
Weird Topper's Transmigration (Wait! Where's the plot lines???!)

Seui believed himself to be an extremely normal person .So he tried to maintain his life normal ( and inexplicably boring) as possible . Therefore although he was the topper in his class , had quite a background and could be said to have looks , he was not a shining existence. Rather, he was mediocre, neither eye-catching nor invisible . Until one day , he found himself transmigrated. Despite the worry , he was rather excited, and he waited obediently for his system to arrive while trying to calm down himself. Fifteen minutes : Why is the system not here yet ? One hour: It seems a bit late ah! Could it be because of the network traffic ?? Two hours: This system seems quite inefficient. Could it be low quality goods?? One day: What's wrong with this broken system ah? Why is it not arriving yet??? Four days: Wtf! , why is it not yet here ? Could it be that I have no system???!! Then what about the so called plot lines and golden fingers ?? False advertising ahh!!! I demand a refund !!

Gline_Shaou · LGBT+
114 Chs

.Are they my in-laws?

Rae and Eir peered tactically at each other with identical agitated faces. They have been strolling around considerately to leave some personal space for Sol and Yew, but gradually the morning became noon and noon faded into afternoon. However, those two showed no signs of stopping and were engrossed in their talk without a care for the world. So the two 'considerate' people had run of topics and were left standing next to the entrance with stiff legs, appearing awkward. When did the honorable young master Rae have to suffer this much before!

Yew gaped speechlessly after listening to Seui. " SERIOUSLY? YOU'RE MARRIED?!!! Nah... it's okay, it's okay to be married, but why did it have to GINN HEILONG??? ahh.. WHY?!!!" Yew grabbed his head with greasy hands, unknowingly wiping most of them in his own hair. Seui looked at him with dull eyes " weren't you listening? I..was..forced " Seui muttered word by word through gritted teeth.

As if suddenly realizing something, Yew suddenly raised his head sharply "it's fishy, we clearly broke off the engagement. And why such a hurry? Yinchen family would never agree to this unless there's something for them in this. You should be careful, this is probably a scheme!"

Just as Seui was about to say something, a few people walked past them chattering noisily " hey, did you see the handsome young man standing at the entrance? he and the other person has been there for a long time. Do you think I could get his number?" a girl's coquettish voice sounded. " why don't you try, no man would look away from a beautiful girl " the other answered in a low voice.

Yew followed their line of sight and happened to see Rae and Eir standing there pitifully. " Actually I've wanted to ask before, who's this guy called Rae? Is he some famous dude?" Seui asked remembering that he answered Yew's phone and even pulled a chair for Yew to sit down. The two of them probably had an unusual relationship!

"Him? To be honest, he's my newly married husband Rae Qingshui, the sole heir of the Qingshui family which is one of the six most powerful clans in the capital. When I entered this body, my soul aligned with this body causing a rampage of power and I lost control of my soul shard. It accidentally got combined with his, and then here is a freshly baked husband " Yew said helplessly looking at Rae.

"So you've made all that fuss earlier when you yourself are married?" Seui widened his eyes with disbelief. " that's not the same thing at all? Although it was an accident, Rae had a crush on me for a long time, so this marriage is a blessing in disguise for him! But look at you, you're basically being sold off to a trap called marriage! Your future is totally dark!! So how can they be compared?" Yew explained blinking furiously. " hang on.. didn't you say you had abilities? So what about your soul shard? you didn't give that to Ginn, did you?" Yew asked in a fluster, all of sudden.

Seui waved his hand dismissively "no way, I've never told anybody about my powers except you " after a moment he added thoughtfully " but I've never felt my soul shard after trying for so long, I wonder if I don't have one?". Hearing this, Yew who had been relieved a moment ago lost his cool again. D*mn! He should have known better than to trust this noob! " that, has there been any kind of marks on either of your palms?" He asked Seui restlessly. Looking at his smooth and clean palm with slender fingers attached to it, Seui shook his head decisively " None". Yew breathed a sigh of relief " maybe it got destroyed somehow, or maybe you really don't have one, to begin with. I'll search about this, anyway we can't expect you to be normal right?"

Rae, who had been waiting outside till now, finally had his expression cracked when a few girls approached him and enthusiastically asked for his number. With a grimace, he spat out " I'm married" before decisively walking up to Yew. Seeing him coming toward them, Seui muttered in a low voice " your husband is coming over. Let's end this for today. Ah yes, I'm going to move to the Heilong family mansion temporarily. Is there anything you want to specially pack up?"

" All my valuables are my diary and the necklace my mother gave me which you're currently wearing. You can take the diary for yourself, it's no longer needed for me and maybe it can help you adapt?" Yew shrugged. Seui slowly touched the necklace which had a transparent, teardrop-shaped pendant. It has been there since he transmigrated and he hadn't bothered to change it. Who would've thought it had this much of a significance!

Seui slowly stood up from the seat and turned toward Rae who came toward them. He nodded to him perfunctorily " it had been nice meeting you" at least he hadn't disturbed their discussions too much! He waved toward Yew " inform me if there're important things. We'll meet each other again " before giving a slight smile and walking away with Eir.

Yew stared dumbfounded at the receding figure. ' what's with that smile? you shouldn't try to seduce him, he's a married man alright!... now that he thinks about it, he didn't feel weird talking with his own body for so long! Is it because of that guy's expressionless demeanor and his cute eyes that were totally different? It feels like a total stranger with an odd closeness!!' Yew shook his head helplessly before walking to Rae. Rae peered close to Yew and asked in wonder " ..your friend is from the special force? he looks so mysterious!" Yew twitched his mouth. Good thing Seui left, otherwise his face would be lost! How come this guy becomes a fool when he's with him? love does reduce IQ indeed!!


Seui was back in the apartment and was packing his things in a small backpack. He just packed some personal things like underwear and a few normal clothes. He had a vague suspicion that such things as 'normal clothes' would be hard to find there! He was just about to stuff a pair of briefs into the backpack when he suddenly shuddered. ' wait.. those weren't his briefs after all! even though they were worn on the same body, he still felt a bit of indecency thinking about that!' he quickly unloaded those and rummaged the 'disfigured' wardrobe looking for new ones and barely succeeded in finding a new pack that wasn't opened. Next, he found the so-called diary after searching for a long time, where it was used to balance the dining table by the original owner; Yew.

After finishing the packing, Seui was about to give a call to Ginn, to have Ginn pick him up. He scrolled down all of his contacts and finally realized that he didn't have Ginn's number. 'So was Ginn purposely saying that to test him? or was Ginn messing with him?' Either way, he wasn't going to back down! If he couldn't handle even this, then what's his brain for?!. Seui took his marriage registration number from his ID and accessed the archive of the civil affairs bureau. Within five minutes he got a complete copy of spousal information on his device including Ginn Heilong's birthday, blood type, mobile number and so on. Triumphantly, he called Ginn's number " it's Sol, I've finished packing. You can pick me up at my home"

Seui was neither too polite nor too rude and he didn't specially mention his address. Because he knew very well that Ginn wouldn't need it. He must've done a complete background check before deciding on him as his target! After knowing that he was pitted by both Yinchen's and Heilong's sides, he only felt indifferent. It is expected that things would turn out this way. All the powerful people's power is gathered through squeezing those who are unable to oppose. That way, if you're preyed on, then that's your own fault. Fault of not being strong enough, fault of being unable to oppose. Seui had learned all those lessons at a young, age and he was grateful for it. Because otherwise, he would have to learn those lessons in a much more painful way.

He slowly went downstairs while waiting for Ginn. He had already said his goodbyes to Eir when they were coming back.

After about ten minutes has passed, a luxurious dark reddish-purple color car stopped in front of him. The shutter next to him lowered and Ginn peered out from it " Get in! I choose a low-profile car since I'm coming to the downtown area, you're not angry right?" Speechless, Seui got into the passenger seat. The moment he sat, the seat belts automatically tightened and his small backpack was already in the compartment. Although his hands were itching to inspect inside the car, he still pretended like it was nothing new and sat calmly with a neutral look.

Ginn glanced offhandedly at the compartment "are all of your private items there?". Uninterested, Seui nodded "important ones, yeah" and continued looking ahead with dull eyes.

Ginn sensed that Sol's attitude was even more perfunctory than in the morning. He felt that he was likely to be ignored if he continued talking any further, so he quickly started the car and entered the relevant lane.

Seui's gaze was fixed on the road, but none of the things he saw registered in his mind. Right now he was seriously contemplating whether he had acted suspiciously in front of Ginn. First, he had married him when their engagement had already been broken, second he had failed to recognize him when they were next to each other all the time, and third he had agreed to call when Ginn probably knew he didn't have the number !! Those things were nothing when taken individually, but what if Ginn's a smart*ss and puts those small details together!! He'll be exposed in no time like that! So he needs to be mindful of his actions in the future!

Heavily in thought, Seui's eyelids slowly became heavy and he finally drifted into sleep. After some time, Ginn turned to look at him and noticed that he had fallen asleep who knows when! Seeing his overly pale face, Ginn thought that he might be uncomfortable due to his sleeping posture and thoughtfully adjusted the mode to 'automatic mode'. Soon the seat adjusted itself to an angle suitable for napping. Thinking that it should be fine now, Ginn concentrated on driving.

Without warning, a minicar suddenly sped up and overtook their car from the wrong direction, almost scraping the car. Ginn hastily jerked the steering wheel to the side to avoid collision and turned to check on Sol, before realizing something was wrong. Sol's forehead was wet with sweat and his usually expressionless face had a deep frown on it at this moment. He took short and broken breaths like there was something in his throat. Ginn hurriedly shook Sol to wake him up.

Seui slowly opened his eyes while exhaling through his mouth. His eyes were dazed and his vision was a little blurred while he felt a familiar stifling in his throat and chest. He couldn't manage a single sound so he blindly scrabbled around in the compartment looking for his backpack. Aware of this, Ginn quickly took his backpack and handed it to him. Relieved, Seui promptly grabbed his medication and swallowed two pills without even wasting time for any water.

As he was slowly recovering, Seui noticed his surroundings and instantly knew what might've happened. Before when he was a student, he used to read lots of books while traveling to and fro which later developed into slight motion sickness. However, later it became somewhat severe and he constantly had motion sickness even when he was not reading. It seems that his old conditions had resurfaced and to top that all, the symptoms from the poisoning also worsened. It seems that the symptoms won't appear only when he overused his power! Things are getting more and more troublesome!

"Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Ginn asked looking at his bloodless face. "No need, it's just slight motion sickness. I'm okay now" Seui replied blandly. Ginn sensed his unwillingness and didn't insist any longer "Alright, hold on a bit longer. We'll arrive soon"

Very quickly they arrived at the Heilong mansion. There was a huge and spectacular fountain in the middle, with two marble staircases on either side of it. Those staircases lead upward and merged together at the grand main door of the mansion. Since it was already beginning to get dark, there was a faint golden glow all over the mansion. Ginn got off the vehicle and lead Seui inside while leaving the car for guards to handle.

Seui followed behind Ginn and entered a spacious corridor. After changing his shoes there, he came into a large living room that had a rather warm atmosphere. Sitting there was a middle-aged couple, the man drinking tea while the woman quickly got up to welcome them. Seui instantly recognized them, as Yew had already explained to him the main figures in the Heilong family with relevant photos earlier. The crash course was already proving itself useful! So this is probably the current marshal: Leos Heilong and his wife: Genevieve Ziu, Ginn's parents, and his in-laws!!!

In case that anybody is confused: from now on our protagonist will be called Seui in his perspective, while he will be called Sol in other’s perspective.

The original owner shall be called Yew from now on!

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