
Harvest of Resilience 

The rhythmic routine of farm life brought about a transformative period for Zhang Wei, healing the wounds inflicted by the traumas of war. Each sunrise marked a fresh beginning, a chance for growth and renewal that the farm offered in abundance. The fields, once strangers to Zhang Wei, became familiar companions, and the tasks he undertook became a meditation, grounding him in the present.

As Zhang Wei toiled under the sun, a therapeutic rhythm settled within him. The physical demands of farm work provided an outlet for the restless energy that had lingered since the suicide mission. With each ploughed row, he felt the weight of sorrow slowly lifting, replaced by the sense of purpose that emanated from cultivating life from the earth.

The natural ebb and flow of farm life immersed Zhang Wei in a cycle of creation and sustenance. The act of planting a seed and witnessing its growth mirrored the transformative journey he was undertaking within himself. He marvelled at the resilience of nature, drawing parallels between the farm's bounty and the resilience of the human spirit.

The camaraderie among the farm's inhabitants, including Old Master Liu and their fellow workers, created a sense of belonging that had been absent in Zhang Wei's life for too long. Conversations flowed freely, laughter became a regular companion, and the shared meals under the starlit sky forged bonds that transcended the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship.

Though the memories of Hong Yi lingered like a gentle breeze, Zhang Wei found solace in the daily routine. The farm provided a sanctuary where the echoes of war could be replaced by the rustle of leaves and the soft hum of farm life. In honouring Hong Yi's memory, Zhang Wei discovered a newfound purpose—a commitment to live fully, cherish the simple moments, and build a legacy of resilience.

Evenings on the farm offered moments of quiet reflection. Zhang Wei, beneath the canvas of stars, felt a connection to something greater than himself. The twinkling constellations became a celestial reminder of the enduring spirits that transcended the boundaries of mortality.

With the passing of seasons, Zhang Wei's spirit blossomed alongside the crops he nurtured. The farm became more than a source of sustenance; it became a sanctuary of healing, a testament to the resilience of the human heart, and a tribute to the enduring bonds of friendship that surpassed the boundaries of life and death.

Old Master Liu led Zhang Wei to the stable, a place he had deliberately kept the newcomer away from. The air inside was thick with the scent of hay and the musky odour of horses. The stalls were occupied by the magnificent beasts, their coats gleaming under the soft light filtering through the wooden structure.

Zhang Wei's eyes widened at the sight.

"Why haven't you brought me here before?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and excitement in his voice.

"Horses are peculiar creatures. They don't take kindly to strangers. I wanted you to settle into the routine of the farm before introducing you to them," Old Master Liu chuckled.

The old farmer explained the importance of understanding a horse's temperament, habits, and preferences. Zhang Wei listened attentively, recognizing the parallel between gaining a horse's trust and building relationships with people. Old Master Liu shared anecdotes of each horse's unique personality, quirks, and the gentle methods he had employed to win their favour.

"This one here, Shadow, is a bit wary of new faces. Been that way since he was a foal," as they approached one particularly restless horse, Old Master Liu said.

Zhang Wei nodded and approached Shadow slowly, avoiding direct eye contact and extending his hand in a non-threatening manner. He spoke in soothing tones, introducing himself to the horse. Gradually, he began running his hand along Shadow's mane, gauging the horse's reaction.

Old Master Liu observed silently, a twinkle in his eye. After a few moments, Shadow's demeanour visibly softened. Zhang Wei continued his gentle gestures, sensing the growing trust between man and horse.

"You've got a way with them, lad. Takes patience and a calm spirit. Shadow doesn't warm up to strangers easily," impressed, Old Master Liu remarked.

"It's about finding common ground, I suppose. People aren't that different from horses," Zhang Wei smiled,

From that day forward, the stable became another realm where Zhang Wei showcased not just his agricultural skills but also his ability to forge connections, even with the most sceptical creatures. The horses, once indifferent or wary, gradually accepted him as part of their daily lives. And in their mutual understanding, Zhang Wei found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

With the horses settled and content under Zhang Wei's care, the daily routine at the farm took on a harmonious rhythm. Zhang Wei, now entrusted with the task of feeding the horses, took meticulous care in ensuring they received the nourishment they needed. The stable became a place of serenity for him, a stark contrast to the tumultuous events that had shaped his recent past.

Yet, in the stillness of the night, a silent promise lingered in Zhang Wei's heart. Longwei, the faithful companion from his days as a wanderer, remained tethered to the outskirts of town. Despite the convenience of the stable, Zhang Wei couldn't bear to completely sever the connection with the horse that had been with him through thick and thin.

In the cloak of darkness, Zhang Wei would carefully set aside a portion of the horses' feed, concealing it until the opportune moment arrived. Sneaking out under the moonlit sky, he traversed the outskirts to reach Longwei's resting place. The reunion with his loyal steed was a moment of quiet companionship, a bond that transcended the confines of the stable.

However, a subtle guilt nagged at Zhang Wei. The trust bestowed upon him by Old Master Liu and Chief Zhou, the warmth of the farm, and the camaraderie with the horses were all built on the foundation of honesty. It weighed on him that he was maintaining this secret rendezvous with Longwei.

Determined to rectify his actions, Zhang Wei made a decision. The next time he went to purchase the feed for the horses, he increased the quota, paying the extra amount from his earnings. It was his way of acknowledging the deceit and ensuring that Longwei received a portion befitting his stature. The act carried a dual purpose – a gesture of gratitude to the farm that had become his haven and a silent penance for the hidden indulgence he reserved for Longwei.

As Zhang Wei navigated this delicate balance, the farm flourished under his dedicated care. The horses thrived, and the once-sceptical townsfolk marvelled at the newfound vitality of the stable. Little did they know of the intricate dance Zhang Wei performed to uphold the equilibrium between his past and present, between his loyalty to Longwei and his commitment to his newfound responsibilities.

On a moonlit night, as the world embraced the serenity of the hours, Zhang Wei undertook his usual pilgrimage to Longwei's hidden spot. The rustling leaves and the gentle breeze whispered tales of companionship that transcended words. However, this particular night carried a revelation that would sow seeds of concern in Zhang Wei's heart.

With a sense of ritual, Zhang Wei extended the familiar portion of feed towards Longwei. The loyal horse, usually swift to respond, exhibited an unexpected eagerness – an almost voracious appetite that caught Zhang Wei off guard. Despite providing the same amount as the other horses in the stable, Longwei's hunger remained insatiable.

Zhang Wei furrowed his brow, a mix of concern and curiosity etched on his face.

"What's going on, Longwei? You're usually not this hungry," he mumbled, patting the horse's mane in an attempt to soothe its restlessness.

As if expecting a response, Zhang Wei continued.

"We've been through so much together. Is something bothering you?" He gazed into Longwei's eyes, hoping for a glimmer of understanding. The horse, however, remained stoic, its eyes reflecting the moonlit night but revealing none of its inner thoughts.

Zhang Wei sighed, grappling with the unusual situation.

"I've been feeding you the same as the others. Why the sudden change?" He paused, listening intently as if Longwei might reveal the reason with a nudge or a neigh. Yet, the silence persisted, leaving Zhang Wei to ponder the enigma that had unfolded.

The wind rustled through the leaves, carrying the quietness of the night.

"You've been my loyal companion, and I want to understand," Zhang Wei confessed as if Longwei could comprehend the depth of his words. He continued to stroke the horse's mane, seeking solace in their silent communion.

In that hushed moment beneath the moon's watchful gaze, Zhang Wei grappled with a realization that stirred both curiosity and concern. Longwei, a creature of habit and familiarity, had seemingly developed an unquenchable appetite that surpassed the norm. The revelation was like a flickering lantern in the darkness, offering glimpses of a puzzle yet to be solved.

Reluctantly, Zhang Wei decided to let go of his inquiry for the night. The weight of uncertainty clung to him as he retraced his steps, returning to the farmhouse before anyone could notice his prolonged absence. The incident gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, a puzzle piece that refused to fit into the narrative of the harmonious life he had found at the farm.

As Zhang Wei navigated the narrow pathways back to the farmhouse, he pondered the anomaly that had unfolded beneath the moonlit canopy. The quest to understand Longwei's unbridled hunger lingered in the corridors of his thoughts, an unsolved riddle that hinted at a deeper connection between the wanderer and his steadfast companion.