
Wei Lost Emperor

Amid a war-torn kingdom plagued by treachery and darkness, Zhang Wei needs to unravel a hidden legacy that could change the fate of an empire from the secrets of a forbidden love affair to the depths of betrayal through a journey of the web of intrigue and danger. With every step closer to his destiny, Zhang Wei discovers the shocking truth behind his mother's execution and the conspiracies surrounding him. As he rises through the ranks, forging alliances and gathering strength, he becomes a formidable force that threatens the very foundations, especially those who seek to keep the truth buried. Will Zhang Wei's quest for justice lead to redemption and the restoration of an empire long lost, or will the shadows that lurk in the darkness consume him before he can claim his rightful throne? (R18) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: A chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · 東方
387 Chs

The Dawn of Uncertainty

Morning light filtered through the palace windows, casting a gentle glow over the grounds. General Li Feng and Captain Xue were already up, their minds heavy with the events of the previous night. They had yet to see Zhang Wei since he stormed out of Harmony Blossom. Concern gnawed at them as they made their way to the barracks where Zhang Wei was supposed to have spent the night.

"Lieutenant Wang, Sergeant Chen, have either of you seen Zhang Wei this morning?" General Li Feng asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Both men shook their heads.

"No, General," Lieutenant Wang replied. "We haven't seen him since yesterday evening."

"This isn't good. We need to find him. He could be in trouble," Captain Xue frowned, the lines on his face deepening.

The four soldiers of rank—the General, Captain Xue, Lieutenant Wang, and Sergeant Chen—began a discreet search of the area. They scoured the spot where Zhang Wei was supposed to sleep, but it looked untouched. It was as if Zhang Wei had vanished into thin air.

"We can't let this news spread," General Li Feng said, his tone decisive. "If the men find out that Zhang Wei is missing, it could disrupt morale. We'll keep this information among ourselves."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their faces grim. The absence of Zhang Wei, their key figure and beacon of hope, cast a shadow over their hearts. Just as despair began to settle in, a glimmer of hope appeared.

General Li Feng entered his office to find an unfamiliar note on his desk. He picked it up, his hands trembling slightly as he opened it. The handwriting was unmistakable—Zhang Wei's.

"General Li Feng. I have left the palace. I need time to find answers to the questions that have been tormenting me. Last night's revelations have shaken me to my core, and I must come to terms with my past before I can lead us into the future. Please cover my absence. This is my plea to you and the others. My departure might seem childish, but I assure you, I must return stronger and more resolved. I will be back when the time is right. Trust in me. Zhang Wei"

General Li Feng let out a sigh of relief, but it was mixed with frustration and concern.

"That stubborn boy," he muttered. "Always running headfirst into things."

Captain Xue, who had followed him into the office, read the note over his shoulder. "At least we know he's safe. But what do we do now?"

"We follow his wishes," General Li Feng said after a moment of thought. "We keep this to ourselves and maintain the facade that everything is normal. The plan must go on, with or without him, until he returns."

They gathered Lieutenant Wang and Sergeant Chen, informing them of the note and Zhang Wei's decision. The four men shared a look of mutual understanding and silent agreement. They would uphold their roles and keep the truth hidden from the rest of the troops.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting longer shadows across the palace grounds, the soldiers continued with their duties, their hearts heavy but their resolve unbroken. The weight of their responsibility had grown heavier with Zhang Wei's absence, but they would carry it, just as they knew he would expect them to.

In a quiet corner of the palace, General Li Feng glanced out the window, hoping that wherever Zhang Wei was, he was finding the answers he sought.

"Come back soon, Zhang Wei," he whispered. "We need you."

The day wore on, the palace bustling with activity, unaware of the storm brewing in the hearts of a few key soldiers. They would wait, and they would prepare, holding onto the hope that Zhang Wei would return in time to lead them to victory.

Morning light seeped through the thin curtains of the small room Zhang Wei had been given at Whisper Delight, casting a gentle glow over the modest furnishings. He had spent the night in solitude, his mind a tumultuous sea of thoughts and emotions. Wrapped in a cloak that obscured his features, he had sought refuge in this place of shadows and whispers, far from the palace and the heavy revelations of the previous night.

After slipping out of the palace under the cover of darkness, Zhang Wei made his way to Whisper Delight, knowing it was one of the few places where he could find some semblance of peace and anonymity. The back door of the pleasure house had been his entry point, and the guard there had recognized him immediately, nodding and allowing him in without question. Word was quickly sent to the person in charge, and though Mei Lin, the owner, was unavailable, Xiu, another trusted confidante, had stepped in to help.

"Zhang Wei," Xiu had greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes filled with understanding. "Come in. You must be exhausted."

She had led him through the dimly lit corridors of Whisper Delight to a small, empty room.

"You can rest here for the night. No one will disturb you," she had assured him, leaving him with a candle and a thick blanket.

Now, as morning arrived, Zhang Wei lay awake, staring at the ceiling. The events of the previous night played over and over in his mind. The revelation of his true parentage, the implications it carried, and the heavy responsibility that now rested on his shoulders all swirled together in a chaotic mix. He felt both a sense of destiny and a crushing weight, knowing that his actions from here on would shape the future of the empire.

A soft knock on the door broke his reverie.

"Come in," Zhang Wei called out, sitting up.

Xiu entered, carrying a tray with a simple breakfast of rice porridge and tea.

"I thought you might be hungry," she said, setting the tray down on a small table by the bed. "You didn't eat much last night."

"Thank you, Xiu," Zhang Wei replied, giving her a grateful smile. "I appreciate your kindness."

"You look troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" Xiu sat down across from him, her expression one of gentle concern.

"It's something I need to figure out on my own. But your support means a lot to me," Zhang Wei shook his head, taking a sip of the tea.

"If you need anything, just let me know. This place might not offer much, but it's a sanctuary for those who seek it," Xiu nodded, understanding the weight of his words.

As she left the room, Zhang Wei took a deep breath, trying to centre himself. He knew he couldn't stay hidden forever. There were plans to be made, and actions to be taken. But for now, he needed this moment of solitude to process everything.

Hours passed as Zhang Wei remained in the room, meditating on his next steps. He thought of General Li Feng and Captain Xue, undoubtedly searching for him, their loyalty unwavering. He thought of Lady Xin Yan and Princess Xiyang Ai, and the immense trust they had placed in him. And he thought of his mother, Li Mei, and the legacy she had left him—a legacy that now included a claim to the throne.

By midday, Zhang Wei knew he couldn't delay any longer. He had to face his destiny, but he would do so on his terms. He would return to the palace, but not before he was ready. He had to solidify his resolve, strengthen his spirit, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Donning his cloak once more, Zhang Wei stepped out of the room and into the hallways of Whisper Delight. He found Xiu near the main entrance, speaking with a few other workers. When she saw him, she walked over.

"Are you leaving already?" Xiu asked a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I have to," Zhang Wei replied. "But I'll be back. There's much to be done, and I can't do it from here."

Xiu nodded, understanding his resolve. "Take care, Zhang Wei. And remember, you always have a place here."

With a final nod, Zhang Wei slipped out of Whisper Delight, merging into the bustling streets of the capital. His path was uncertain, but his purpose was clear. He would find the answers he sought and return stronger than ever, ready to lead the rebellion and claim his rightful place.

As he walked through the city, his thoughts turned to the palace, the seat of power that had once seemed so distant. Now, it was within his grasp. He would return, not as a soldier or a rebel, but as a rightful heir with a destiny to fulfil.

As Zhang Wei navigated the crowded streets, he pulled the cloak tighter around himself, blending into the throngs of people going about their daily lives. The weight of his newfound knowledge settled in his chest, but it also fueled his determination. Each step he took was a step towards reclaiming what was rightfully his, not just for himself, but for the people who had suffered under a corrupt regime.

He would return to the palace, stronger and more resolute than ever, ready to unite his allies and lead the charge to bring justice and change to the empire. For now, he walked alone, but with the knowledge that he was not truly alone—he carried the hopes and dreams of a future yet to be written.