
Wedding Night: The Mute Wife Starts to Speak

Hu Ke was born mute, but she was good at playing the piano, chess, writing, and drawing. Her parents treated her like a princess for twenty years. Unexpectedly, their family business went downhill, and they faced bankruptcy. Hu Ke's parents couldn't take it and chose to commit suicide. On her parents' burial day, Hu Ke was drugged by her eldest brother and brought to a man's bed because the man had an extremely noble status and could help the Hu family out of their mess! After a night of sex, Hu Ke found herself pregnant with the man's baby. Her eldest brother forced her to blackmail the man into marrying her. How could the man let himself be manipulated by such a cunning woman? He wanted to exact revenge on this mute woman by letting her know about the crime she had committed. After they got married, the man made an announcement. "From today on, you are not allowed to go out. Otherwise, we'll get a divorce!" He wanted to keep her trapped in the house and deliver the child before leaving as stipulated in the contract! However, Hu Ke refused to listen to him. She went out whenever she wanted. Compared to him, she wanted the divorce more than anything. Later, the man went easy on the terms. "You can go out, but you must keep your distance from other men. Otherwise, we'll get a divorce!" Hu Ke tried to avoid other men, but they insisted on approaching her. None of them wanted to keep a distance from her. When the contract was up, Hu Ke happily prepared herself to sign the divorce papers. However, she found that the man had gone missing. When she arrived home, she found him drunk on the couch. He was even silently crying. The man looked at Hu Ke with a sad face. "Honey, I don't want a divorce."

JQK · 都市
40 Chs

Another Conflict

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

Bai Xiao suddenly felt weak as he sat in front of the table. He remembered that he had a small house like this before. At that time, his grandfather would bring him home after playing outside. His grandmother would stand at the door and welcome them with a smile.

Bai Xiao looked at the renovation style of his room and suddenly felt the huge difference. He suddenly felt that his room was just a place to sleep. The outside world was the home he dreamed of.

Bai Xiao changed into his house clothes and went downstairs. Hu Ke had already sat at the dining table and was drinking the chicken soup that Bian Fang had specially prepared for her.

There were requirements for the food arranged by the nutritionist. However, if Hu Ke wanted to eat something else, she could also eat a little. It was important for pregnant women to maintain a good mood.

Seeing that Bai Xiao was here, Hu Ke stopped drinking her soup for a moment, but she quickly continued eating.

She was pregnant with the Bai family's child now. Even if Bai Xiao was unhappy with her, he could not torture her.

These small actions did not escape Bai Xiao's eyes. He smiled secretly and sat down to eat.

Bian Fang saw that the two of them were quite harmonious, so she went to do her own thing without worry.

The two people at the dining table looked at each other in silence. It was considered harmonious.

The change happened suddenly. After eating, Hu Ke was used to cleaning up the dishes herself. It was just a small exercise after dinner.

After placing the things in the sink, she took two pieces of cake and was about to return to her room, but there was a piece of melted butter under her feet. It was left behind when she and Bian Fang made the cake, but no one noticed.

Hu Ke's slippers did not have too many anti-slip patterns. The moment she stepped on the butter, her body slid out uncontrollably.

After Bai Xiao was full, he got up and wanted to get two napkins, but he saw Hu Ke pounce on him.

Bai Xiao, who could not dodge in time, was knocked to the ground by Hu Ke, and became a perfect human cushion.

Hearing the commotion, Bian Fang hurriedly ran out to check. She was so frightened that her soul almost left her body. She hurriedly helped Hu Ke up and Bai Xiao up.

Hu Ke was also shocked, but fortunately, the child in her stomach was fine.

This time, she was careless. Just as she was about to apologize to Bai Xiao, she was stopped by the angry Bai Xiao.

"Your voice isn't good, and your brain isn't good either. Is your brain completely undeveloped? You can even fall when you walk!" Bai Xiao, who was used as a human cushion, held his waist that was hurting from the fall and flew into a rage. He didn't expect that he would suffer such a disaster just by standing up to take a napkin.

Hu Ke typed to defend herself, but her typing speed could not compare to Bai Xiao's speed. "Have you watched too many idol dramas? Do you fantasize about falling into someone else's arms a few more times to make them fall in love with you? What kind of seduction trick is this? You're a girl! Can you have more self-respect!"

Bai Xiao was so angry that he started to speak without thinking.

To think that he had previously thought that Hu Ke resembled his grandmother. Now, it seemed that he was gravely mistaken! A scheming woman like her was completely unworthy of being compared to his grandmother.

Hu Ke finally finished typing patiently. She wanted to show it to Bai Xiao, but he knocked her phone down.

Before Hu Ke could pick it up, he heard the robotic female voice begin to read the text emotionlessly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bai. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally slipped. You're not injured, right? I'm really sorry. Do you know how to speak? What do you mean by seducing people? Can you not be so narcissistic? Do you think all girls will like you? You're just a scumbag from a good family!"

The emotionless female voice echoed in the dining room. Hu Ke and Bai Xiao looked at each other awkwardly.

Bai Xiao did not expect Hu Ke to be so bold as to scold him. Hu Ke thought that perhaps she could choose to use this method when interacting with others in the future. It felt more convenient.

The atmosphere was strangely quiet. Even Bian Fang stood at the door, not knowing what to say.

Hearing the commotion, the nutritionist also ran over and tried to smooth things over. "Everyone, please be tolerant of each other. Girls can't have too many emotional fluctuations during pregnancy, or it won't be good for the fetus. Please understand that your husband is too tired from working outside all day. Let's be gentle and think about the problem from each other's perspective."