inside the hole

" I also use to take my sons but none of them enjoyed it except Amanda and Charlie but after Amanda passed away Charlie stopped playing golf" he said

" Then my mum use to tell my dad that golf are for the rich, that why will he waste his money just to take me to play golf" I said

" And?" He asked

" My dad will tell her that as far as we're playing golf with the rich, it also means we're rich" I said and we both laughed

" I haven't laughed for such a long time especially after Amanda died, you remind me of her" he said

" You can consider me as your daughter and anytime you're playing golf alone, just give me a call and I'll be right there" I said smiling and he smiled back

" Can I ask you something?" He asked

" Of course" I said

" Which one of my sons do you like" he asked and I paused for a minute.

" All of them, they're all nice guys. I'm sure they'll find good wives" I said

" You're smart, you turned the question around" He said and I smiled

" Let me rephrase that question, which one of the Banks are you interested in" he asked

" You," I said

" Huh?"

" I mean I'm interested in knowing you better, because you make me feel safe and happy around you just like my dad use to" I said

" I'm serious" he said putting on a straight face

" I have to go, I have a lot to do. I'm preparing for three weddings, I don't want your wedding to be a mess"I said and his mood changed

" You know it's not compulsory to do what others say to make them happy, sometimes you have to let go of others problem and do what makes you happy" I said and he turned to me

" I think you will make use of that advice better" he said

" I'll try, I have to go" I said jogging off.

I met with the event planner and the interior decorator,we had a little chit chat and discussed the plan and the budget.

I followed Charlie to the store to get the wedding and engagement dresses.

" How do I look?" He asked wearing a purple suit

" Bad" I said and he went to change but nothing was looking up to my taste. Though they fit him but he just doesn't look like a groom.

" Try the Navy blue" I said and he did

" That's better" I said adjusting the suit on his body

" And this?" He asked holding me by my waist and dragging me closer to him

" Charlie, stop this" I said

" Let's get the wedding gown" he said letting go off me. They brought series of dress and Charlie insisted I tried it on since Celine wasn't around. We left and went to get the rings.

" Here, bring your finger" he said sliding a diamond ring on my finger

" What's this?" I asked removing it

" Pack that one for my bride" he said to the store keeper

" Why?" I asked

" Because there is only small difference in yours and Celine finger

We left there and got the cake and flower, then we went back home and saw everyone gathered in the pool. It was as if a evening pool party was going on.