
I want to get the hell out of here

I left the house and went to a bar. I was there drinking from morning till evening when Rex arrived.

" Luna, what are you doing here" Rex asked

" Drinking" I said still drinking

" I think you've had enough" he said collecting the bottle from my hand.

" Let me have one more" I said

" You're drunk" he said

" I want to get high till higher" I said

" Let's take you back, everyone is looking for you" he said

" No, I'm not going back" I said

" But why?" He asked

" I... I don't want them to see me like this" I said

" Why are you drunk in the first place" he asked

" Um... I walked in here and decided to drink" I said

" Where will you go?" He asked

" I booked a room here" I said

" This place isn't decent, it's not meant for someone like you" he said

" But it's meant for someone like Charlie" I thought

" How did you find me here" I asked

" I was looking for Charlie" he said

" Charlie is here?" I asked

" He told me to meet him here" he said

" Just imagine, everyone is looking for me he wants to have fun" I thought

" Alright, I'll go to my room now" I said staggering

" I'll help you," he said placing his hand on my waist to support me as we walked.

" Can you help me do my zipper" I asked as we entered the room

" Um... Sure, I'll do it quick and leave" he said helping me out

" I'll leave now" he said

" Wait" I said dragging him back and he lost balance and he fell on me on the bed

" Are you alright" he said about standing up and the door barged open.

" You scoundrel" Charlie said punching him off of me

" Taking advantage of a drunk lady" he added

" No, it's not that" Rex said as Charlie stood me up and found my zipper opened. "Then it's what"Charlie asked doing my zipper back.

" You're misunderstanding" he said

" We'll talk later Rex, good night" Charlie said dragging me along with him

" Let go of me" I said breaking free as we got out of the club.

" What is wrong with you?" He asked

" Me?, I should be asking you that. What is wrong with you that you're pretending like you care" I said

" You're drunk and you don't know what you're saying" he said

" I know what I'm saying,I know you had sex with Celine last night"I said

" I did it for a reason" he said

" A reason?" I said laughing sarcastically

" I wanted to check her hand for the injury" he said

" And you can't just grab her hand and check or peep at her hand. Your excuse is baseless. And your conclusion is she's not the one that tried to kill me. Just because you have interest in her you will support her" I said

" What are you talking about?" He asked

" I'm not dumb, you can fool me. I would have been pleased sleeping with Rex, he's a better guy than you" I said

" And what if I has sex with Celine, what happened then. And what if you have sex with Rex, what will happen. Why are you querying me?, you said it yourself that it's not right so what do you want!" He yelled

" I want... I want to get the hell out of here, I want to go away from her and I want you to never come near me, just let me be" I said crying before walking out and I staggered and fell and I was still crying, it even became worse.

He sighed before walking up to me and he stretched out to me

" Let's go" he said and I looked at him and stood up myself and staggered away from him and I almost fell again but he caught me.

" Let go of me" I said

" You'll fall and hurt yourself If I do so" he said

" Then let me fall and hurt myself, at least I'll be far away from you" I said

" You're so stubborn" he said carrying me on in his arm bridal style.

" Let me go," I said struggling but he just placed me in the car and lock the door

" Seriously, child's lock" I said

" I have no choice you're behaving like one" he said before starting the car

I rested my head on the window as tears flowed down my cheeks and I slept off.

Charlie looked at me and he had the urge, to just hold me in his arms and kiss me till I'm on fire.

I woke up and noticed that I didn't know this road

" Where are we going?" I asked

" I don't want any of the family to see you in this state" he said driving down the highway.

" Where are we going?" I asked again

" I know a place, we'll stay there for the night" he said

" I'm not staying you" I said

" You have no choice" he said

" What else will you do, tie my hands and legs or cover my mouth" I said

" I'm not kidnapping you" he said focusing on the road

" I should have just stayed at home" I said banging my head on the window

" If you knock yourself out it will give me less stress" he said and I stopped

We finally got there, and he walked me in. The place was fine but it was like a room, it's obvious it was for one person.

" How do you like it?" He asked taking off his clothes