
Weeb Scientist In Another World

A young scientist named Juan dreamed of going to another world. Through the novels and stories that he read, he was inspired and wished to go to another world. Obviously, unlike the novels that he read, he can't just get hit by a truck to be reincarnated or wait for the weird voice to transport him. He's a scientist after all. For a scientist, being hit by a truck as a way to go to another world is just way too doubtful and a waiting game is no good too. That's not how scientist operates after all. So what does he do? Create his own portal to another world! While he was on the other world though, the portal suddenly got a problem and stop working. What will he do to get back? He won't! Luckily, this young scientist don't seem to want to go back in his original world. Even his assistant got scolded for encouraging him to go back. His dream after all is to go on another world. Why does he need to go back if he already achieved it? This is the start of his adventure on the other world after all. Pls give it a try and see if you like it or not. Feel free to suggest and criticize weather it's good or not.

Angry_why · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Going to the other world? Success!


Finally, my dreams of going to another world. I finally achieved it!

I spent many years of hardships, studying and researches but now.. finally... I finally DID IT!

Just remembering the hardships that I fa.. fa.. faced.. well, thats not important anymore. Cause now! I'm in a different world!

Ha! Finally!

My longest dreams of going to.. another.. world?

Wait, where am I?

Yes, I know I'm in a different world but exactly where?

I surveyed the surroundings through my eyes to see where am I, of course I wouldn't really know since I just got here but it's still important to know what type of place I'm into so I did anyway. After all, if this place is dangerous, I would need to do some countermeasures to atleast survive.

As I look into the surroundings, what I see were mostly things that is not completely different from Earth.

More like, it's just like how it is on Earth! The sky were white because of the clouds. The forest leaves were green and the Earth is brown.

And surrounding me are trees, a forest? So I'm in a forest. Kinda same as the generic transportation spot for another world protagonists. But wait! That just means that there's life in this world!

It's not like I didn't check if there was a life here before going but it's a part of me to not fully trust something that I cannot see myself. After all, this was my dream. Of course I have to be atleast ninety nine percent sure.

If there isn't any life here then of course I would have to find another one. My dream after all is to go on a different world that's like in some of the novels that I've read.

There has to be life on it or else it just a waste. For the government it might be a high class treasure but for me? That is just trash. Though I say that it has to have life, it would really be a problem if the inhabitants of this planets were all those shitty looking beings depicted in the western media.

Like seriously, who would even want live in a world were all of the beings were those wet and slimy octopus like beings. That's even worse than living in a world surrounded by giant naked dudes trying to eat you. Atleast there, you could hide or have other humans to live or die with. And the techs are awesome too.

Speaking of the novels that I've read, I will be sad that I won't be able to read them again but.. if I'm able to go to another world myself then it's worth it!

I think I could even hear some of those nerds getting jealous of my achievements of being one of the few who successfully able to go to another world.

At my back is the portal I've entered to come here. And at the back of that portal is the a big chunk of rock. A wall of rock? Something like that.

And looking at the top

It's so high!

But wait! Wheres Lin?

I got closer to the portal and tried to call my assistant Lin.

Lin is my assistant that have been helping me to makd the portal that brought me into this world. Which is now in my front.

I guess, if not for her. I wouldn't have been.. it would take me longer time to finish this portal.


I shout through the portal to call for my assistant that is still isn't in this world with me.


Why are you still not here?

I actually like to stick my face to the portal and call her on the other side but I promised that once I got into this world, I would never go back.

"Oh.. sry Kuya Juan.. I didn't know that I'm included. I thought only you would go."


kuya = big brother.

I kept it because it doesn't look good in english.)

What is this girl saying. It's obvious that she has to come.

Of course you're included too. How would would I talk to the other people in this world if you're not here.

Hopefully, there are other humans here.

Well, the chance of the same species as humans existing in this planet is high because of the fact that this planet is highly similar to Earth. We even made sure to research about this planet enough to get a result that will confirm that this planet has a high chance of sentient beings existing.

Why I checked from my own eyes is just because of me being me.

"Ohh of course of course... No wait, why do you always need me when you have to talk to other people?"


What is this assistant of mine saying?

Yes! Yes! I'm coming.. already.. wait.. wha!!? OMG, kuya Juan! We have a big problem!

She first sounded like she's going already albeit reluctant but at the end she sounded nervous and its looks like there's a big problem.

Suddenly, the portal that I'm currently looking at looks like something's wrong with it. The lights in it's surrounding suddenly turns on and off implying that there is indeed wrong with the portal.

Yes Lin I'm seeing it. But so what?

She just need to come here now. Theres no need to fix it again if that's what she's pointing at.

She just has to simply come here.

"Kuya Juan?

"Why do you sound normal kuya Juan, this is a big big problem you know?"


If the portal stop working now you may not be able to go back! And only you know how to fix this portal. And for some reason, only you even know how to operate this portal too!"

Ha? Just what are you saying Lin? Just get your ass here now.


I don't need to come back to that place.


Isn't that why.. wait a second Lin!! Why are you still in there?!



After that last thing I've said, the lights in the portal are completely gone but before the light even turned off, something came out from the portal that looks like someone throwed something in it.


The portal is gone?

OMG I'm have a big problem!

This is a big problem!

How would I even talk to other people in this world without Lin to help me?

If they suddenly appeared and talk to me, how would I even speak to them.


While I'm busy panicking, I saw something in the ground near the portal.

I've reached for that something and look at it.

What is this?

Wait.. This looks like my invention!?

But from what I remember, I didn't finish this project.

I already left this project after all.

This item that I'm looking at that looks like a scouter from Drago** ba** is one of my invention that I didn't finish.

It's supposed purpose is to help me talk to other people when I'm using it.

This thing is supposed to analyze the person I'm talking to so that I can tell what's their intention. But, for some other reason, this freaking thing can just analyze information about the things it analyses.

I even added some unique features like some automatic functions and charging energy from sunlight and heat but because of its failure to serve my original intention for it, I gave up on this scouter that has no use for me and just gave it to Lin.

On first look, it looks like a really useful device that can be used in many ways but we are already in the age where we can just look up everything on the internet!

Plus, there are already items like this existing everywhere in the world so it's pretty much useless.

If my memory serves me right, Lin borrowed this device from me as she thought that it might become useful and kept it instead of throwing it away.



Ohh! You're a genius Lin!

Lin might have fixed this scouter!

Even i know that Lin is a useful assistant.

Thank you Lin, you are a really heaven sent Lin! Now I would be okay even if you didn't join me!

This thing would be perfect in this world. Now I would know their intention. No one would be able to fool me now!

This is a really big thing!

While I was looking at the device I'm holding, I saw a paper that is folded and is glued to the device. I took it and read what's written on it.

There's a big...


Is what's written on the paper..


Ha! What no!?

Does that mean she didn't fix it?

Then that means that this thing still has no use?

Damn you Lin! My hopes for you have always been so high but you always, always fail me like this.

I almost would have thrown this thing away out of my anger when I suddenly thought of something.

Hmmm wait a sec. Lin wouldn't have throwm it to me if it will serve no purpose. I think I should keep it for now and give that Lin a chance.

Okay Lin, I'm still giving you a chance. But once we meet again, your gonna get spanked!



Dugudun dugudun dugudun

Somewhere not far, I heard a noise of something like some horse running.

What is that?